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Search results

  1. V

    Guns versus Cellphones in cars

    imported post http://www.azdailysun.com/articles/2007/04/27/news/20070427_front%20page_8.txt Must have missed it but they say in here that they were trying to pass a law to make it illeagal to carry a loaded weapon in the car? That would be a pain in the butt to load and unload everytime you...
  2. V

    Gunman on loose in NASA bulding in houston

    imported post Not even a week and another gunman on the loose http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=local&id=5229508
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    Why did this even make it to the news section

    imported post I was catchin up on the news in my area and came across this headline link "Felon found with gun on him, police say" so I clicked, always trying to keep up with guns news. Here is the whole article as it is really short ----------- Eugene Scott The Arizona Republic Apr. 5...
  4. V

    Storing a gun in your car

    imported post I am new to carrying, I currently OC will be getting my CCW eventually. But my question is for those who leave their gun in the car when at work or when you are somewhere that prohibits carrying it, have you had any issues with heat? For example is it safe to leave the clip in the...