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9mm v .40cal


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2010
Trempealeau County
Looking the the Ruger LC9 and the Taurus PT709 & PT740 Slim.

The Ruger is lighter to carry but the Taurus may handle recoil better. I know I would rather shoot 500 rounds through my XD45 than 6 rounds though a .380 LCP.

The 9mm's are 7+1 and the .40 cal is 6+1. I think I want to go with a .40 since I already have two .45ACP hanguns.

From what I read, 9mm ammo is cheaper but .40 cal is more powerful round.

What are your thoughts.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 27, 2011
West Bend, WI
Looking the the Ruger LC9 and the Taurus PT709 & PT740 Slim.

The Ruger is lighter to carry but the Taurus may handle recoil better. I know I would rather shoot 500 rounds through my XD45 than 6 rounds though a .380 LCP.

The 9mm's are 7+1 and the .40 cal is 6+1. I think I want to go with a .40 since I already have two .45ACP hanguns.

From what I read, 9mm ammo is cheaper but .40 cal is more powerful round.

What are your thoughts.

You can kill with a .22

That being said, I like my 9mm. Roughly same size projectile, less bark, still would hurt like hell. Compared an XDM 9mm to a friends XDM .40, and we both shot better with the 9mm.

Haven't had much experience with the LCP or either of the PT's, so couldn't really tell you one way or the other on those.


Regular Member
Jun 15, 2010
Are you trying to find a better pocket gun to replace the LCP because of how much it sucks to shoot? If so I'd suggest looking at the Sig 238. Depending on your pockets and what pocket you carry it in something like an LC9 maybe to too big.


i have a baby 9 (9 by 18), but prefer the .40 cal. precious is in semi-retirement, so someday when i get Obama dollars i'll get another .40 that more suits my needs. something made out real steel, with a hammer.


Regular Member
Nov 7, 2011
Milwaukee, WI
if you want small, easy to carry, easy to break down, reliable, and low recoil ... there is nothing better than the P238 ...

sig REALLY out did themselves on this gun imho .. im a revolver guy, but i always shoot one of these when i can .. the wife and i BOTH love em so much .. just a little tough on the pocket and hard to find a nice deal on, especially because no one seems to ever sell em used ..

also, even though i own a taurus revolver, i would shy away from the semis for sure .. better guns out there for the money ..

also, the Kahrs seem nice and get great reviews .. again a little expensive ...

my vote is always revolver LOL .. if not, P238 .. if thats too much $$ i would say kahr over LC9 ... or maybe even a S&W bodyguard .380 .. they are $329 starting wednesday at gander and have great resale because they arent always easy to find ... you could shoot it around a while and still get what you paid for it in a few months if you dont like it, plus you get a laser which is nice for CCW imho ... another deterent ..

Badger Johnson

Regular Member
Jan 12, 2011
Though you try to assess the firearm you'd carry I'd suggest the following:

1. Go to a gun show and just handle, and if allowed, dry fire the pistols you have picked for your short list. Check the trigger and the ergonomics;
2. You can actually carry a firearm that's a bit more 'dynamic' to shoot if you practice with a lighter round or less powerful firearm at the range the majority of the time. Example, my friend has an LCR which shoots the .357 but it's too powerful for her to use at the range routinely, so she uses the same gun in .38. You still practice a little with your carry gun if this is your paradigm (smaller, weaker person?);
3. The Ruger LC9 is a very difficult HG to shoot accurately, so it won't be anyone's choice as a range gun. But if your SD use is 3-6 feet, it's not an issue. But despite its being a small 9mm, I HATE the trigger, hate the 'Cali-legal' mods. It is NOT a SD handgun, imo. If you dislodge the mag, you are left with a brick. You can't change mags with one in the chamber (tactical reload) and be able to still send a round downrange. AND the mods affect the trigger (supposedly smoother if you take out the mag disconnect mech.

I like the Sig 238, and the Kahr PM9, CM9 (if you don't get one of their lemons). But the main thing is not to just read reviews. Try to fire (or dry fire) your final choices before you buy.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
When comparing rounds you need to determine how big of a hole you're looking to make.

With these common calibers below I am referring to semi autos - I know about .454 and .44MAG - OP asked specifically about 9mm vs .40 so we'll stick to autos.

.35 (9mm)

You need to determine what you're comfortable with. Where do YOU draw the line for yourself on what is too small to carry? Most people would say the .50AE is a bit much to carry in a semi, and most people would say the .22 is a bit weak to carry for self defense. The .45 will do the job right, but you might like having the capacity of a 9mm. I met in the middle and carry .40. That's my choice and just what I feel is sufficient.
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Regular Member
May 1, 2009
Cassville Area -Twelve Miles From Anything, Wiscon
"Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer choice"

A few years ago I attended a SD class on shot placement put on by an ER Dr. who also instructs LEOs all over the country. He stated that any modern SD handgun round of 9mm and larger is quite effective as a man-stopper. So your choice of gun should hinge on how well the gun fits you, the largest round you can handle effectively, and any features you desire.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
Here's my take on .40 when compared to 9mm...

