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Reno DMV still expediting OC'ers.


Activist Member
Nov 12, 2007
Reno, Nevada, USA
Wednesday I had to go to the DMV again. Unusually for me, I was dressed in black slacks, a white shirt, and a tie, because that is the way I needed to dress for school and work later in the day. (The last few times I went to the DMV I was dressed casually, but the reaction was similar.)

I came with my forms printed and filled out ahead of time, and stood in line to get a number.

The security officer was walking by right as I got there, and immediately asked what I had, so I told him it was a Smith and Wesson.

He left, came back a little while later and asked if I was with an agency or open carry, so I told him open carry.

He left... I got my ticket, and sat down. I noticed him go to the front of the ticket line, talk to the clerk, who gave him a new ticket. He walked over to me and told me I should swap tickets with him, as his ticket would get me through faster. He told me it wasn't meant to be harassment, but that the management feels uneasy when people open carry. Basically, they wanted me to get on with my business and get out of there as fast as possible.

The security officer was also carrying a revolver, and he asked me what caliber mine was in to be friendly.

He left me alone to wait. It still took 10-20 minutes for my ticket to come up, but the wait time was supposed to be about 45 minutes, according to someone who was checking the wait time posted on the internet.

When my number came up, the clerk and the adjacent clerk were talking about the expedited ticket... one asked the other, "I wonder why this one is expedited?" And the other said, "I have no idea!" I'm guessing they must have noticed my gun, but it seems to me that neither of them seemed to have thought that would be the reason to expedite me. I didn't say anything about it to them.

I sure don't open carry to be expedited or for any special favors, I just want to be able to carry. Maybe we should spread the word that open carry is a ticket to the fast lane at the DMV. If people take advantage of it in large numbers, I would think the DMV would probably stop trying to expedite people, and better yet, might decide to allow concealed carry as well if the sight of guns really makes the management so uneasy.
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Regular Member
Apr 8, 2011
Polygammyville, Utah
Very Kool!

I was expedited out of a grocery store once. I was at the customer service area where they keep their liquor behind a swinging gate. It was my first time there. I asked her if I was allowed through the gate to find my etoh. The clerk looked at my gun and said, "No. What can I get for you?" She instantly went to fetch my bottle of Malibu Rum. The next time I went to that store she wasn't there and I saw that a customer had gone through the swinging gate. So I entered and got what I wanted.

(No, I'm not an alcoholic - yet.)


Founder's Club Member
Mar 23, 2010
Quarryville, PA
Sounds like discrimination to me on their part. They should have just left you alone and not drawn attention to you. While I'd like to get ahead in line I wouldn't want it to be just because I was carrying.


Does it really need any explanation? The point wasn't that I didn't make any stops between then... I actually made many turns, stops, etc. The point was that I don't have time to change clothes between the events... I basically just had enough time to get from one point to another. Taking off a holster only takes a moment but it takes me a lot longer to change from casual w/ tenis to a more formal outfit with a tie.

Well, kind of. As it is illegal to have a firearm on the property of the NV System of Higher Education, open or concealed. Leaving it in your car, on school property, would also be illegal. But since you said that "it is possible to park off campus", I take it that is what you do. I just hope it is very secure so as not to arm a criminal.

*Well your post has been edited since I made this comment...but there are no assumptions, you explained you were OC'ing, and went straight to school. Logic dictates, you took your gun to school, or at least on school property..
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Your logic is very poor if that's what your logic dictates.

Really? You said multiple times that you went straight from the DMV to school. Including saying it in your edited post:

"Campus is at least a few miles from the DMV, so it isn't actually possible for me to go directly from one place to the other directly without stepping foot anywhere else in between."

You clearly say, "IT ISN'T ACTUALLY POSSIBLE". Meaning you made no stops from DMV to school, because it isn't possible. Your words, not mine. If you are leaving your gun in your car while at school, you are breaking the law. If you don't realize you are breaking the law, just man up and admit your mistakes, and stop carrying illegally. You can't twist around your words to mean anything other than, you OC'ed at the DMV, and the went straight to school. Straight to school, LOGICALLY SAYS, you made not stops in between.

And in your OP:
"Wednesday I had to go to the DMV again.....I was dressed in black slacks, a white shirt, and a tie, because that is the way I need to dress up for my college course for presentations....and I was headed straight to school..."

