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bar fight


State Researcher
Jan 8, 2007
So, I was at the bar last night. Long story short, one girl in our group asked where her boyfriend was. I said I saw him just a second ago on the stairs talking with someone. She asked who, and I described the brunette girl that he was talking with.

About 10 minutes later, I had gone to the restroom and walked back down to my friends. Her boyfriend immediately starting yelling, asking if I told his g/f about the other girl. I kept my hands in front of me and said relax, it's cool, relax. He tried to jump over the table between us. He then walked around and pushed me. I kept telling him to relax - I was cornered.

He was yelling, calling me names, and threatening me. A crowd was forming. He pushed me again then swung with his right and caught me square in the cheekbone. I kinda feel stupid for not seeing it coming. Oddly enough, it didn'tphase me. I stepped forward, looked him in the eye, and said "you don't have to hit me". His eyes went from rage to confusion. He stumbled back, grabbed his jacket, and left. The crowd stared at me dumbfounded.

Just then my girlfriend and her friend walked up. They wanted to dance...so we danced! They had no idea what happened, and that was ok.

I had the means to severely injure that man last night. I'm glad I didn't.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
So, I was at the bar last night. Long story short, one girl in our group asked where her boyfriend was. I said I saw him just a second ago on the stairs talking with someone. She asked who, and I described the brunette girl that he was talking with.

About 10 minutes later, I had gone to the restroom and walked back down to my friends. Her boyfriend immediately starting yelling, asking if I told his g/f about the other girl. I kept my hands in front of me and said relax, it's cool, relax. He tried to jump over the table between us. He then walked around and pushed me. I kept telling him to relax - I was cornered.

He was yelling, calling me names, and threatening me. A crowd was forming. He pushed me again then swung with his right and caught me square in the cheekbone. I kinda feel stupid for not seeing it coming. Oddly enough, it didn'tphase me. I stepped forward, looked him in the eye, and said "you don't have to hit me". His eyes went from rage to confusion. He stumbled back, grabbed his jacket, and left. The crowd stared at me dumbfounded.

Just then my girlfriend and her friend walked up. They wanted to dance...so we danced! They had no idea what happened, and that was ok.

I had the means to severely injure that man last night. I'm glad I didn't.

You showed great restraint and wisdom in your final actions. Can't honestly say as much regarding the first paragraph above - but maybe that is just me.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2012
East Tennessee
Grapeshot is right, keep in mind Life is a tough teacher, and she gives you the test before the lesson.

Knowing when is when can be hard and costly if you get it wrong.

Under the circumstances I think you handled it great, just reflect on what happened and make any changes you feel necessary to avoid the situations in the first place.

Just my two cents, but good job on not escalating a situation that could have easily gotten out of hand.

Last Knight

Regular Member
Nov 12, 2009
Hampton Roads, VA
Good on you for taking a threatening, frankly scary, situation and turning it to your advantage. I'm glad it ended well.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2


State Researcher
Jan 8, 2007
You showed great restraint and wisdom in your final actions. Can't honestly say as much regarding the first paragraph above - but maybe that is just me.

If I had been intentionally instigating (which I've been known to do) or being nosey, I would feel more responsible. Honestly though, she asked where he was, I said talking on the stairs, she asked with who, and I said I didn't know the person, but she had dark hair and was wearing a black coat. I thought she might be a friend. *shrug*

I just found out today that she is a very jealous girl apparently. Oops.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2010
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
If I had been intentionally instigating (which I've been known to do) or being nosey, I would feel more responsible. Honestly though, she asked where he was, I said talking on the stairs, she asked with who, and I said I didn't know the person, but she had dark hair and was wearing a black coat. I thought she might be a friend. *shrug*

I just found out today that she is a very jealous girl apparently. Oops.

Very mature way to handle the situation. Good Job.


Packer fan

Regular Member
Nov 19, 2009
Mountain Home, Arkansas, United States
If I had been intentionally instigating (which I've been known to do) or being nosey, I would feel more responsible. Honestly though, she asked where he was, I said talking on the stairs, she asked with who, and I said I didn't know the person, but she had dark hair and was wearing a black coat. I thought she might be a friend. *shrug*

I just found out today that she is a very jealous girl apparently. Oops.

All you did was answer her questions. If her boyfriend's intent was good he wouldn't have reacted that way.

You showed restraint because he is or was a friend but what if that had been a stranger? I guess I'm not that impressed with showing restraint with a friend. I've been in fights with friends too words are said and fisticuffs break out but I've never been a feared for my life from a friend. If I was we wouldn't be friends.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Jan 28, 2013
I know in Arkansas it is a felony if you carry into a Bar. Glad to hear you had some restraint but I would have gone Chuck Norris on his a$$ with a beer bottle! :shocker:

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
This a prime case of it is not smart to go to bars. A lot of bad things happen when you are around people who have been drinking.

I find it is much better to advoid those places all togather.

Do not go to bars and one well advoid bar fights. One will be away from stuip a$$ drunks that could ruin your life even if your totally in the right.

One can spend many years and tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself even if your totally in the right.

Stay away from trouble spots and one will find you well get into less trouble.


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2012
Portland, OR
You showed great restraint and wisdom in your final actions. Can't honestly say as much regarding the first paragraph above - but maybe that is just me.

They weren't underway so he has no obligation to keep a secret. Personally it's not my job to police my friends or their romantic entanglements.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
DreQo said:
I just found out today that she is a very jealous girl apparently.
Packer fan said:
All you did was answer her questions.
If her boyfriend's intent was good he wouldn't have reacted that way.
Agreed. Maybe she's too jealous, but it seems she has something to worry about.

sopranos27 said:
in Arkansas it is a felony if you carry into a Bar.
Another case of "know your laws". Here in WI it's legal to carry concealed in a "tavern"* unless you're drinking alcohol.
To make it more confusing, it's legal to OC with permission from the owner or manager, and the only restriction on alcohol is that you must not be "materially impaired". Since that's flexible & mostly undetermined, best not to try it.

* Tavern = bar or restaurant which serves alcohol for on-premises consumption.

I would have gone Chuck Norris on his a$$ with a beer bottle!
In some states, you could be convicted of aggravated assault simply for committing assault while in possession of a gun.


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
White City, Oregon, USA
Know your states laws alrighty......In Oregon it's perfectly legal to OC (or CC with permission slip) in a bar. It's even perfectly legal (though pretty stupid) to be flat out drunk while carrying. Strangely (sarcasm), we don't get many gunfights in bars. Hmmmmmm could the brady bunch be wrong?