.40 is about 10% more powerful, 10% more expensive, and causes a 10% reduction in capacity. Add to that it's unpleasant to shoot and, to me, you have a round with more cons than pros, 3-1.

I detest .40 S&W and will never own any gun chambered for it, ever. If someone gives me one I will promptly sell or trade it.


Regular Member
May 6, 2011
One thing to consider....

You can practice cheaper with 9mm, then buy more expensive plus p (there's no plus sign on my phone:uhoh:) to carry. That will get you close to 4O cal performance.

But, you can't go cheaper 40 cal than 9mm.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Here's my take on .40 when compared to 9mm...

.40 is about 10% more powerful, 10% more expensive, and causes a 10% reduction in capacity. Add to that it's unpleasant to shoot and, to me, you have a round with more cons than pros, 3-1.

I detest .40 S&W and will never own any gun chambered for it, ever. If someone gives me one I will promptly sell or trade it.

So being a wider diameter is not a pro?


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
So being a wider diameter is not a pro?

I figured that goes hand in hand with more powerful. But if you want to add a 1mm/10% increase in diameter as another pro, go ahead. The cons still outweight the pros and I still hate it.

I just feel like if 9mm isn't poweful enough for you, you just need to bite the bullet and step up to .45. IMO, .40 is a poor compromise between the two.
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Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
One thing to consider....

You can practice cheaper with 9mm, then buy more expensive plus p (there's no plus sign on my phone:uhoh:) to carry. That will get you close to 4O cal performance.

But, you can't go cheaper 40 cal than 9mm.

That's a good point. 9mm is way more versatile than .40. You can shoot everything from weaksauce 115gr target loads, to monster 147gr +P+ self defense loads that will duplicate or even supercede .40 S&W energy numbers.

carry for myself

Regular Member
May 1, 2011
no real difference other than surface size.

9mm will kill your target, so will .40

.40 has a tad more recoil and is a bit more expensive

9mm is cheaper and less recoil.

you can carry more rounds with 9mm

but most major companies make models in both 9mm and .40

so whichever you chose will work just make sure the gun your throwing them out of is worth the ammo its spitting. 9mm in a highpoint is not as deadly as 9mm in a beretta, XDM or glock. and .40 cal out of a jennings is worth alot less than a .40 out of a S&W :) happy shooting!


Regular Member
Aug 2, 2010
Ocoee, Florida
Though you try to assess the firearm you'd carry I'd suggest the following:


3. The Ruger LC9 is a very difficult HG to shoot accurately, so it won't be anyone's choice as a range gun. But if your SD use is 3-6 feet, it's not an issue. But despite its being a small 9mm, I HATE the trigger, hate the 'Cali-legal' mods. It is NOT a SD handgun, imo. If you dislodge the mag, you are left with a brick. You can't change mags with one in the chamber (tactical reload) and be able to still send a round downrange. AND the mods affect the trigger (supposedly smoother if you take out the mag disconnect mech.

I don't quite understand your opinion on the LC9. The trigger is not that bad, at 7 yards I can still put 6 rounds in a 6" circle at center mass in a tactical practice.

I don't know about 'Cali-legal' or trigger mods so enlighten me.

As to the mag change, I just safely checked my LC9, with a round in the chamber, and did a tactical reload. No brick to be seen.

Are you referring to the LCP in .380? Maybe? No flame or malice intended.

The LC9 is a great SD handgun IMO


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
carry for myself said:
9mm in a highpoint is not as deadly as 9mm in a beretta, XDM or glock.

lolwut? Care to test this crazy theory?

sent from my phone, excuse my grammar/spelling errors


Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
I concur. What a silly thing to say...a .40 out of a Jennings is also just as dangerous as one out of a S&W.


Concur, 100%.

And for the record, is there really any toss-up here? I mean, really? 9mm vs. .40? One's only slightly less usless than the other lol.

carry for myself

Regular Member
May 1, 2011
my point was lol

a few years back i had a helwan , i didnt want it or care about it so i traded for a jennings 9. apon getting this paperweight i took it to the range and loaded the mag. i placed a Milk jug about 10 feet away, aimed and fired. the milk jug stood.....i figured i missed so i fired 5 consecutive shots *3 of which jammed*. the milk jug stood.

i called my buddy over and he fired 3 shots. milk jug stood. but i noticed it was firing about 1.3 feet to the left. the sights were level. so i put my bore sighter in it and yep the barrel was off to the left.

during this range trip i attempted to fire 200 rounds. i got 50 off flawlessly. the rest were fail to fire, eject. stovepipe or fail to feed. i took this gun back and traded it outright for a hipoint . and while it went boom.......it was not accurate.

my point was out of a REPUTABLE firearm any round is more deadly because #1 it will go bang. #2 it will go bang more than once without issue #3 it is accurate enough to hit a human target at 10 feet. whereas i have personally seen "cheap" guns not be able to hit the broad side of a barn at 8 feet.

not saying in any way that IF you can get a very cheap flawed gun to fire and fire straight it is not deadly. any round coming at your face is deadly. question is 9 times out of 10.....will a jennings, pheonix or raven arms gun do this? probably not lol