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Why do You Open Carry?


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2013
Las Vegas
Funny...I never said open carrying was not polite or anything close to it. I never said it was taboo either. So you just rallied against a whole list of arguments that I did not make and disregarded the arguments I did make.

However your answer does answer my question. You do open carry to draw attention to yourself. Thanks for the answer.

And I'm perfectly OK with getting a license to exercise my rights. I live in reality where there are bad guys who should not own or carry guns. I accept the fact that part of being a responsible adult is sometimes proving that I am a responsible adult. Until there are no bad guys, I will always have to prove that I am a good guy. Its called accepting reality.

Moms Demand Action called, they are looking for their shill. :eek::shocker::uhoh::rolleyes:

The ironies in your statements are amazing.
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New member
Dec 25, 2013
Funny...I never said open carrying was not polite or anything close to it. I never said it was taboo either. So you just rallied against a whole list of arguments that I did not make and disregarded the arguments I did make.

However your answer does answer my question. You do open carry to draw attention to yourself. Thanks for the answer.

And I'm perfectly OK with getting a license to exercise my rights. I live in reality where there are bad guys who should not own or carry guns. I accept the fact that part of being a responsible adult is sometimes proving that I am a responsible adult. Until there are no bad guys, I will always have to prove that I am a good guy. Its called accepting reality.

Let me see if I have this straight. The bad guy gets a gun and carries and does NOT get a license and therefore there is no record of it and doesn't have to pay a fee or take any training.

The good guy buys a gun, but before he carries it he has to pay for a license, pay for the class and have his name on a government list.

Hmmm. I'm wondering who truly has freedom and liberty.

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New member
Dec 25, 2013
Why do I open carry.

1. I don't have to get permission from the government, pay a fee or be on a list.

2. Protection of myself and my family.

3. Educate the public and let them become acclimated to seeing a firearm.

4. Don't have to worry about it being visible or not.

5. Easy access to the weapon.

6. The most important reason is that it is a symbol of freedom and liberty.

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New member
Dec 25, 2013
And in a few states (last time I checked 10), it is illegal for a person legally carrying a gun on a license to not inform the police officer they are carrying the gun during an official encounter - but no such requirement exists for those carrying illegally because that would violate the 5th amendment!

OMG! You are so right. Never looked at it that way before.

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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
nomad...sidebar...NC is one of the states you must, if CC'g & approached by nice LE in official capacity, notify you are armed.


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
And in a few states (last time I checked 10), it is illegal for a person legally carrying a gun on a license to not inform the police officer they are carrying the gun during an official encounter - but no such requirement exists for those carrying illegally because that would violate the 5th amendment!
In Ohio it is "for a law enforcement purpose." The problem is there is no definition of "for a law enforcement purpose." Not even case law defines the term. If you read enough cases you will come to a conclusion that the unofficial definition for "for a law enforcement purpose" is RAS (reasonable articulable suspicion.)

What about the other states, do they define their chosen term??????


New member
Dec 25, 2013
nomad...sidebar...NC is one of the states you must, if CC'g & approached by nice LE in official capacity, notify you are armed.


Thanks solus. I would assume this is also true for OC when in a vehicle where the firearm is not observable from outside the vehicle.

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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Thanks solus. I would assume this is also true for OC when in a vehicle where the firearm is not observable from outside the vehicle.
Nope, not the case at all. Properly OC'd (not covered) handgun is not concealed.
See page #25:

Same as in a phone booth, strong side to the wall in a restaurant booth, on the otherside of a wall or hedge - it is not the position of the participants or obstacles between them that determines OC.

carolina guy

Regular Member
Jun 21, 2012
Concord, NC
Funny...I never said open carrying was not polite or anything close to it. I never said it was taboo either. So you just rallied against a whole list of arguments that I did not make and disregarded the arguments I did make.

However your answer does answer my question. You do open carry to draw attention to yourself. Thanks for the answer.

And I'm perfectly OK with getting a license to exercise my rights. I live in reality where there are bad guys who should not own or carry guns. I accept the fact that part of being a responsible adult is sometimes proving that I am a responsible adult. Until there are no bad guys, I will always have to prove that I am a good guy. Its called accepting reality.

Then you are a large part of the problem. A license is permission to do what is otherwise illegal...so you are either confused or an oppressor.

There should be NO restrictions upon a person who is free upon the streets to protect themselves and their property. None. Period.

Your "reality" is simple acceptance of slavery, no less.


New member
Dec 25, 2013


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
quote: North Carolina law does not specifically address how to transport a weapon in an automobile. Therefore, the central question becomes: when is the weapon concealed and readily accessible to an occupant of an automobile? Obviously, a weapon would be concealed and readily accessible, and therefore in violation of North Carolina law, if it were placed in such areas of a vehicle as under the seat of the automobile; in a bag in the back seat; or in some other manner is covered or hidden within the easy reach of an occupant of the vehicle. unquote. http://www.ncdoj.gov/getdoc/32344299-a2a7-4ae5-99fd-9018262f64ac/NC-Firearms-gun-Laws.aspx

so nomad this is what the NC AG acknowledges since there is no specific statutes on the books. therefore, the prevailing attitude is officer safety is paramount...soooo...the prudent individual will gather documents prior to the nice officer gets to your vehicle and find you w/your hands on the steering wheel with in your hands ready to provide.


