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NOPD to increase use of "Terry Stops"


Campaign Veteran
Jun 5, 2008
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
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Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA
Sometimes I wonder ....

Do the police know that THEY are the group the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution was written to protect the people of the Unites States from?

It wasn't written to protect citizens from city fire department employees
It wasn't written to protect citizens from city employees who collect garbage
It wasn't written to prevent doctors or dentists from demanding identification

It was written as a protection from agents of the government.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2008
The south land
The Times Picayune reports that the ACLU is upset with the way NOPD uses data it gathers during Terry Stops - especially of data from non-arrested people and from questionable stops. It seems the average folks may be in for a taste of what we OCers have been getting for some time.


So if you openly carried a firearm in the city of New Orleans would that justify their conducting a Terry stop on you? Considering that OC without a permit is legal in Louisiana?
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Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
The obfuscation is deliberate: NOPD won't be increasing Terry stops, they'll be increasing the use of unconstitutional searches that they call Terry stops.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2008
The south land
The obfuscation is deliberate: NOPD won't be increasing Terry stops, they'll be increasing the use of unconstitutional searches that they call Terry stops.

record everything--audio and/or video and increase the use of FOIA requests and have a good lawyer on standby for civil rights suits.


Campaign Veteran
Jun 5, 2008
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
So if you openly carried a firearm in the city of New Orleans would that justify their conducting a Terry stop on you? Considering that OC without a permit is legal in Louisiana?

No the Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled that open carry is NOT a reasonable cause for a Terry stop.

georg jetson

Regular Member
Sep 14, 2009
Slidell, Louisiana
Study up...

It would do well for any citizen to study up on the difference between "reasonable suspicion" and "probable cause". Learn when each is applicable. In cases where a stop is made without reasonable suspicion, yet the citizen is allowed to leave, presents less civil exposure for the LEO than if the citizen is arrested. If an arrest is made without probable cause, then the "damages" to the citizen increase.

It's very important that ANY citizen, ocing or otherwise, keep themselves ready to push back when any LEA oversteps constitutional boundaries.
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Regular Member
Mar 6, 2008
Free, Colorado, USA
Case law won't change to accomodate the Stormtroopers of the NOPD. You would think after they got it pushed back in their face with the Katrina lawsuits they would have learned. But I guess the requirement to be a NO cop of an IQ no higher than the average levee's in meters comes into play. I'd rather go to Newark than New Orleans. What a shithole city. Too bad Katrina didn't blow it all out to sea.


Regular Member
Aug 11, 2010
ZERO surprise here. Chief Serpas used to be our Chief in Nashville, TN. Good Riddance.

He focuses on statistics, and traffic stops to fight crime. So, the cops have to focus on traffic stops, even when they are called to respond to a traffic collision, burgled home, or any other crime which is not in process...

Which means this: Expect to wait for hours, if someone steals your stuff. But, if you go 1mph over the limit, expect to get ticketed, and no warning.

The "stats" are all the Chief focuses on. So, if the officers do not meet their required "stats" (cops cannot call it a quota, quotas seem to be illegal) they lost pay and rank here.

Serpas believes he can "prevent crime" by pushing for ever more traffic stops. He is of the belief, he can catch known criminals, by pulling over as many cars as the police can physically do... A flawed, at best, view on crime prevention...

Expect this, too: Expect the stats on your crime rates to drop, even though you can look around and tell the crime has increased in your fair city. Seems the way paperwork is filed, written, and followed up on, crimes like domestic violence, assault, burgary, theft, fraud, will somehow fall.

http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=13248024 showing how response times are now extending into hours... Serpas' policies are still in force with the PD.

http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=12460490 info on the stats vs. reality of crime rates...

http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=12465162 info showing Serpas stats are not credible...

I feel sorry for you all down there in NOLA. I truly do.

Serpas also used his badge politically here in Tennessee, by actively lobbying against the law allowing permit holders to carry into restaurants which serve alcohol... I doubt he is pro OC...

And as a heads up, he does not like strip clubs and anything remotely involving sex, or prostitution. So, expect him to raid your strip clubs, adult book stores and any massage locations, legit or not, and close them.
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