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Tuck it back, or stand up for your freedoms!


Regular Member
Dec 28, 2010
Arbor Vitae
OK, there is a lot of talk out there about this new bill passing, and most of it is based on the idea that we have gotten what we started fighting for in the first place.

Time For A Reality Check!

Chant and cheer all you want, but this is not Constitutional Carry with an "Optional Permit System". This is us having to ask permission to put a shirt or coat over our means of self defense. And if we get permission we have to pay the government for the ability to do so. So it sounds to me like there are a lot of people that have been talking about the Anti's and the Sheeple that are falling in line with what they say we can and can not do. That is not a freedom, that is a privilege. And doing things like sending e-mails and protesting at the capitol are not going to do it.

If you want to be effective, tell those that voted against our freedoms that we will not stand for it by working to get them voted out and replaced by someone who will work toward what the people want. Tell the ones that wanted pure constitutional carry with an optional permit system that you support their efforts and will do whatever it takes to help them stay in office.

Standing around with a bunch of dirt bags that are protesting special olympics and veterans memorials will just get them to call us crazy. Sending angry e-mails and making harassing phone calls will just give them a reason to repeal the laws with the little bit of gain we have gotten.

Going through basic forms of training will just make them think that we are irresponsible. And that we don't deserve the rights that we are given. I don't care if you are taking a course, watching a video and then going out and practicing, or reading a book and working out the details to get it to fit you. They are going to point out every flaw and every mistake when we do finally get Constitutional Carry brought up again. And instructors that offer this "Used Car" training should be ashamed of themselves, because they are preying on others in order to make a few extra bucks.

You may think that we have gotten somewhere with this, but what nobody seems to realize is that now that we have a real chance at concealed carry, we are just starting the fight. This is where the hard work begins. We have to maintain professionalism, and constant vigilance to make sure that we are not an example of why we should not only NOT have constitutional carry, but also why we should NOT have concealed carry at all.

If you think for a second that they will not take this away, you are sadly mistaken. There are just as many out there that would rip this from our hands as fast as they would any other freedom we may enjoy. Now is the time to buck up and do what we have been telling them we would for the last 18+ years.

I will step off my soap box now.


Regular Member
Dec 8, 2007
As I said a while back, I don't need permission to exercise rights clearly laid out in the constitution. No permit for me.


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
Leesburg, GA
I like the option to be able to be "tactful" in situations where it is more prudent to be polite. :)

That is all. Take that for what its worth.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 17, 2008
Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Constitutional carry would have been almost totally useless for me due to where I live and work. I have to get the permit to be in total compliance with the Federal GFSZ law. I'm sure some will see this as a cop-out but I find this bill acceptable for my personal needs. I will take this victory and be happy with it despite the members of this forum who will say it is "wrong" for me to do so.

Wisconsin has been waiting for over two decades for this and I am ecstatic to finally see it happen. Things could be far worse.


Regular Member
Jun 12, 2011
The mean streets of WI
Sending angry e-mails and making harassing phone calls will just give them a reason to repeal the laws with the little bit of gain we have gotten.

You may think that we have gotten somewhere with this, but what nobody seems to realize is that now that we have a real chance at concealed carry, we are just starting the fight. This is where the hard work begins.

Is it better to take SB93 for now and continue to fight from there, or is it better to say no to SB93 and continue to fight from there?


Regular Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Coast of Wisconsin
Constitutional carry would have been almost totally useless for me due to where I live and work. I have to get the permit to be in total compliance with the Federal GFSZ law. I'm sure some will see this as a cop-out but I find this bill acceptable for my personal needs. I will take this victory and be happy with it despite the members of this forum who will say it is "wrong" for me to do so.

Wisconsin has been waiting for over two decades for this and I am ecstatic to finally see it happen. Things could be far worse.

This is a good example of misinformation.

With Constitutional Carry, as it was initially envisioned, the simple act of carrying a gun, either concealed or open would have given you license to pass through the school zones by legislative decree. You would have, in fact, been licensed by the act of carrying.

So, in point of fact, Constitutional Carry as originally envisioned, would have been exactly what we all have been fighting for.

Sadly, now, there will be much, much more work and effort to finally get what we truly wanted achieved.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
I have to get the permit to be in total compliance with the Federal GFSZ law.
Do you know how few states, even "shall issue" states, have permits that fully comply with the Federal GFSZA?

