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Open Carry in Rural Northern California 2012


State Pioneer
May 22, 2006
Shasta County, California, USA
The chronicle continues, albeit altered due to greater restrictions on this activity. You may find earlier accounts of my experiences in the links below.

2007 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?37264-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2007
2008 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?45863-Open-Carry-in-Northern-California-Summer-2008
2009 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?52552-Open-Carry-in-Northern-California-2009
2010 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?77580-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2010
2011 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?84838-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2011

January 4, 2012

People who go out on Main Street California should have the ability to do so free from threats of folks who are carrying weapons. – Anthony J. Portantino

If that was Mr Portantino's purpose in authoring AB144/PC26350, I can tell you without reservation, that I have defeated his intent with prejudice. I am, at this date, still unlicensed to carry a firearm in the state of California. I am not a peace officer or other law enforcement official. I have no other special qualifications to carry a firearm other than the fact I have attained the age of majority and have an earnest desire to promote public safety by being armed. Instead of hanging up my pistol and squirreling it away in the security of a home bound safe as Mr. Portantino had desired us all to do, I transported it under one of the many loopholes that make PC26350 irrelevant in keeping guns off of "Main Street" California.

Exemption #109
26389. Section 26350 does not apply to, or affect, the carrying
of an unloaded handgun if the handgun is carried either in the
locked trunk of a motor vehicle or in a locked container.

Today I transported my pistol locked in a Bagmaster large pistol waist pack attached to my belt on my right hip. While my handgun is not in plain sight, by definition in the penal code it is not 'concealed' and by the exploitation of this exemption it is not 'openly carried'. However, the case is in plain sight and easy to access.

I conducted all my business of the day, save a stop at the post office, with my handgun on me. I was able to shop uninterrupted in east Redding. I was also able to lunch downtown without drawing the ire of onlookers or the attention of the police, whose headquarters is less than a block away. My activities continued to the Anderson Wal*Mart where I made my grocery purchases.

While cased transport reduces the access (as well as visability) of my pistol, I still have it on 'Main Street' California- and if I want to buy a cheeseburger I can have it whether Portantino thinks I need it or not. Even in a so-called 'gun free school zone'.

Is this the extent of my expected activities? Nope. More to come, as appropriate opportunities arrise.

Save Our State

Regular Member
Feb 18, 2011
The Golden State
The chronicle continues, albeit altered due to greater restrictions on this activity. You may find earlier accounts of my experiences in the links below.

2007 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?37264-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2007
2008 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?45863-Open-Carry-in-Northern-California-Summer-2008
2009 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?52552-Open-Carry-in-Northern-California-2009
2010 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?77580-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2010
2011 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?84838-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2011

January 4, 2012

If that was Mr Portantino's purpose in authoring AB144/PC26350, I can tell you without reservation, that I have defeated his intent with prejudice. I am, at this date, still unlicensed to carry a firearm in the state of California. I am not a peace officer or other law enforcement official. I have no other special qualifications to carry a firearm other than the fact I have attained the age of majority and have an earnest desire to promote public safety by being armed. Instead of hanging up my pistol and squirreling it away in the security of a home bound safe as Mr. Portantino had desired us all to do, I transported it under one of the many loopholes that make PC26350 irrelevant in keeping guns off of "Main Street" California.

Exemption #109

Today I transported my pistol locked in a Bagmaster large pistol waist pack attached to my belt on my right hip. While my handgun is not in plain sight, by definition in the penal code it is not 'concealed' and by the exploitation of this exemption it is not 'openly carried'. However, the case is in plain sight and easy to access.

I conducted all my business of the day, save a stop at the post office, with my handgun on me. I was able to shop uninterrupted in east Redding. I was also able to lunch downtown without drawing the ire of onlookers or the attention of the police, whose headquarters is less than a block away. My activities continued to the Anderson Wal*Mart where I made my grocery purchases.

While cased transport reduces the access (as well as visability) of my pistol, I still have it on 'Main Street' California- and if I want to buy a cheeseburger I can have it whether Portantino thinks I need it or not. Even in a so-called 'gun free school zone'.

Is this the extent of my expected activities? Nope. More to come, as appropriate opportunities arrise.

Look Condition 3,
You know I always applaud activism, and I'm always supportive of your activism in particular...however:
the only person that knows you have a privilidge or a right to carry is you during that exercise
the only person that was affected by this was you
No one else learned from this, with the exception of those that read about it after the fact, and to do that, they had to have learned about this website...how?
As to this exercise, portantino was successful. He has stunted the growth of the gun rights/priviledge movement. He's prevented the next generation of gun rights citizens from being schooled by us.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Nov 9, 2008
St. Louis, MO
While I realize that U&LCC (Unloaded and Locked Concealed Carry) may be better than nothing at all, be careful you are not inadvertently proving a poorly considered point, and promoting such an act as some sort of legitimate way to carry a defensive weapon.

