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Detroit police harass legal gun owners at gun buyback?


Regular Member
Aug 12, 2009
Lennon Michigan, ,
Just curious if this has been covered here?

...Doug Holloway, a local RKBA activist, organized a small group of gun owners who showed up at the event to offer to pay higher prices for legal guns than what the organizers of the “gun buyback” were willing to pay.

One person took Holloway up on his offer and sold him a Hi Point carbine, with soft case, for $160. “The seller said he was a police officer,” Holloway said. “He said he’d bought it at a gun show three years ago and decided he didn’t need it.”...

...The exchange between Holloway and a Detroit Police Sergeant was recorded on video by several of the people present. In one video the Sergeant tells them that buying guns on private property is illegal...



Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Don't sweat it, the search function on vBulletin sucks. At least you tried.

I never saw the original post about this event, so I'm glad you posted.