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Another great reason to leave California!


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2009
Ohio, USA
California will NOW enforce 'micro-stamping' gun law.

SAN FRANCISCO — A hotly contested California gun-control law that was passed in 2007 is finally ready to be implemented, Attorney General Kamala Harris said this week: a requirement that every new semiautomatic handgun contain "micro-stamping" technology that would allow police to trace a weapon from cartridges found at a crime scene.

The law, signed by then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, made California the first state to require micro-stamping, which engraves the gun's serial number on each cartridge. But the legislation specified that it would take effect only when the technology was available and all private patents had expired.

Gun owners group Calguns Foundation tried to forestall the law at one point by paying a $555 fee in an attempt to extend a patent held by the inventor, who wanted it to lapse. Gun manufacturers said the technology was expensive and ineffective, and a National Rifle Association lawyer has threatened a lawsuit.

But at a Los Angeles news conference Friday, Harris announced that micro-stamping had cleared all technological and patenting hurdles and would be required on newly sold semiautomatics, effective immediately.

"The patents have been cleared, which means that this very important technology will help us as law enforcement in identifying and locating people who have illegally used firearms," Harris said.

Attorney Benjamin Van Houten of the San Francisco-based Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence said the announcement
should send a message to other states, the Obama administration and the gun industry that "this is the future and it's really critical to helping law enforcement solve gun crimes."

.D. Michel, the NRA's West Coast regional attorney, had a much grimmer prediction.

"This is not going to help solve crimes," he said. "It's easily defeated, easily wears out and can be used to lead police down false alleys" if the serial numbers are altered.

Worse yet, Michel said, manufacturers will be unwilling to add this expensive feature to guns sold in a single state, and will instead keep manufacturing weapons for the other states, where demand already far exceeds supply. The effect, he said, would be a ban on new semiautomatic handguns in California, which the NRA will challenge in court.

Van Houten, in response, said, "The gun lobby makes wild claims about the impact on the California gun market" every time the state enacts a new gun-safety requirement.

The technology was invented in the 1990s by Todd Lizotte, an engineer and NRA member, who has said for more than a year that he no longer claimed patent rights and wanted California to implement micro-stamping.


The NRA should drop him as a member.
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Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Getting a patent does not mean the patented thing actually works ... it has been shown to be useless ... ever hear of a brass catcher-duh (another easy way to get around it?

Its retarded and only meant to increase costs ~~ manufacturers will tell CA (that already requires drop testing of products) to piss off.

CA cannot require manufacturers to modify their products and such a demand likely infringes.

I myself would microstamp all my ammo with other information ... like "if are are reading this, you are a dickhead" ...


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2009
Ohio, USA
Getting a patent does not mean the patented thing actually works ... it has been shown to be useless ... ever hear of a brass catcher-duh (another easy way to get around it?

Its retarded and only meant to increase costs ~~ manufacturers will tell CA (that already requires drop testing of products) to piss off.

CA cannot require manufacturers to modify their products and such a demand likely infringes.

I myself would microstamp all my ammo with other information ... like "if are are reading this, you are a dickhead" ...

Well the problem is that CA can restrict any and all new handguns with this requirement, also I can't not see a single gun company making any effort to retool their machines to comply. It is a round about way for them to ban even more firearms, liberals are not so stupid to think this would ever work. Also why should any gun company comply, they have such huge orders from so many other states, they are not going to make those wait times any longer to try and comply with the law. They will simple refuse to sell any of their guns to CA.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Well the problem is that CA can restrict any and all new handguns with this requirement, also I can't not see a single gun company making any effort to retool their machines to comply. It is a round about way for them to ban even more firearms, liberals are not so stupid to think this would ever work. Also why should any gun company comply, they have such huge orders from so many other states, they are not going to make those wait times any longer to try and comply with the law. They will simple refuse to sell any of their guns to CA.

With the CA drop testing requirement (costing only the cost of drop testing which is not great) some have tested & some say "forget it" I imagine.

This require would cost a ton in tooling ... and likely require further drop testing as well.

The government should keep its nose out of gun design ....


