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A time for serious contemplation


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
Colorado Springs. CO
Many in the PRO-2A camp are in a state of shock since Saturday morning-including myself.Speechless, or wordless- seldom applies to me, but I still am -and I think that feeling is shared by many contributors to this forum.

"Tucsonians against GUN violence" types didn't waste any time hitting the pavement with their anti-2A rhetoric. U.S.Representative Cliburne ("Nothing that Congress does is authorized by the Constitution.") leaped right in with (paraphrased) " Now we have those with 2nd Amendment solution to the political debate."

The sheep, and the sheep-herders in our society will continue to call for further restriction of the 2A guaranteed right to self-defense.

Hillary Clinton chimes in with "We must work together to make it impossible for the EXTREMISTS in our society to BE ABLE TO DO this sort of thing."

This guy is not an " extremist" - he is a leftist-anarchist homicidal maniac, Hilliary . He is a serial killer who spread HIS crime spree over a duration of 10 seconds.

As my brain begins to be able to sort through this terroristic act - some thoughts percolate. We - the sheep dogs- have been preparing for the possibility of something like this taking place in some venue of the public square, but I expected the perps to be Muslim Jihadists. Safeway on Saturday morning, and IN ARIZONA of all places. That ONE lone rabid wolf was able to murderl 6 , and wound 14 indicates that each round found a target. Others that want to turn our society "inside-out" have no doubt taken notice and done the math ( If ONLY ONE armed terrorists = 20 casualties ??? )

What if the Federal Judge, the Congresswoman, the staffers, those killed or wounded, or in attendance had been armed & in "yellow -orange" (9 year-old girl was legally unable to be armed in defense of herself- but the adults were able.

We - sheep dogs - have to prepare ourselves mentally . What would WE HAVE DONE. The one (known) armed sheep dog on the scene said he initially thought one of the people taking down the shooter - WAS THE SHOOTER - because he was holding the gun.

We ALL need to reflect on this incident - and be better mentally prepared. We must learn from this tragedy because in all likelihood we will be seeing more such acts of insanity, and terrorism of this sort. It is not the time to add more timber and plywood to the sheep-pen. It's time to remove the sheep-pen altogether and get more sheep-dogs between the sheep and the wolves.

It's also time to let our Congressional Representatives, and Senators know with a certainty that we will not stand for more knee-jerk hysterical gun control" as a feeble "solution" to terrorism. According to the news this morning people that have had contact with this nut-case are NOW revealing that everybody "knew" he was a nut-case, and dangerous. We have got to be better prepared for this sort of terrorism- better equiped and mentally aware of the very real threat confronting our society.
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Michigan Moderator
Jun 20, 2008
Hudsonville , Michigan, USA
There is a good response given to this by the father of the 9 year old girl.

Even in his extreme grief, he repudiates the need for more gun control.


He has my utmost respect for NOT saying we should tighten the gun laws. Losing my daughter or son would be the most horrific of experiences; it's one of the main reasons I carry at all times. My heart goes out to him and his family.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
There is a good response given to this by the father of the 9 year old girl.

Even in his extreme grief, he repudiates the need for more gun control.


He has my utmost respect for NOT saying we should tighten the gun laws. Losing my daughter or son would be the most horrific of experiences; it's one of the main reasons I carry at all times. My heart goes out to him and his family.

It goes beyond not calling for more gun control. He states the he can see no benefit from so doing - that to me is speaking against it. Obviously his principles have not been compromised by the horrific loss. Can't imagine the unbearable pain this man is suffering.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2007
, South Carolina, USA
Six people died from the actions of this nutjob. One is fighting for her life and in all probability will never be the same again. 13 others were injured, some seriously and some not as bad. But it almost seems that the sadest part of all of this is the stupid comments made by so many people. Many by the media, many by the ignorant general public and some even by posters on this forum. It is refreshing and heartning to hear someone so close to the tragedy say something positive and not try to condemn a certain person or group and use reasoning in his thoughts. When something like this happens the calls for more restrictions come out and we lose a little more of out liberties. Seldom do those restrictions do any good and as the Father said, it is the price we pay for liberty. No matter what anyone says, if you try to fly today you can see that the terrorist won.


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2010
queen creek, arizona
It goes beyond not calling for more gun control. He states the he can see no benefit from so doing - that to me is speaking against it. Obviously his principles have not been compromised by the horrific loss. Can't imagine the unbearable pain this man is suffering.

i could not agree with you more. i myself have a brother around that age, and i can't even begin to imagine the amount of pain this mans heart is going through. when i saw this on the news, my heart instantly sank. it is horrible that such a young girl died, along with the others killed and wounded. And even more horrible that these anti 2A people are trying to use this tragic loss to benefit their idiotic cause. my heart goes out to all the families of victims on this tragic day. many prayers are being said.


Regular Member
Aug 27, 2010

My heart goes out to the victims familys.i hope this lunatic has swift justice. here in florida he would be on death row for 25 years. thats one of the problems with society, someone out there feels sorry for this man. i feel sorry a leo or a sheep dog didn't dispatch this mad man right then and there. i hate how a tragedy like this takes me to a place i don't want to be in but being caught red handed he dosn't need a trial he needs to be taken behind the court house and dispatched so he can start his eternal journy downward.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
My heart goes out to the victims familys.i hope this lunatic has swift justice. here in florida he would be on death row for 25 years. thats one of the problems with society, someone out there feels sorry for this man. i feel sorry a leo or a sheep dog didn't dispatch this mad man right then and there. i hate how a tragedy like this takes me to a place i don't want to be in but being caught red handed he dosn't need a trial he needs to be taken behind the court house and dispatched so he can start his eternal journy downward.

We must separate our emotions and let our system of justice do what it was designed to do. Had the BG been part of a larger conspiracy, his death would have lost many potential clues to fully investigate the situation.