Please, tell me, in your logic what else this could mean? You even side barred the premise of your post to enlighten us on your attire being acceptable for both school and work, which only solidifies the argument that your intention was to go from DMV straight to school, without a stop anywhere else.
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Ok, not going to argue anymore. You said you went straight from the DMV, to class, and was at the DMV dressed for class. If you want to change it now saying that you stopped in between, so be it. I really hope you did. I will assume you did, and needed to clarify your OP more. Everything you said makes it seem like you went from the DMV straight to school, because, well, that's what you said.
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Activist Member
Nov 12, 2007
Reno, Nevada, USA
You can't twist around your words to mean anything other than, you OC'ed at the DMV, and the went straight to school. Straight to school, LOGICALLY SAYS, you made not stops in between.

Since people cannot possibly understand how going straight to some place would allow one the possibility to stop somewhere on the way, like a parking lot off campus to secure a weapon, I removed the reference to going "straight to school", and deleted all subsequent wasted effort trying to explain how it was figurative language. Some would have you believe that in order to go straight from one place to school that your path should actually be so straight that you have to crash through the walls of the school and run over the desk.

If you want to change it now saying that you stopped in between, so be it.
I did not change from having stops to no stops... We just got so concerned with trying to determine what a stop was that it reached the point of senselessness. When I think of a stop, I think of it more like running an errand, not moving to the next step in the progression in moving from one point to the next point. If going straight to a place means only one step is required to get there, then I've never gone straight to any place in my life. If going straight to a place means not running any errands in between then there is no conflict in going straight from a place that allows guns to a place that prohibits guns without violating any laws.

Meaning you made no stops from DMV to school, because it isn't possible.
Actually, I was saying that it wasn't actually possible to go from one place to another without making stops... in my case I can't park on campus even if I have no weapons in my car... I have no parking permit, so I must stop at a place off campus if I wish to park.

Despite opinions to the contrary, I am perfectly capable of traveling to campus after open carrying somewhere without violating the law and without going back home. Therefore it is irrelevant to mention, but if anyone is curious, my school class actually even met on private property on Wednesday.... I felt that would only distract from the topic at hand to provide such unnecessary details.
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Regular Member
Jun 12, 2008
La Paz county, Arizona.
yeah, we need to know if you use sugar in your morning coffee, because if you use three sugars then go around the corner while open carrying then you didn't use two sugars. Logically this means you didn't have time to take the spoon out of the coffee so if it really was take out coffee then what did you do with the spoon? this logically proves that you couldn't have gone to the DMV while open carrying because no one could believe you would go to school without drinking coffee.

logic and coffee, you cant have open carry at DMV with out it.



Since people cannot possibly understand how going straight to some place would allow one the possibility to stop somewhere on the way, like a parking lot off campus to secure a weapon, I removed the reference to going "straight to school", and deleted all subsequent wasted effort trying to explain how it was figurative language. Some would have you believe that in order to go straight from one place to school that your path should actually be so straight that you have to crash through the walls of the school and run over the desk.

I did not change from having stops to no stops... We just got so concerned with trying to determine what a stop was that it reached the point of senselessness. When I think of a stop, I think of it more like running an errand, not moving to the next step in the progression in moving from one point to the next point. If going straight to a place means only one step is required to get there, then I've never gone straight to any place in my life. If going straight to a place means not running any errands in between then there is no conflict in going straight from a place that allows guns to a place that prohibits guns without violating any laws.

Actually, I was saying that it wasn't actually possible to go from one place to another without making stops... in my case I can't park on campus even if I have no weapons in my car... I have no parking permit, so I must stop at a place off campus if I wish to park.

Despite opinions to the contrary, I am perfectly capable of traveling to campus after open carrying somewhere without violating the law and without going back home. Therefore it is irrelevant to mention, but if anyone is curious, my school class actually even met on private property on Wednesday.... I felt that would only distract from the topic at hand to provide such unnecessary details.

Stop being ignorant, we speak the English language and should know the proper meaning of words. Of course I assume you had to stop at red lights and stop signs, stop sounding like a fool about crashing through walls and such. If you had half a brain, you would know the PARKING LOT is considered part of school. If you read my second post, I clearly recognized that you had said it is possible to park off campus, which I mention I will assume you do. You then went after my post and edited your post to delete any mention of parking off campus. I am not stupid, and know you have to "make stops" as to follow traffic laws, so please stop treating me like an idiot. I asked you a question, you answered with an ORIGINAL answer that led me to believe you parked off campus. Why you deleted that and created this charade, I haven't a clue.