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
With the CA drop testing requirement (costing only the cost of drop testing which is not great) some have tested & some say "forget it" I imagine.

This require would cost a ton in tooling ... and likely require further drop testing as well.

The government should keep its nose out of gun design ....

That's the whole point! They are trying to keep guns out of commie-fornia by making it too difficult for gun manufactures to sell their products there. Just another end-around by people who swore an oath to defend the the constitution (all of it) not just the parts they like. :rolleyes: cock-roaches all of them need a pointed boot and a corner encounter. ;)


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Why any Liberty-loving person would continue to live in California is beyond me. Move. Vote with your feet.

God knows, Liberty will never win at the ballot box in that State. Too many of the people in California have permanently traded their essential Liberty for some non-existant security.

So I have zero sympathy for California's plight, or the plight of any individual who chooses to stay.

Jeff Hayes

Regular Member
Mar 10, 2009
Long gone
Why any Liberty-loving person would continue to live in California is beyond me. Move. Vote with your feet.

God knows, Liberty will never win at the ballot box in that State. Too many of the people in California have permanently traded their essential Liberty for some non-existant security.

So I have zero sympathy for California's plight, or the plight of any individual who chooses to stay.

I left Kalifornia 22 years ago because I could not stand it then, I can only imagine what it is like living there now. I have one consulting client left in Kalifornia and when they are finally done with me in the next year or so I will no longer go to Kalifornia or do business there until the end of my days. When I have to go there I spend as little money as possible, low end hotel, I fill up at the border and only buy enough fuel to get back to the border. I take some food with me to eat in the hotel room rather than spend money at a restaurant. Its not about being cheap I can afford to eat anywhere I desire, it is about not supporting Kalifornia any more than I absolutely have to. I made up my mind several years ago that supporting the State of Kalifornia in any way even indirectly was against my best interests. I wish more people would join me.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I left Kalifornia 22 years ago because I could not stand it then, I can only imagine what it is like living there now. I have one consulting client left in Kalifornia and when they are finally done with me in the next year or so I will no longer go to Kalifornia or do business there until the end of my days. When I have to go there I spend as little money as possible, low end hotel, I fill up at the border and only buy enough fuel to get back to the border. I take some food with me to eat in the hotel room rather than spend money at a restaurant. Its not about being cheap I can afford to eat anywhere I desire, it is about not supporting Kalifornia any more than I absolutely have to. I made up my mind several years ago that supporting the State of Kalifornia in any way even indirectly was against my best interests. I wish more people would join me.

Voting with your feet and your dollars! Kudos.


Campaign Veteran
Jun 6, 2010
Anchorage, Alaska
I made up my mind several years ago that supporting the State of Kalifornia in any way even indirectly was against my best interests. I wish more people would join me.
I never voluntarily travel to any state which doesn't recognize my Alaska concealed firearm permit. As a military officer, I'm sometimes compelled to do so, but I limit my spending and my time in the state as much as possible.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
Why any Liberty-loving person would continue to live in California is beyond me. Move. Vote with your feet.

God knows, Liberty will never win at the ballot box in that State. Too many of the people in California have permanently traded their essential Liberty for some non-existant security.

So I have zero sympathy for California's plight, or the plight of any individual who chooses to stay.

And when I get removed from the military for turning down orders or going AWOL for refusing to go into the state I'll expect you to pay the costs to help financially take care of me and my family.


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
Why any Liberty-loving person would continue to live in California is beyond me. Move. Vote with your feet.

God knows, Liberty will never win at the ballot box in that State. Too many of the people in California have permanently traded their essential Liberty for some non-existant security.

So I have zero sympathy for California's plight, or the plight of any individual who chooses to stay.

The only problem with this is recent history has shown that the ones that do move to states such as Arizona, for some reason unbeknownst to any intelligent person, attempt at some point to remake Arizona into California. We have seen this take place in Florida (in fact a common term is, "Don't Florida ____" [some other Southern state]). So even though some of these people may claim to seek freedom from California's oppressive state government, I wouldn't trust them to leave all of their baggage at the border. We have that here with New Englanders coming into Virginia. Don't need that mindset here in the South and I bet California's border states don't need it either (except maybe Oregon).
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
And when I get removed from the military for turning down orders or going AWOL for refusing to go into the state I'll expect you to pay the costs to help financially take care of me and my family.