Unless this current version of the WI law requires an official determination that the licensee is a "suitable person", then the WI license won't help you there either.


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2010
Trempealeau County
This is a good example of misinformation.

With Constitutional Carry, as it was initially envisioned, the simple act of carrying a gun, either concealed or open would have given you license to pass through the school zones by legislative decree. You would have, in fact, been licensed by the act of carrying.

So, in point of fact, Constitutional Carry as originally envisioned, would have been exactly what we all have been fighting for.

Sadly, now, there will be much, much more work and effort to finally get what we truly wanted achieved.

My friend, Constitutional Carry in that ideological sense, would require a repeal of EVERY firearm statute in the state. That is NOT what we were fighting for.

Let me rephrase it for you.
This is a good example of misinformation.

With Constitutional Carry, as it was initially envisioned, the simple act of a law abiding citizen carrying a gun, either concealed or open would have given you license to pass through the school zones by legislative decree. You law abiding citizens would have, in fact, been licensed by the act of carrying.

So, in point of fact, Constitutional Carry as originally envisioned, would have been exactly what we all have been fighting for.

Sadly, now, there will be much, much more work and effort to finally get what we truly wanted achieved.

With your last sentence, you claim that it will be easier to get Constitutional Carry in the future if SB93 in it's current form were to fail and not pass. I could not disagree with you more. Every state that prohibited concealed weapons that got to Constitutional Carry went through a permitting system. If the case can be made that a state can go from a prohibition to Constitutional Carry, let Illinios be the one if it can be done.

We are on course to get Constitutional Carry. We had ten co-sponsors in the Senate, we get seven more the next time around and we got it, granted the House mirrors that and follows suit. We have a better chance than any May-Issue states.
Last edited:


i had a circumstances where an individual came to me waving the laws in my face, and exclaiming; wisconsin hasnt allowed concealed carry for 150 years, and they never will. he doesnt do that to me anymore.


Regular Member
May 7, 2009
Southsider der hey
As one of those guys who believes we have been lied to, yes I think we need to fight. I have been saying for years that our politicians believe they are our conscience and need to protect us from ourselves. In order to do that they need to erode our born rights and herd us into little protected pens where we can be watched.

Unless your willing to start a full blown revolution our choices are limited to the electoral process. Its no secret that I abhor politicians, but we need to vote these career bags out when ever the opportunity provides itself. This country needs a truly independent viable third party to combat the 2 "normal" political parties. Right now groups like the Tea party are considered the lunatic fringe. Once these groups gain more acceptance we can advance. Until then the mantra should be "vote em out".


Regular Member
Jan 1, 2010
Stevens Point WI, ,
I personally hate to hear the cop-out "well this works for me so I'm fine with it." That's exactly what they are counting on, for you to "gain protection" at the cost of losing your rights.



Regular Member
Apr 7, 2009
As one of those guys who believes we have been lied to, yes I think we need to fight. I have been saying for years that our politicians believe they are our conscience and need to protect us from ourselves. In order to do that they need to erode our born rights and herd us into little protected pens where we can be watched.

Unless your willing to start a full blown revolution our choices are limited to the electoral process. Its no secret that I abhor politicians, but we need to vote these career bags out when ever the opportunity provides itself. This country needs a truly independent viable third party to combat the 2 "normal" political parties. Right now groups like the Tea party are considered the lunatic fringe. Once these groups gain more acceptance we can advance. Until then the mantra should be "vote em out".



Regular Member
Jun 11, 2011
Edgerton, Wi
I personally hate to hear the cop-out "well this works for me so I'm fine with it." That's exactly what they are counting on, for you to "gain protection" at the cost of losing your rights.


For alot of people this very good conceal carry permit bill was acceptable before the Senate voted on it. The small handful of posters on here who are devoted to Const. Carry will find that after people start receiving their permits, the so called Const Carry movement will shrink to even a smaller minority.

Not a cop-out for a large segment of conceal carry enthusiasts.


Regular Member
Mar 1, 2011
Silver Lake WI
OK, there is a lot of talk out there about this new bill passing, and most of it is based on the idea that we have gotten what we started fighting for in the first place.

Time For A Reality Check!

