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Home owner with CPL+1, Home Invader 0


Regular Member
Nov 3, 2009
Detroit 15700 block Littlefield

Crack head comes to the door, pounds on door, the child calls daddy to the door, looks through peep hole and can't identify the perp. Thinking his security gate is locked he opened the door to see what he wants, crack head pushes into the house a short scuffle ensues and crack head goes for his waist as if to get a weapon while knocking homeowner to the floor, one shot was fired by home owner as he fell, striking crack head in the shin bone completely destroying shin bone. Crack head manages to run or hobble away and is found several houses down by Detroit PD and arrested. Needless to say Perp will be charged and will need reconstructive surgery.

Not sure if this hit the media yet.


Regular Member
Nov 3, 2009
Couldn't have been me, I don't stop shooting till the threat is down, so his running away would have gained him a few more rounds before he had a chance to turn and run.

bailenforcer you know that your supposed to shoot for center mass, and not leg shots !


Regular Member
Nov 3, 2009
We already did...

Thank You Michigan for taxing us to death to make a criminals life worth living.

if it were my way I would take my skill saw and fix the problem.

Who do you think is going to get to pay for that reconstructive surgery?
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