I will amend my statement. Military folk who have been stationed in California have my sympathies. As do military folk stationed in England. They have much less choice in the matter.

Fortunately, for my entire 20 years, my stateside assignments were all relatively Liberty-loving States. My one overseas assignment was the People's Republic of Denmark. However, the Danish ladies were well worth any other sacrifices.

To properly quote Franklin: Those who would trade essential Liberty for temporary security deserve neither, unless some gorgeous blondes are thrown in for good measure.

Some poor soul came in today to buy his 10-round magazines for his assignment to CA. *sigh*

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.



Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
The only problem with this is recent history has shown that the ones that do move to states such as Arizona, for some reason unbeknownst to any intelligent person, attempt at some point to remake Arizona into California. We have seen this take place in Florida (in fact a common term is, "Don't Florida ____" [some other Southern state]). So even though some of these people may claim to seek freedom from California's oppressive state government, I wouldn't trust them to leave all of their baggage at the border. We have that here with New Englanders coming into Virginia. Don't need that mindset here in the South and I bet California's border states don't need it either (except maybe Oregon).

Florida, at least the peninsula, is a small town in southern NY!

But, point taken. No State should accept immigrants from CA, NY, IL, MA, etc. until they have graduated from a reeducation camp!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.



Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
However, the Danish ladies were well worth any other sacrifices.

To properly quote Franklin: Those who would trade essential Liberty for temporary security deserve neither, unless some gorgeous blondes are thrown in for good measure.

Hmm, good point. California is known for its ugly women.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
Florida, at least the peninsula, is a small town in southern NY!

But, point taken. No State should accept immigrants from CA, NY, IL, MA, etc. until they have graduated from a reeducation camp!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.

I can only speak to my experience with the people in the northern suburbs of Phoenix AZ. So far this appears to be an accurate view of the situation on the ground here... and for large chunks of Tucson also. :(

Many of these "transplants" carry with them the seeds of BIG BROTHER planted in their "home" dictatorships.
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Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
, ,
The majority of Californias problems are due to illegal aliens flooding the state.

About 85% of these new voters vote democrat.

A poll by Pew showed that less than 10% held values consistent with the founding fathers of America.

California is NOT to blame for its illegal alien problem. That's a federal issue and ALL states are to blame for that.

Don't worry, its coming to YOUR state soon enough.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
The majority of Californias problems are due to illegal aliens flooding the state.

About 85% of these new voters vote democrat.

A poll by Pew showed that less than 10% held values consistent with the founding fathers of America.

California is NOT to blame for its illegal alien problem. That's a federal issue and ALL states are to blame for that.

Don't worry, its coming to YOUR state soon enough.

Right, because if they voted Republican, all our problems would be solved.


Of course they vote Democrat: Republicans are too busy blaming them for "a majority of problems". Trust me, you would vote Democrat, too.

Self-fulfilling prophecy is self-fulfilling, like every putative need for control.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
The majority of Californias problems are due to illegal aliens flooding the state.

About 85% of these new voters vote democrat.

A poll by Pew showed that less than 10% held values consistent with the founding fathers of America.

California is NOT to blame for its illegal alien problem. That's a federal issue and ALL states are to blame for that.

Don't worry, its coming to YOUR state soon enough.

I don't know if their problems can be all laid at the feet of illegal aliens, but CA is not blameless for the influx of illegals. CA law incentivizes being an illegal alien. Hell, some of their cities are flat inviting the law-breakers.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.


Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
, ,
I don't know if their problems can be all laid at the feet of illegal aliens, but CA is not blameless for the influx of illegals. CA law incentivizes being an illegal alien. Hell, some of their cities are flat inviting the law-breakers.

Almost every court ruling has said states CANT make state laws against illegal aliens.

Please remember that California passed the landmark prop 187 but the courts struck it down.

There wouldn't be any illegal aliens here if the federal government had stopped them from entering.

That means YOUR state is just as guilty as anyone.
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