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Obama Announces Detaining Americans for Future Crimes that Have Not Been Committed


Regular Member
May 5, 2010
Renton, Washington, USA
Since what Obama wants to do is currently illegal under our current legal system, he's going to set up his own "framework" to do this?!? Since when is he above the law?!? Why isn't Congress screaming to the rooftops about this? This means ANYONE could be accused of being a terrorist (read: gun owners) locked up and held indefinitely without being charged, without the right to counsel, without the right of a trial or appeal, etc. And our illustrious representatives (Congress) just sit there and let him do it. It's not only outside our own government and the Constitution, it's outside of the Geneva Convention. Apparently those things have no meaning or bearing for Obama. Someone ought to remind Obama that he doesn't have the power to do this.


Regular Member
May 30, 2010
Chesterfield Township, MI
Since what Obama wants to do is currently illegal under our current legal system, he's going to set up his own "framework" to do this?!? Since when is he above the law?!? Why isn't Congress screaming to the rooftops about this? This means ANYONE could be accused of being a terrorist (read: gun owners) locked up and held indefinitely without being charged, without the right to counsel, without the right of a trial or appeal, etc. And our illustrious representatives (Congress) just sit there and let him do it. It's not only outside our own government and the Constitution, it's outside of the Geneva Convention. Apparently those things have no meaning or bearing for Obama. Someone ought to remind Obama that he doesn't have the power to do this.

No, no no. It won't be illegal! (He will make whole news laws and then he will right all those new laws!) Everything in the brackets will allow him to write laws that will allow him to change any law he dosen't like, then re-write it! Perfection!:mad:

Even an Obama lover, Rachel Maddow thinks this idea is disgusting. That tells you all you need to know.



Regular Member
Mar 29, 2010
He should give it a good strong name like, the Super Patriotic Patriot Act of Patriotism. It will surely be accepted then.