The Kalifornia courts have already set the bar at an idiotic level stating that UOC to be "sufficient" for the purpose of citizen self defense, and since carrying a pistol concealed and locked in such a manner is hardly a form of protest or education to the public (as the prior poster correctly pointed out IMO) you should be very careful your not giving the courts or politicians ideas on how they can set the already bent and broken "bar" that much further for sufficiency.

Carry on as you so choose, but make no mistake in thinking that your U&LCC activities are any form of enlightening activism to the sheeple.


State Pioneer
May 22, 2006
Shasta County, California, USA
Look Condition 3,
You know I always applaud activism, and I'm always supportive of your activism in particular...however:
the only person that knows you have a privilidge or a right to carry is you during that exercise
the only person that was affected by this was you
No one else learned from this, with the exception of those that read about it after the fact, and to do that, they had to have learned about this website...how?
As to this exercise, portantino was successful. He has stunted the growth of the gun rights/priviledge movement. He's prevented the next generation of gun rights citizens from being schooled by us.


Regular people like me are still carrying firearms in public every day and will continue to do so in spite of Portantino's Swiss cheese bullsh*t law. While this isn't the ticker-tape parade celebrating unloaded slung hunting rifles that is allegedly going to educate and announce to California that the unsecured right to bear arms still exists; this is the foundation we have and are compelled to build upon. We need to educate and provide guidance to our own first.

I believe it is essential that we vacate PC26350 using all prudent means. I have started with an easy one, and will exploit another exemption and another and another- until the prohibition on exposed handguns is meaningless. Since this is a 'work in progress' and by no means complete, I would prefer that you pursue your dispute on a thread that is not dedicated to the titled theme.


Regular Member
Jul 15, 2008
Prescott, AZ
Carry on as you so choose, but make no mistake in thinking that your U&LCC activities are any form of enlightening activism to the sheeple.

LUCC isn't about activism, its a methodology of legal self defense with a firearm.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 11, 2010
Escondido CA
Bravo Zulo on your carry project

The chronicle continues, albeit altered due to greater restrictions on this activity. You may find earlier accounts of my experiences in the links below.

2007 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?37264-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2007
2008 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?45863-Open-Carry-in-Northern-California-Summer-2008
2009 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?52552-Open-Carry-in-Northern-California-2009
2010 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?77580-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2010
2011 http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?84838-Open-Carry-in-Rural-Northern-California-2011

January 4, 2012

If that was Mr Portantino's purpose in authoring AB144/PC26350, I can tell you without reservation, that I have defeated his intent with prejudice. I am, at this date, still unlicensed to carry a firearm in the state of California. I am not a peace officer or other law enforcement official. I have no other special qualifications to carry a firearm other than the fact I have attained the age of majority and have an earnest desire to promote public safety by being armed. Instead of hanging up my pistol and squirreling it away in the security of a home bound safe as Mr. Portantino had desired us all to do, I transported it under one of the many loopholes that make PC26350 irrelevant in keeping guns off of "Main Street" California. Exemption #109

Today I transported my pistol locked in a Bagmaster large pistol waist pack attached to my belt on my right hip. While my handgun is not in plain sight, by definition in the penal code it is not 'concealed' and by the exploitation of this exemption it is not 'openly carried'. However, the case is in plain sight and easy to access.

I conducted all my business of the day, save a stop at the post office, with my handgun on me. I was able to shop uninterrupted in east Redding. I was also able to lunch downtown without drawing the ire of onlookers or the attention of the police, whose headquarters is less than a block away. My activities continued to the Anderson Wal*Mart where I made my grocery purchases.

While cased transport reduces the access (as well as visability) of my pistol, I still have it on 'Main Street' California- and if I want to buy a cheeseburger I can have it whether Portantino thinks I need it or not. Even in a so-called 'gun free school zone'.

Is this the extent of my expected activities? Nope. More to come, as appropriate opportunities arrise.
But I think I will stick with my remington 870 police or my AR15 until our handgun rights are re-instated or LGUOC is banned along with machette carrying, spear carrying or baseball bat carrying the options are almost endless.....I can always fall back on my CQB training even if the bad guy has a weapon ....but much prefer I am armed with something rather than nothing (sort of evens the odds in my favor)...again Bravo Zulu C3 maybe we will all end up carrying our handguns in locked manbags but doubt it !!!