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Visiting Arkansas for a few days


Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.
Can I carry in Condition 1: chambered? I'll be in CC mode the entire visit.

I've been all over Arkansas law and cannot find any clear definition on: Loaded. I also see that the concealed carry statute is muddied.

I didn't get why it would say that the firearm violation does not apply: IF a person is in a vehicle AND holds a concealed carry permit. That is basically no different than their peaceable journey law, it just doesn't make any sense to have it worded this way.

The nearest HP office is quite the distance from where we are, so contacting them in person isn't an option at all. Some guidance on what and where in the law would be greatly appreciated as I'm patronizing businesses in Arkansas for the week.

BTW, I went past Gunman training center, the facility looks nice from the outside. Too bad we couldn't stop.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Can I carry in Condition 1: chambered? I'll be in CC mode the entire visit.

I've been all over Arkansas law and cannot find any clear definition on: Loaded. I also see that the concealed carry statute is muddied.
Your question is muddied. Do you have a license recognized by Arkansas? That's the only legally safe way to carry in Arkansas.

If you do, then you can carry in any condition you want, so long as the gun is concealed.

If you don't, then good luck if you choose to rely on the "journey" provision.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
In some states if you print or it shows a little and someone calls the cops it would be considered "Brandishing a weapon" which is ridiculous I just hope AR does not have such law.
No, it's not like that in AR.

Oh, I did forget one bizarre part of Arkansas law: while carrying, you must notify a private homeowner and obtain permission before entering their house. Louisiana has the same crazy law; I think they're the only two states with that requirement.

How enforceable is it? I don't know.