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Eric Holder's, and jutice for all..

wild boar

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
AND JUSTICE FOR ALL? In the fallout from the very, questionable shooting of a black youth by a white man the black community is up in arms. All the black Washington noise makers are rushing to the spot to justify their existence. Eric Holder has injected the powers of the U.S. Justice Dept. to insure "justice". This has already been investigated, and cleared by local authority's, SO..., whats up with Eric? On June 11 1963, a black woman entered a University in Alabama with a National Guard escort. This woman, Vivian Malone would become the sister in law of Eric Holder, and spend her adult life devoted to Civil Rights, and worked for that branch of the Justice Dept. Though she is gone; by the past actions of Eric Holder and "his" Justice Dept. while supporting his "my people", Vivian lives. I provide this for you to decide, the information can be found if you Google Vivian Malone, The facts stated should be independently verified by any person who is going to form an opinion. boar out.


Regular Member
Feb 1, 2012
Reston, VA
What's your point??? I'm serious, you lost me... What are you driving at?
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Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
Leesburg, GA
That Eric Holder is trying to recoup an image of "justice and caring" after his **** up with F&F.
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Regular Member
Nov 17, 2010
Terra, Sol
This has already been investigated, and cleared by local authority's, SO..., .

It may have been cleared by local yokels, but it was never investigated. There are now allegations by multiple witnesses the cops "corrected" them and their statements. There are the 911 calls from witnesses. The racist and other statements made by the shooter while on 911. There is the girl the young adult was on the phone with while he was pursued. This all contradicts the local's claim of a clear cut case and no evidence of the contrary.

In my opinion it wasn't anyone but the local residents who very vocally demanded an investigation that they got one. Power of the people.


Regular Member
Aug 11, 2011
It may have been cleared by local yokels, but it was never investigated. There are now allegations by multiple witnesses the cops "corrected" them and their statements. There are the 911 calls from witnesses. The racist and other statements made by the shooter while on 911. There is the girl the young adult was on the phone with while he was pursued. This all contradicts the local's claim of a clear cut case and no evidence of the contrary.

In my opinion it wasn't anyone but the local residents who very vocally demanded an investigation that they got one. Power of the people.

Agreed. Listening to the 911 tapes, this guy is guilty as hell. I cannot fathom how they haven't charged this guy yet.


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
Leesburg, GA
Agreed. Listening to the 911 tapes, this guy is guilty as hell. I cannot fathom how they haven't charged this guy yet.


I cannot even image how this guy while armed felt threatened by a teenager with candy and Arizona Iced Tea. Not threatened enough to use lethal force anyway.


Campaign Veteran
May 18, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
It may have been cleared by local yokels, but it was never investigated. There are now allegations by multiple witnesses the cops "corrected" them and their statements. There are the 911 calls from witnesses. The racist and other statements made by the shooter while on 911. There is the girl the young adult was on the phone with while he was pursued. This all contradicts the local's claim of a clear cut case and no evidence of the contrary.

In my opinion it wasn't anyone but the local residents who very vocally demanded an investigation that they got one. Power of the people.

If we are all writing about Trayvon Martin then I agree. Mr. Zimmerman should have been arrested and charged with 1st degree intentional homicide. I've researched this incident quite a bit and Mr. Zimmerman broke every rule for someone who carries a firearm legally. Zimmerman followed the kid as he walked to a local store to buy Skittles and a Coke (IIRC) and the kid noticed him (good awareness on his part). Zimmerman continued to follow him while carrying a large flashlight and talking on his cell phone to 911 dispatch. 911 told him to STOP following the kid. He didn't stop. Finally the kid encounters Zimmerman and (apparently) kicks the crap out of him. Trayvon is the one who was using the Castle Doctrine of Florida legally. Not Zimmerman. Zimmerman instigated this event and stalked this boy at night through a neighborhood the kid was not familiar with. Trayvon did run to get away from Zimmerman but somehow Zimmerman caught up with him and that is when Trayvon defended himself...with his fists. Zimmerman then pulls out his handgun and kills Trayvon. Clear cut murder in my opinion.

Zimmerman has made around 60 calls to 911 over the last year or two. He thinks he is some kind of vigilante ring leader who can do what he wants. It's terrible that the local police did not investigate this thoroughly and charge and arrest Zimmerman for at least 2nd degree murder.

Here is a link to the 911 calls that night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnItpb-NQ64

Decide for yourself. As for the feds getting involved that I believe is the only option left to the family of Trayvon since the police are not charging Zimmerman with a crime. It isn't about black VS white. It's about justice for a murdered child.
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Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
If we are all writing about Trayvon Martin then I agree. Mr. Zimmerman should have been arrested and charged with 1st degree intentional homicide. I've researched this incident quite a bit and Mr. Zimmerman broke every rule for someone who carries a firearm legally. Zimmerman followed the kid as he walked to a local store to buy Skittles and a Coke (IIRC) and the kid noticed him (good awareness on his part). Zimmerman continued to follow him while carrying a large flashlight and talking on his cell phone to 911 dispatch. 911 told him to STOP following the kid. He didn't stop. Finally the kid encounters Zimmerman and (apparently) kicks the crap out of him. Trayvon is the one who was using the Castle Doctrine of Florida legally. Not Zimmerman. Zimmerman instigated this event and stalked this boy at night through a neighborhood the kid was not familiar with. Trayvon did run to get away from Zimmerman but somehow Zimmerman caught up with him and that is when Trayvon defended himself...with his fists. Zimmerman then pulls out his handgun and kills Trayvon. Clear cut murder in my opinion.

Zimmerman has made around 60 calls to 911 over the last year or two. He thinks he is some kind of vigilante ring leader who can do what he wants. It's terrible that the local police did not investigate this thoroughly and charge and arrest Zimmerman for at least 2nd degree murder.

Here is a link to the 911 calls that night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnItpb-NQ64

Decide for yourself. As for the feds getting involved that I believe is the only option left to the family of Trayvon since the police are not charging Zimmerman with a crime. It isn't about black VS white. It's about justice for a murdered child.

Spoken for the truth !!

wild boar

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
The crux is...

...that Eric Holder has a deep rooted history when it comes to protecting the rights of blacks. There is nothing wrong with that if there isn't a history of abuse of office. Why did he decide not to investigate the "new black panthers" who were outside the polling place, one with a club? Eric said there was a lack of evidence. The panthers who were involved, and recorded on film, never even attended the hearings to answer to the charges. Where was Holder when the shooter in Milwaukee fired shot after shot at an unarmed man that was running away. The shooter was attempting to kill a man for something he had attempted to do, there is no crime in running away.

I said this was a "very questionable shooting", there is no doubt in my mind. Just like with F+F the people who legally own guns will pay. I told you to check out holder's record if you were going to form an opinion.

The fear mongers will not stop, we already need a permit for a right, and you can bet your a$$ we are going to loose decades of progress. boar out.


Regular Member
Feb 1, 2012
Reston, VA
...that Eric Holder has a deep rooted history when it comes to protecting the rights of blacks. There is nothing wrong with that if there isn't a history of abuse of office. Why did he decide not to investigate the "new black panthers" who were outside the polling place, one with a club? Eric said there was a lack of evidence. The panthers who were involved, and recorded on film, never even attended the hearings to answer to the charges. Where was Holder when the shooter in Milwaukee fired shot after shot at an unarmed man that was running away. The shooter was attempting to kill a man for something he had attempted to do, there is no crime in running away.

I said this was a "very questionable shooting", there is no doubt in my mind. Just like with F+F the people who legally own guns will pay. I told you to check out holder's record if you were going to form an opinion.

The fear mongers will not stop, we already need a permit for a right, and you can bet your a$$ we are going to loose decades of progress. boar out.

I get what your saying...

Thing is, he SHOULD have addressed those issues you mention. No doubt about it. Inexcusable and unfair.

That, however, changes nothing about THIS case. His lack of action on prior cases that needed action does not change the fact that this case should be handled by the feds. Should it affect his career, life, whatever? Sure...

wild boar

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Rest assured there are no Holder fans here.

I'm not speaking to race, I don't consider that to be the issue. The issue is selective prosecution, and in that, race is an issue. I do not decide which case is handled in what way, if race has been made a fact it is wrong. I don't care what color you are, when it makes a deference it's wrong. Holder has a history of irons in the fire, that's who he is, and that is what the man has made out of his position. It is in no way wrong for me to make mention of that fact. Let him defend himself as he did with F+F. boar out.

Fast Ed

Regular Member
Jun 24, 2008
Delafield, Wisconsin, USA
I don't think Zimmerman is white.

From what I can tell by looking at the pictures, Zimmerman is not white. He looks Hispanic to me. Maybe not, but if I had to guess, I would guess Hispanic. This will be inflated by the race ****** like Sharpton, Jackson, and Farrakahn to be more evidence of white hatred of the black race. It is nothing more than a series of mistakes that led to the death of an innocent man. It has nothing to do with race except that Zimmerman seems to have convicted Martin of "walking while black" and provoked the confrontation that led to Martin's death. I don't pretend to have all the facts either. Just the way it looks to me with the information I have. This is a quote from one of the articles on the shooting. "A police report describes Zimmerman as white; his family says he is Hispanic ..."

