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anyone hear Alex Jones today?


Regular Member
Aug 12, 2009
Lennon Michigan, ,
just incase anyone doesn't know, they sent a Vietnam vet to federal prison for 6 months today for unknowingly selling a firearm to an illegal alone with a Texas drivers license, the illegal testified under oath to being an illegal in a federal court, and was allowed to leave the court house of his free will, no charges have been brought against the criminal, the illegal alien.

Small Arms Collector

Regular Member
Aug 30, 2010
Eastpointe, MI
excellent interview with the attorney for peaceable texans for firearm rights

It's good that he did a good interview, but as a rule I don't listen to anything alex jones says, and tend to ignore anyone who does. He is INSANE, there's no parsing of words possible here, he's a wack job. "Truthers" are ALL without exception complete, and total idiots, and quite possibly nuts, anyone who believes that ****, or the other whacked out conspiracy theories he believes should be in a padded room giving themselves hugs. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and I'm glad to here that he is in favor of gun rights, but that doesn't change the fact that he needs to be sedated, and put on some heavy duty anti psychotics.



Regular Member
Aug 12, 2009
Lennon Michigan, ,
I also like how you ignored what was posted about our right to bear arms and what the ATF is doing in Texas, and turned it into an attack against Alex Jones and "truthers" (even though from the context of your post you are confused about what a truther is)

Small Arms Collector

Regular Member
Aug 30, 2010
Eastpointe, MI
I also like how you ignored what was posted about our right to bear arms and what the ATF is doing in Texas, and turned it into an attack against Alex Jones and "truthers" (even though from the context of your post you are confused about what a truther is)

I said that I'm glad to hear that he took a pro gun stance, but I'll have to take your word for it, because I don't listen to alex jones, I only opened the thread because I thought he must have said something extra nutty today, but you say he didn't.

I know exactly what a truther is, a truther is some whack job that thinks 9/11 was some kind of a ultra complex government conspiracy, and that the US attacked it self, and that the terrorists didn't, or are made up, and that the planes didn't really exist, nor did any of the people on them, and that all the families that lost someone are some how "in on it", there completely batshit insane. Calling them batshit insane is being generous, the only other option is that they are left wing radicals deliberately trying to spread propaganda for the enemy, and organize a fifth column against there own country, but I think there to stupid for that, so I think there completely insane.


Regular Member
Aug 12, 2009
Lennon Michigan, ,
I said that I'm glad to hear that he took a pro gun stance, but I'll have to take your word for it, because I don't listen to alex jones, I only opened the thread because I thought he must have said something extra nutty today, but you say he didn't.

I know exactly what a truther is, a truther is some whack job that thinks 9/11 was some kind of a ultra complex government conspiracy, and that the US attacked it self, and that the terrorists didn't, or are made up, and that the planes didn't really exist, nor did any of the people on them, and that all the families that lost someone are some how "in on it", there completely batshit insane. Calling them batshit insane is being generous, the only other option is that they are left wing radicals deliberately trying to spread propaganda for the enemy, and organize a fifth column against there own country, but I think there to stupid for that, so I think there completely insane.

you're wrong about lots of things in this post, and to be honest, with all the anti American legislation since 9/11 to think our governments hands are clean in this 100% is more nutty than anything a truther thinks. I'm not a truther, but I without a doubt believe if our government wasn't directly responsible for it, they sure knew about it and let it happen.

but of course a government that staged the gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam would never do anything treasonous to it's own people.

Small Arms Collector

Regular Member
Aug 30, 2010
Eastpointe, MI
you're wrong about lots of things in this post, and to be honest, with all the anti American legislation since 9/11 to think our governments hands are clean in this 100% is more nutty than anything a truther thinks. I'm not a truther, but I without a doubt believe if our government wasn't directly responsible for it, they sure knew about it and let it happen.

but of course a government that staged the gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam would never do anything treasonous to it's own people.

Post your evidence.

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA
no cites for you, but

Post your evidence.

a "truther" doubts obamas country of birth....

the gulf of tonkin incedent,, the turner joy, and the maddox,
are overwelmingly concidered total fabrications, meant to draw us in to viet nam.
they were trumped up fabrications of events to show we were attacked.

if anybody studied WW1,and WW2, we would be able to understand how easy it would/could/was for the US government
to allow it self to be ATTACKED so it could get into another WAR. weve done it lots!
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Regular Member
Aug 12, 2009
Lennon Michigan, ,
truthers however do not believe that 9/11 victim families are all involved, they simply want a new investigation that takes all the evidence of 9/11 into account.

but let's make this about Alex Jones and what his listeners are about instead of the fact that the ATF is sending honest Americans to prison for legally selling firearms. sounds like a good idea to me small arms confiscator


Campaign Veteran
Apr 21, 2010
Taylor, Wayne County, Michigan, USA
truthers however do not believe that 9/11 victim families are all involved, they simply want a new investigation that takes all the evidence of 9/11 into account.

but let's make this about Alex Jones and what his listeners are about instead of the fact that the ATF is sending honest Americans to prison for legally selling firearms. sounds like a good idea to me small arms confiscator

I think we can agree that our government is broken, correct? So let's stop fighting with one another & use that energy to fix it! Do you think the colonists always agreed? No they didn't but they knew something needed to be done and they did it. I'm not saying a revolution is in order, what I am saying is before things get to that point we have a chance to fix things, if we work together instead of sitting on our backsides behind a keyboard fighting with each other. In the days of Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson things were not as good as we have it today. They only had the support of 1/3 of the people. We have 1/2 + that think a major overhaul of our system is in order. Let's do something with this advantage shall we? We start with 2A issues & work our way out of this "corrupt/rotten system" from the core outward.
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Haman J.T.

New member
Feb 5, 2008
, ,
i think we can agree that our government is broken, correct? So let's stop fighting with one another & use that energy to fix it! Do you think the colonists always agreed? No they didn't but they knew something needed to be done and they did it. I'm not saying a revolution is in order, what i am saying is before things get to that point we have a chance to fix things, if we work together instead of sitting on our backsides behind a keyboard fighting with each other. In the days of ben franklin, george washington, thomas jefferson things were not as good as we have it today. They only had the support of 1/3 of the people. We have 1/2 + that think a major overhaul of our system is in order. Let's do something with this advantage shall we? We start with 2a issues & work our way out of this "corrupt/rotten system" from the core outward.
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Michigan Moderator
Jun 20, 2008
Hudsonville , Michigan, USA
I am aware of the strong feelings that people here have regarding a large number of topics: "birthers", "truthers", "the government this", "the liberals that"... and some people bring up some very good arguments. HOWEVER... this website is primarily about Open Carry and firearm rights in general. My view about this may be in the minority but the further we go astray from that core discussion, the more we get mired into the muck of personal attacks and disaffect a large number of readers in the process. I think we are increasingly getting caught up in political rhetoric and not the substantive issue of OC. There are plenty of websites where those views can be expressed and discussed. Can we please stay on topic while here on OCDO?


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
this website is primarily about Open Carry and firearm rights in general. My view about this may be in the minority but the further we go astray from that core discussion, the more we get mired into the muck of personal attacks and disaffect a large number of readers in the process.?

I agree. And I'll add this; I think listening to someone who is as much of a raging lunatic as Alex Jones, or for that matter Rush Limbaugh or a democrat equivilant (maybe howard stern?), is a mistake, particularly if for anything beyond shock jock quality entertainment. Their viewpoints have scarcely any place here, if any at all.
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Small Arms Collector

Regular Member
Aug 30, 2010
Eastpointe, MI
truthers however do not believe that 9/11 victim families are all involved, they simply want a new investigation that takes all the evidence of 9/11 into account.

but let's make this about Alex Jones and what his listeners are about instead of the fact that the ATF is sending honest Americans to prison for legally selling firearms. sounds like a good idea to me small arms confiscator

Don't you dare imply that I support those communist stooges in the ATF, I already told you that if what you said was true he got that one right, I'm just saying that other than that he is a complete whack job.

What evidence exactly do you believe was excluded? I remind you that whack job conspiracy theories are not evidence.

Small Arms Collector

Regular Member
Aug 30, 2010
Eastpointe, MI
I agree. And I'll add this; I think listening to someone who is as much of a raging lunatic as Alex Jones, or for that matter Rush Limbaugh or a democrat equivilant (maybe howard stern?), is a mistake, particularly if for anything beyond shock jock quality entertainment. Their viewpoints have scarcely any place here, if any at all.

What exactly has Rush said that makes him a "raging lunatic" as you say?

There is no democrat equivalent because in order to be an equivalent they would have to actually tell the truth, which is something that they are completely incapable of doing.


Regular Member
Nov 29, 2007
MOC Charter Member Westland, Michigan, USA
What exactly has Rush said that makes him a "raging lunatic" as you say?

There is no democrat equivalent because in order to be an equivalent they would have to actually tell the truth, which is something that they are completely incapable of doing.
It was asked, very nicely might I add, to not stray off topic, yet you want to argue about Rush?

Let me help....
That's the topic, try to stay on it.
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