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Police allowed to seize guns in home without a warrant

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Will the Supreme Court accept this case?

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
The dip stick opened the door...talked to the cops...lives in Rhode Island...and these are just three mistakes he made...that fella has a lot of work ahead of him to eliminate all ties with his soon to be, if not already, ex-wife...swear out a restraining order against her...she called the cops and she must now suffer the consequences...what did he expect would happen when yankee cops are called in...by a vindictive woman...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Sorry, his actions are right out of the learned behavioural DV power & control playbook of using intimidation tactic/actions to instill / maintain power and control over someone's partner.

the partner also followed their learned DV retaliation script by calling LE's under the guise of 'concern' for their "obviously distraught "loved one" partner' !

the LEs, either new to the game or tired of the couple's continued DV antics, played their ace and took the husband to a ER who was then, i'm sure, placed on a mental health hold!

LE taking guns fall under the emergency risk protection orders (ERPOs) aka Red whatever statutes discussed on this forum's threads a couple years ago...

now the kick in all this is, depending on the initial outcome towards the individual of the original DV ruckus - `were they charged & convicted w/DV offense or how was the involuntary MH hold annotated in the ER's records - either way they can no longer purchase via FFL due to DV conviction or for being involuntarily hospitalized due to MH issues lost their firearms

finally, the Involuntary hospitalization might be enough to judicially keep him from his confiscated firearms!

move on folks, nothing new here, just everyday, mundane DV games with community ERPO activity thrown in for good measure, there are hundreds of stories like these in the naked city!

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
...he got his guns back after he sued and a judge said...nay nay...ya'll cops broke state law by not giving back his guns...in the court doc provided by CoL...