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Surprisingly awesome chiropractor


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2009
I screwed up my back really bad last week and went to a chiropractor for the first time.

I was CC'ing that day and since I knew I would be at least partially disrobing and laying on tables and such, I locked the 45 in the car before going in to my appointment.

When the Doc had me on the table for "adjustments" he noticed my empty IWB supertuck and asked where the occupant was. I told him I left it in the truck and he asked why?!

He then pulled out his LCP in a pocket holster and said please bring in your piece next appointment and said I could just place it on the counter next to the table I lay on while he was doing his thing.

To have a Dr. basically insist on me not feeling like I should disarm before coming into his practice was refreshing. I already liked the guy but he moved way up on my cool guy list after that. He also explained how the other two docs at the office had similar pocket pistols on them all day everyday.

So not everyone is crazy!

This was in Raleigh
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Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
Colfax, NC
I screwed up my back really bad last week and went to a chiropractor for the first time.

I was CC'ing that day and since I knew I would be at least partially disrobing and laying on tables and such, I locked the 45 in the car before going in to my appointment.

When the Doc had me on the table for "adjustments" he noticed my empty IWB supertuck and asked where the occupant was. I told him I left it in the truck and he asked why?!

He then pulled out his LCP in a pocket holster and said please bring in your piece next appointment and said I could just place it on the counter next to the table I lay on while he was doing his thing.

To have a Dr. basically insist on me not feeling like I should disarm before coming into his practice was refreshing. I already liked the guy but he moved way up on my cool guy list after that. He also explained how the other two docs at the office had similar pocket pistols on them all day everyday.

So not everyone is crazy!

This was in Raleigh

That is really cool. A Chiropractor I used to use encouraged the same. He passed away this year and I haven't looked to replace him yet, but when I do, I hope to have the same result.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Carrying a gun, unless you carefully balance your load (gun on one side, mags on the other, weight evenly distributed with a proper belt), can seriously screw up your lower back.

If you use a chiropractor, it behooves you to find one who can accept, deal with, and even offer advice about carrying and how it affects your spine.

I have a chiro on speed dial, although it's been years since I've used him. Maybe 8-10 times total in 16 years. He's old-school: works alone in an old house, no receptionist, no x-ray, no insurance, schedules appointments every 15 minutes and answers his own phone. All women are "Sissy", all men are "Bubba", and everyone gets patted on the butt just the same. He goes through the routine quickly, collects $10 cash or check, and tells you to call back if it doesn't feel better in 2-3 days.

I didn't really believe in chiropractors until I was really desperate one time. I didn't say a word: he felt down my spine and told me exactly where I hurt, and he was right.

I still don't believe in the quacks, nor those who exist just to bilk your insurance, but I'm sure going to miss this guy when he finally retires (he's been in practice since 1948).


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2010
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Thats really awesome, glad you had such a friendly doc! Could you post who/where it was so in case anyone (myself included) need to go to one we can patronize them? I've actually been toying with going to one myself lately.


Regular Member
May 17, 2010
Charlotte, NC
My chiro is equally cool, the other day he told me he was looking to buy a Glock 23 (which is what I carry), so we started examining my Glock. We were in a rehab room which is fully visible to the front counter and there was a woman at the counter who was talking to the receptionist when she saw the gun come out for discussion. The receptionist just simply stated in the most nonchalant way, "That's xxxxx, he's always armed."

Going to friendorfoe now.


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2009
Thats really awesome, glad you had such a friendly doc! Could you post who/where it was so in case anyone (myself included) need to go to one we can patronize them? I've actually been toying with going to one myself lately.

PM sent. Since I posted that the Drs. carry I don't want to put their info out there without knowing how they would feel about it.

They are clearly pro 2A, but I'm sure they never OC.