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Cops versus Cameras a "nationwide fight"


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2007
, ,

An interesting article about filming the police. It talks about 2 citizen journalist who have taken on this cause, and pushed the boundaries (and buttons).

It also talks about the 'raising ire' of law enforcement toward being filmed.

On topic imho since many on the opencarry forum advocate filming encounters with LEO. Seems there's a nationwide backlash brewing.
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Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
"We think every citizen should have a camera in their car," he says. "Every encounter with police officers — every one — should be filmed."

This is inevitable, unavoidable, of course. And the law will do nothing to prevent it.

It may take a few years, though.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
I've been threatened a few times for recording they usually shut up, when they find out I know more about that portion of the law than they do.

Of course they don't want to be filmed, look how many abuses you can find on youtube alone.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
Colorado Springs. CO
I am actually considering sending a contribution to the ACLU !

The video camera is now liberty's most powerful weapon.

Public servants -especially those who carry guns, tazers, batons, and hand cuffs , and have documented on their own ("COPS")PUBLICLY RELEASED AUDIO-VIDEO a tendancy to disrespect the civil rights of ordinary citizens on a daily basis SHOULD BE under constant - I repeat - CONSTANT(independently controlled)video monitoring when on duty.

Trumped up "charges" , arrests, detention, threats of arrest, unlawful search & seizure ?

Is this the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we are talking about ?

What ever became of " TO PROTECT AND TO SERVE" ?????????????

The protestations about audio-video recording constituting "interference with LEO's in the performance of their official duties" ( ?????) This issue is rapidly affecting my attitude towards LEO's. I really don't think law enforcement in this country wants to continue down this road. An immediate 180 change in direction is in order here by law enforcement - if they don't want to find themselves outside of the "inner circle" of 300 + million people.

I wll not harbor, and feed a "watch dog" that thinks he/she is my "pack leader". Public servants are not our masters. Most Americans recognize the enormous challenges confronting law enforcement, but they will not tolerate this tendancy towards "banana republic" style policing.
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