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Upgrading - What to do with old gun + billions of accessories?


State Researcher
Jan 8, 2007
Ok, my first full-sized handgun was a .40 S&W SW99. She's a great gun to say the least. I'm starting to have thoughts about an M&P, though. Ok, it's been more than just thoughts...I've held her, I've shot her, I've done everything but put her in my holster. I feel like I've been cheating on my trust SW99.

I've considered selling/trading the SW99 for an M&P, but I run into a snag. Here's the accessory list I currently have for the SW99:

- Six 12 rd mags
- One 20 rd mag
- Three Safariland ALS holsters
- One Galco leather holster

There's a LOT of money in these accessories. If I just trade in the gun, then I'm stuck with well over $200 worth of accessories that I can't use. Plus, I would have to spend at least that much on new holsters and magazines for the new gun to get back to where I was.

So how do you guys go about completely switching primary carry platforms without a huge loss? Oh, and before someone says "why not keep the SW99 and just buy another gun?". I could, but I don't see the point. I have a P3AT for pocket carry, a PPS for concealed carry, my SW99 for general carry, and my 1911 for special occasions/everyone needs a 1911. I don't feel like I need (or can afford) to have two guns in the same category right now. Redundancy is expensive.

Sonora Rebel

Regular Member
Aug 6, 2008
The new gun is .40 also? It's not costing you anything to keep it. Besides... when the Zombies come... you'll need a buddy with a gun for back-up. Same ammo type is a big plus.


Regular Member
Aug 27, 2009
Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
If you're dead set on getting rid of the gun and accessories, one word...Ebay! Not sure about the mags...I think the only restriction is you can't sell things that go "Bang" on Ebay...But, the holsters, you should be able to. If you can't sell the mags on Ebay, you may be able to get something in trade with the dealer you're buying your new gun from.


Regular Member
Feb 20, 2010
Greenville, NC, ,
There's always the alternative to selling them:

give them to me!

I'll make sure they're well kept for, fed, and cleaned on a regular basis.



Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
There's always the alternative to selling them:

give them to me!

I'll make sure they're well kept for, fed, and cleaned on a regular basis.


Or you can use a web site like Virginia Gun Trader to list the handgun and accessories for sale - either as a unit or "parted out" as individual pieces.

Or go to the next gun show near you and carry your handgun and accessories around with a sign stating what yu have and your asking price(s).

Yes, FTF sales of firearms is one of the blessings and joys of living in the Old Dominion.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2009
Ohio, USA
Instead of ebay I would advise armslist dot com. It is a completely free local classified listing. I have personally have sold 5 things from the site with great success and you wont be charged like ebay or have issues with anti-gun sites. The problem is there are a lot of anti gun people on ebay which have caused me a ton of problems selling gun accessory's . Even though I was just selling firearm accessory's my auctions where shut down by ebay. They said they where not restricted but had to close my auction due to "complaints" from users. There is gunbroker that is out there if you want to stick with a auction style selling market, I have never used them personally.
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State Researcher
Jan 8, 2007
The new gun is .40 also? It's not costing you anything to keep it. Besides... when the Zombies come... you'll need a buddy with a gun for back-up. Same ammo type is a big plus.

Ya know as stupid it sounds, I never thought about it like that. It really isn't costing me anything to keep it :). The new gun will probably be in .40, all though I kinda like the .45, too. Either way I'd have some redundancy. I remember a conversation with an M&P owner, in which he mentioned that some S&W M&P calibers shared the same frame and slide, with only a barrel and magazine being the difference. Depending on how interchangeable they are, I could theoretically get 2 or 3 calibers for the price of about 1.5 guns.

Can anyone give me the run down on this? It's something like if you buy a .40, you can get a .357 sig barrel to drop in, and maybe a 9mm, too...all though you may need a different slide for the 9mm as well.

As a side note, this new handgun will have to be some sort of DAO, with no external hammer or decocker. If I get the job I'm hoping for, those are the requirements. My SW99 falls short since it is a DA/SA, striker fired, with an external decocker. Seems kinda stupid if you ask me, but whatever, I don't make the rules.
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State Researcher
Jan 8, 2007
is this the sw990L (QA)
or the sw99 (AS)?

She's the AS, a.k.a. DA/SA. Great gun, like I said. She's always been a straight shooter. Oh, and I forgot to add a DPM recoil system to the list of accessories lol.


Are you suggesting I retire the SW99 to bug-out-bag status? (not a bad suggestion, just clarifying.)


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2010
Ok, my first full-sized handgun was a .40 S&W SW99. She's a great gun to say the least. I'm starting to have thoughts about an M&P, though. Ok, it's been more than just thoughts...I've held her, I've shot her, I've done everything but put her in my holster. I feel like I've been cheating on my trust SW99.

I've considered selling/trading the SW99 for an M&P, but I run into a snag. Here's the accessory list I currently have for the SW99:

- Six 12 rd mags
- One 20 rd mag
- Three Safariland ALS holsters
- One Galco leather holster

There's a LOT of money in these accessories. If I just trade in the gun, then I'm stuck with well over $200 worth of accessories that I can't use. Plus, I would have to spend at least that much on new holsters and magazines for the new gun to get back to where I was.