As far as distraction off topic, it was you who did a good job of that. Your original answer to my question, in that you park off campus, would have been fine. But instead you chose the condescending route of trying to make me look stupid because you tried to make me act like I believed you did not stop at stop signs and "going straight to school" meant "driving through walls". So please, quit the childish behavior.
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Are you people serious!!?? The guy says he was OCing at the DMV, and then going straight to school. I ask him a question, which could have been clearly answered by "I park at off campus", but instead wants to play childish games about having to stop at stop signs, and driving through walls. And you all ridicule me and call me a troll?? For asking a simple question? Really? Wow, amazing.


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2010
Are you people serious!!?? The guy says he was OCing at the DMV, and then going straight to school. I ask him a question, which could have been clearly answered by "I park at off campus", but instead wants to play childish games about having to stop at stop signs, and driving through walls. And you all ridicule me and call me a troll?? For asking a simple question? Really? Wow, amazing.

Your communication skills are not the best. Neither is your reading comprehension.



Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
Despite all the debris between the original post and here the take home lesson I see is if you OC at some Nevada DMV offices you will get expedited service. Since it is NOT something I am asking for, but it is something that I do appreciate, I will accept the decreased time in the line or waiting room. I wonder if this experience will be the same in other States offices... LOL

Seems like the DMV folks are trying to teach us that if you OC then you get moved right to the front of the line. Seems like a good deal for us and for all those that are willing to demonstrate that they are the masters of the state agencies NOT the state agencies.

I wonder how long this special treatment (of a good nature) will continue as more and more folks discover our little secret?
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Your communication skills are not the best. Neither is your reading comprehension.


I know that all of you like to stick together, so this is not unexpected. I have an advanced degree, and have been published, my reading/writing skills are just fine, thank you. I realize that the OP (and probably most on here) are products of the NV education system, so it is understandable that you have no clue what was said. COMMENT REMOVED BY ADMINISTRATOR: Personal attack / Inappropriate He clearly said he went straight to school after the DMV. To anyone with half a brain, this would mean he made no drastic stops in between. Stop signs, red lights, and heck, even stopping for gas or a Coke, would mean that he went straight to school from the DMV. Stopping anywhere to drop off your gun would mean he did not go straight to school. He then admitted he parks off campus, which again would mean, "straight to school". So clearly, my reading comprehension was correct that "he went straight to school".

He did make a smart a$$ comment, "it is possible to park off campus", in his first comment to me, to which my second response in this thread was an acknowledgement of this, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he did, in fact, park off campus. He then changed his posts a myriad of times, and continued this charade in trying to make me sound stupid, when in reality I was right all along. I then get criticized and called a troll just for asking a question. Why did he delete all his posts? Hmm, I wonder..? I now remember why I stopped posting here, you all are a bunch of idiots.
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Regular Member
Sep 8, 2010
I know that all of you like to stick together, so this is not unexpected. I have an advanced degree, and have been published, my reading/writing skills are just fine, thank you. I realize that the OP (and probably most on here) are products of the NV education system, so it is understandable that you have no clue what was said. The fact is, my ass farts more intelligent comments than that which comes out of your mouth. He clearly said he went straight to school after the DMV. To anyone with half a brain, this would mean he made no drastic stops in between. Stop signs, red lights, and heck, even stopping for gas or a Coke, would mean that he went straight to school from the DMV. Stopping anywhere to drop off your gun would mean he did not go straight to school. He then admitted he parks off campus, which again would mean, "straight to school". So clearly, my reading comprehension was correct that "he went straight to school".

He did make a smart a$$ comment, "it is possible to park off campus", in his first comment to me, to which my second response in this thread was an acknowledgement of this, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he did, in fact, park off campus. He then changed his posts a myriad of times, and continued this charade in trying to make me sound stupid, when in reality I was right all along. I then get criticized and called a troll just for asking a question. Why did he delete all his posts? Hmm, I wonder..? I now remember why I stopped posting here, you all are a bunch of idiots.

We graciously thank you for taking your clearly incompetent brain matter and leaving this sphere. Would that it be permanently.

Bye bye little one.:cool: