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Bill would require all S.D. citizens to buy a gun


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2010
beckofbeyond - Idaho


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
, ,
That is 1 Mandatory Purchasing Bill I can Live with..., but NOT Mandatory Health Care Insurance Purchases.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Sneads Ferry, ,
Since the representative states in the article that he and his cosponsors fully expect that the bill will never become law but are using it to illustrate the absurdity of the "Health care law" I can only assume that they never have studied either historical or legal precedent. The Georgia community of Kennesaw passed a measure a number of years ago which required every household to maintain a firearm. As far as I know (will gladly stand corrected if wrong) the requirement still stands. In interest of complete disclosure I am under the impression that the Kennesaw requirement was never strictly enforced but news reports indicate that the area experienced a drastic reduction in home invasions etc for a good period after the law went into effect.


Regular Member
Mar 5, 2010
Wet Side, WA
They may never expect it to pass, but what if...? So, these lawmakers are using taxpayer money to prove a point. SD residence need to take hold of their legislature. This is total disregard for the rights of its citizens. I will not put up with legislation jokingly or nonjokingly forcing me to purchase a product.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2010
Renton, Wa
South Dakota is trying to prove a point. The left wants to force one commodity down our throats and the right is doing the same here - albeit to make a point that regardless of what that commodity is, the government has no right to force it on us. That town in Georgia has a law like this in place, but I do not think it is enforced. I dont really think that matters as people know that there exists a law there that the man of the house must own a gun. I don't really know what kind of impact South Dakota's law would have IF it passed, but most people there own guns anyway don't they?


Activist Member
Oct 17, 2010
South Dakota is trying to prove a point. The left wants to force one commodity down our throats and the right is doing the same here - albeit to make a point that regardless of what that commodity is, the government has no right to force it on us. That town in Georgia has a law like this in place, but I do not think it is enforced. I dont really think that matters as people know that there exists a law there that the man of the house must own a gun. I don't really know what kind of impact South Dakota's law would have IF it passed, but most people there own guns anyway don't they?

I don't know about most, but the last time I checked SD has the most permit holders per capita than any other state.