So how do you guys go about completely switching primary carry platforms without a huge loss? Oh, and before someone says "why not keep the SW99 and just buy another gun?". I could, but I don't see the point. I have a P3AT for pocket carry, a PPS for concealed carry, my SW99 for general carry, and my 1911 for special occasions/everyone needs a 1911. I don't feel like I need (or can afford) to have two guns in the same category right now. Redundancy is expensive.

Remember, one man's junk is another's treasure. Your "old" pistol is a great starter pistol for someone on a budget.


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2009
Mattaponi, Virginia, United States
sw99 w/ AS trigger is awesome.

Not sure why your downgrading to the m&p?

S&W99 is sort of a Walther P99.

It is awesome. The trigger system is superior to the m&p. If your just doing this for a grip preference, the S&W99 can be re-profiled.

P99AS is my dream pistol. Too bad it is $225 more than a glock and mags are $50 each.
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State Researcher
Jan 8, 2007
Not sure why your downgrading to the m&p?

S&W99 is sort of a Walther P99.

It is awesome. The trigger system is superior to the m&p. If your just doing this for a grip preference, the S&W99 can be re-profiled.

P99AS is my dream pistol. Too bad it is $225 more than a glock and mags are $50 each.

I love the pistol, and actually do like the action better, which is why I originally purchase the SW99. I was searching for a P99 9mm, but found an SW99 .40 for ~$450, brand new. I couldn't pass it up, and I'm glad I didn't.

Unfortunately, though, the SW99 has some downfalls. The rail up front is next to useless unless you're using Walther's over-priced accessories. Holster selection has always been on the low side, all though I've found enough to be content. The shorter barrel and taller slide (both compared to a full-sized M&P) allow the .40's naturally snappy recoil to readily express itself. Nothing I can't handle, mind you, but in a proper combat grip the M&P has almost no barrel flip because it sits so low in your hand. The M&P feels very much like a 1911 in my opinion. Last but not least, with the work I'm getting into, I need a sidearm that is the equivalent of DAO, with no external hammer or decocker. It's a stupid liability rule, but I can't do anything about it.

Make sense? lol


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2006
Keep it.

Redundancy may be expensive, but it could be a lifesaver. If you ever use the primary gun to defend yourself, police are going to take it from you and keep it as evidence. Even if you're cleared and the shoot is declared righteous, you will be without your gun for weeks, months, perhaps years. You may never get it back.

And whoever you shot is probably going to have family, friends, "business" associates, or fellow gang members who aren't going to be very happy with you. They just might come looking for you in retribution, or to silence you as a witness, especially if the bad guy you shot survived and is facing charges of any severity. Capping you might become the initiation rite for the next gang newbie. This is the worst time to have the only serious defensive caliber handgun you own sitting in some evidence room. You don't want to have to rely only on your lesser caliber pocket guns for self defense.

I've got over a half-dozen very similar, defensive caliber handguns all from the same manufacturer. Expensive? Maybe. But they were acquired over 10 + years, some new, most used. A couple were extraordinary bargains. They all work the same way, controls in the same place and most fit the same holster, even though calibers range from 9 mm to .40 S&W, .357 SIG and .45 ACP. Some can share magazines, some can't. And I have duplicate holsters, both left and right, just in case police take the holster, too.

Keep the gun. As another said, it costs you nothing to keep it.
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Regular Member
Jul 14, 2010
IMO, Get rid of it. Buy a Walther P99QA. the holsters will match, not sure about the mags tho.


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2009
Mattaponi, Virginia, United States
Why in the hell?

IMO, Get rid of it. Buy a Walther P99QA. the holsters will match, not sure about the mags tho.
OP already stated he loves the AS trigger system and is changing to the M&P due to lower bore axis and ergonomics.

Your recommending he keep the higher bore axis and less comfortable ergos, spend $450 after trade in for a trigger system he doesn't like?

Next time read the ******* thread before you post.


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2008
People's County of Fairfax
Keep the old gun. It's proven and you know how to run it. You're going to lose money...especially on those accessories. People just don't want used holsters and such.

Acquire your new piece and train with it. Once you're comfortable, start carrying. But...keep the old gun and gear. If something happens that causes you to lose the new gun, you now have a spare.

Remember, if you get into a fight and win, the police are likely to take the handgun you used as evidence. You may be prohibited from purchasing another gun by the court until things are sorted out.

If anything, you should buy another S&W99 or the Walther P99 to have an identical piece. Get a few more mags and you should be good to go.


Regular Member
May 11, 2010
Seattle, Washington, USA
I have regretted every gun I ever sold... even though I love my XD. Which is my 3rd XD 45... first was a 4" which was quickly replaced by a Compact Tactical... that lasted a while until I upgraded to the full size.

I wish I had those and all that came before them in my safe at home.

That said, I had a great experience trading in my old stuff at a local shop in Federal Way, WA called Federal Way Discount. They gave me a fair deal on my used gun and leather (at the time it all went for a package deal into their used case) and I used the cash to upgrade.

The $400 I got for my Para at the time did not touch the dent made from the next pistol, I think a H&K was next in line... but it took some of the sting out.

Sadly, the cost of the pistol is only the biggest chunk... you still have holsters and accessories to collect all over again.