Chant and cheer all you want, but this is not Constitutional Carry with an "Optional Permit System". This is us having to ask permission to put a shirt or coat over our means of self defense. And if we get permission we have to pay the government for the ability to do so. So it sounds to me like there are a lot of people that have been talking about the Anti's and the Sheeple that are falling in line with what they say we can and can not do. That is not a freedom, that is a privilege. And doing things like sending e-mails and protesting at the capitol are not going to do it.

If you want to be effective, tell those that voted against our freedoms that we will not stand for it by working to get them voted out and replaced by someone who will work toward what the people want. Tell the ones that wanted pure constitutional carry with an optional permit system that you support their efforts and will do whatever it takes to help them stay in office.

Standing around with a bunch of dirt bags that are protesting special olympics and veterans memorials will just get them to call us crazy. Sending angry e-mails and making harassing phone calls will just give them a reason to repeal the laws with the little bit of gain we have gotten.

Going through basic forms of training will just make them think that we are irresponsible. And that we don't deserve the rights that we are given. I don't care if you are taking a course, watching a video and then going out and practicing, or reading a book and working out the details to get it to fit you. They are going to point out every flaw and every mistake when we do finally get Constitutional Carry brought up again. And instructors that offer this "Used Car" training should be ashamed of themselves, because they are preying on others in order to make a few extra bucks.

You may think that we have gotten somewhere with this, but what nobody seems to realize is that now that we have a real chance at concealed carry, we are just starting the fight. This is where the hard work begins. We have to maintain professionalism, and constant vigilance to make sure that we are not an example of why we should not only NOT have constitutional carry, but also why we should NOT have concealed carry at all.

If you think for a second that they will not take this away, you are sadly mistaken. There are just as many out there that would rip this from our hands as fast as they would any other freedom we may enjoy. Now is the time to buck up and do what we have been telling them we would for the last 18+ years.

I will step off my soap box now.

Agree with all ... excempt for the fact the as stated in other threads, some of us literally can not afford the cost of training to "just get the permit".... For now I am required by financial difficulites to obtain the permit (ONLY for the GFSZ thing) in the least expensive way possible. I am saving my pennies to take a class someday.

I have open carried for a while now and practice at the range as much as possible so I am comfortable (for now) in getting the permit for the GFSZ as I still plan on open carrying 95% of the time...



Regular Member
Dec 28, 2010
Arbor Vitae
Is it better to take SB93 for now and continue to fight from there, or is it better to say no to SB93 and continue to fight from there?

You souls never give up gained ground. A step forward is better than no progress at all. But the one inch that we got is not what we are fighting for.


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
Chandler, AZ
If you want to be effective, tell those that voted against our freedoms that we will not stand for it by working to get them voted out and replaced by someone who will work toward what the people want. Tell the ones that wanted pure constitutional carry with an optional permit system that you support their efforts and will do whatever it takes to help them stay in office.

OK...... question, since no vote was ever taken until we got this bastardized legislation, who do we vote out? Lena Taylor voted for this, do we brand her as an anti or a pro?

The easy answer is to vote against the 8 Democratic Senators that voted against it but how do we know that they didn't vote against it because they WANTED true Constitutional Carry? I am pretty sure that isn't the case but I know that Representative Pridemore indicated that he would vote against it in the Assembly just for that reason. Do we vote him out?

I understand and respect your sentiment, I'm just not sure how we come up with that 'list'. Unfortunately, all the arguing and discussion took place in caucus and those aren't open meetings so we have no CLUE who said what.

What is the answer? I'm not sure. Am I positive my Senator and Representative supported true Constitutional Carry? No! I can only take their word for it and see that they signed up as co-authors/co-sponsors on the original bill, before even the optional permit. In addition, I can see my Senator defended Constitutional Carry in the public hearing as well as the other committee meetings. Do we have that 'audit trail' for all of them? Nope, so most of the time it would be a feeling or a guess.

Do we need to make people pay for this? Yes! Who? I'm not sure. Will recalling the Republican Senators help? Not sure. We might be better off grooming some true conservatives to challenge them in the next primary.

The only person I am positive should be gone is Darling. She wanted to bend over for Flynn on the felony for unlicensed cc thing. It was only the rest of the Republican caucus basically telling her that she would receive no votes that caused her to put it as a separate bill that probably won't see the light of day.