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Molotov Mitchell - is self defense still a right


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
I will have to agree with you, but this has been rehashed many times. Preaching to the choir comes to mind.

I particularly enjoyed the animation.

For us here yes he is preaching to the choir but his edgy style will reach a number of people that do not necessarily think much about gun control laws and rights.

I love his video's and agree with him 99% of the time.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
I sometimes see it as a bit problematic that the feeling of being threatened is sufficient, especially with no witnesses, you can't count on everyone have a good sense of when one is being threatened for his or her life and what actions to take in order to preserve it.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I sometimes see it as a bit problematic that the feeling of being threatened is sufficient, especially with no witnesses, you can't count on everyone have a good sense of when one is being threatened for his or her life and what actions to take in order to preserve it.

The alternative is what? Waiting for the threat to actually produce serious injury or death would seem to be more problematic. Life may not always be fair, but it beats the other options.

Count on no one but yourself before the fact. After the fact, count on your attorney. Be right 100% of the time.


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
In Boston T. Party's book, "You & The Police", he speaks of the fact that the police are always "looking for bodies". By this, he means people they can detain, question, and arrest.... for anything. He is right. And you have to bet that it frustrates some officers to no end that the carrying community, be it open or concealed, are the people most likely to stand up for their rights and to take them to task. Too bad. 'Bout time, I would say for LEO's who need to be dressed down and held accountable to feel the wrath of those for whom they work.