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation

And I'm perfectly OK with getting a license to exercise my rights. I live in reality where there are bad guys who should not own or carry guns. I accept the fact that part of being a responsible adult is sometimes proving that I am a responsible adult. Until there are no bad guys, I will always have to prove that I am a good guy. Its called accepting reality.
Interesting...1A in the public square?

Your understanding of the relationship between the state and the citizen is bassakwards...your choice, being a freeman. It is unfortunate that you are not required to have a permit to vote though.


Regular Member
Mar 19, 2016
I open carry because I find it more comfortable, it is what I am used to. I carry at work with my duty gear and on my own time open carry just makes sense.

I do have a Texas LTC and can choose concealed or open carry, I did apply for the LTC under "special conditions" as an active officer, basically reduced fee is all the benefit it provided.

I support anyone that can carry doing so, your safety is your responsibility.


Activist Member
Sep 28, 2010
Lenexa, Kansas
My simple reason for open carrying is also because it's more comfortable and I prefer full size over compact or sub-compact. I hate when I hear people say "oh you open carry so you can show off what you have" that reason just annoys me. I used to do contract officer work in the past and I found it easier when I was off duty to keep open carrying.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2016
Hurricane, Utah
My simple reason for open carrying is also because it's more comfortable and I prefer full size over compact or sub-compact. I hate when I hear people say "oh you open carry so you can show off what you have" that reason just annoys me. I used to do contract officer work in the past and I found it easier when I was off duty to keep open carrying.

Also it's easy to get to. When CC'ing, you hope you don't get your shirt stuck on the handle, or you don't pull it up properly, or many things that can happen and take precious time when CC'ing rather than just push a lever and pull the gun out when OC'ing.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2016
Walsh County, North Dakota
I Open Carry for a few reasons.

#1) I don't buy the idea that there is some "element of surprise" or "tactical advantage" to concealing a dangerous weapon. The more obstructions you have in the way of your firearm, the longer, more complicated, potentially ineffective you draw will be. A good way to think of this is to have your home defense gun locked downstairs in a safe, in a locked room. If you ever need said firearm you have to run downstairs, unlock the door to the room, unlock the safe, grab the firearm and run back upstairs to eliminate the threat. Not what I would call, "Effective". When CC'ing you have to lift shirt, initiate whichever retention device on your holster, (some people even carry with nothing in the chamber by choice) rack the slide and then eliminate the threat. Not what I would call effective.

#2) The more obstructions you have, the more potential for mistake. For the home defense example above, that may be grabbing the wrong key, typing the wrong code, fingerprint not recognized etc. CC'ing shirt not high enough, whoops wore a coat today and didn't practice for it. (I know, wrong answer but we all know that people do it) OC keeps everything very as simple as possible.

#3) Honestly, I should list this one as number 1, but I don't feel like copy/pasting. I would much rather deter a threat than try to defeat it. If I'm CC'ing, the only time that weapon ever does me any good is when crap is already hitting the fan, and I am in a life and death situation. When I'm OC'ing that weapon may be working in my favor and I don't even know it. I walk into a Conveience store with a weapon clearly visible, and the bad guy who is about to get out of his car decides to wait until I leave to do something. Or, better yet he starts thinking about "well if that guy is carrying a gun and I can see it, how many people are carrying and I can't see it?" (Which is why I think that people should still get permits to conceal, but that's not the point).

#4) It's far more comfortable for me.

#5) My wife says I look sexy with a weapon on me.

#6) I have to compensate for.... never mind I don't want to talk about it. :) haha:lol:

"Oh, but you make yourself a target!" -- some wise guy we all meet

Okay, wise guy, name one time when someone who was open carrying was taken out before everyone else. Name one time that an OC'er was killed when he didn't do something stupid, like chase down somebody who stole his gun. (not to mention his lack of situational awareness, lack of a retention holster/training)

I haven't ever found one, and I have looked. It's a myth.

If you want to reduce the chance of having to use your weapon, open carry. If you want to increase it, Conceal and go to all of the shady areas. <--Don't do #2


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Originally Posted by blowyouaway

So they can blow people away!
go away...
He did, but not of his own volition.

He got the boot permanently and all of his posts are gone - multiple rule violations, troll, and provocateur to just begin the list of reasons.

OC Freedom

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2014
ADA County, ID
He did, but not of his own volition.

He got the boot permanently and all of his posts are gone - multiple rule violations, troll, and provocateur to just begin the list of reasons.

Seems that I missed out on this one, but I did have to blow away (using a vulgar term) once.
It happened in the backyard where my garden is located. A certain Mr. Bugs Bunny was eating without permission in said garden, well I had to BLOW AWAY Mr. Bunny using my Smith & Wesson 79G C02 pistol. Mr. Bunny will never steal from my or any other persons garden again. Elmer Fudd could learn something, since he never could Blow Away Mr. Bugs Bunny.:rolleyes:
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Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
I Do Not Open Carry

Me, well, it's all about the element of surprise. About it. One other thing, I gotta have an exposed hammer. Just a quirk. Firestar .45 I always say: Better to end up in court, than to end up in the morgue.
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