Get all the facts before deciding absolutely what happened.

Fast Ed
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
If we are all writing about Trayvon Martin then I agree. Mr. Zimmerman should have been arrested and charged with 1st degree intentional homicide. I've researched this incident quite a bit and Mr. Zimmerman broke every rule for someone who carries a firearm legally. Zimmerman followed the kid as he walked to a local store to buy Skittles and a Coke (IIRC) and the kid noticed him (good awareness on his part). Zimmerman continued to follow him while carrying a large flashlight and talking on his cell phone to 911 dispatch. 911 told him to STOP following the kid. He didn't stop. Finally the kid encounters Zimmerman and (apparently) kicks the crap out of him. Trayvon is the one who was using the Castle Doctrine of Florida legally. Not Zimmerman. Zimmerman instigated this event and stalked this boy at night through a neighborhood the kid was not familiar with. Trayvon did run to get away from Zimmerman but somehow Zimmerman caught up with him and that is when Trayvon defended himself...with his fists. Zimmerman then pulls out his handgun and kills Trayvon. Clear cut murder in my opinion.

Zimmerman has made around 60 calls to 911 over the last year or two. He thinks he is some kind of vigilante ring leader who can do what he wants. It's terrible that the local police did not investigate this thoroughly and charge and arrest Zimmerman for at least 2nd degree murder.

Here is a link to the 911 calls that night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnItpb-NQ64

Decide for yourself. As for the feds getting involved that I believe is the only option left to the family of Trayvon since the police are not charging Zimmerman with a crime. It isn't about black VS white. It's about justice for a murdered child.

You need to more research the dispatcher did not tell him to stop following his words were "we don't need you to do that"

There is a huge amount of speculation on your part. The Physical evidence backs Zmimermans story. There is no evidence that Zimmerman made the frist physcal contact with Martin.

Not so clear cut in my opinion

wild boar

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
At this point the only thing clear is that if the shooter isn't found guilty there will be a riot. With the interest of Holder, and company from Washington this will not stand as is. I hope I have to eat my words, but doubt it. The police chief has taken leave, and more than likely left town. History has shown us if the concerned group of people who are gathering nation wide to quietly question the now standing decision in this matter, will not take innocent for an answer, watch your six. boar out.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
At this point the only thing clear is that if the shooter isn't found guilty there will be a riot. With the interest of Holder, and company from Washington this will not stand as is. I hope I have to eat my words, but doubt it. The police chief has taken leave, and more than likely left town. History has shown us if the concerned group of people who are gathering nation wide to quietly question the now standing decision in this matter, will not take innocent for an answer, watch your six. boar out.

I belive the Chief knows this is a no win situation. The dept all ready conducted an investigation and the local DA thought it was a good shoot.

But the race baiters, anti CCW/gun types see a huge chance to make some hay here.

More the one situation like this has been used to start somethig bigger.


Campaign Veteran
May 18, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
You need to more research the dispatcher did not tell him to stop following his words were "we don't need you to do that"

There is a huge amount of speculation on your part. The Physical evidence backs Zmimermans story. There is no evidence that Zimmerman made the frist physcal contact with Martin.

Not so clear cut in my opinion

What is clear is that Zimmerman followed the child. Zimmerman had a flashlight and was patrolling the neighborhood. Zimmerman is not a police officer. Zimmerman had a firearm. The child was unarmed. The child is at least 100 pounds less weight than Zimmerman. The child (IMO) fought off a stalker (Zimmerman). Zimmerman pulls his gun and kills the child.

Fact: None of this would have happened had George Zimmerman not pursued the child and had let the police do their job. Now the nation has a huge "Race" issue once again which should have nothing to do with what happened.


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
Okanogan Highland
We all might be surprized at the out come of this.

I lived in the south when I was in the military, we have one daughter born in GA and another born in Alabama. My comment is, we'll see what happens as this unfolds. I do not want to see Holder's strong arm version of one-sided justice anymore that I want old fashioned one sided "southern justice". Neither are any good for anyone.

Yes, there are black people that are just as bad as any white in how negatively they view the other race. I've seen it, and in the military, I had to deal with it (60's and 70's), and that does not help true justice at all. I think we'll just have to wait and see.