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Combat in and around vehicles


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2010
Sun Prairie
After 2 months of snow delays I recently completed the vehicle combat training class I posted inquiries about last November.

The class was a solo student course lead by Firearms Iinstructor and assisted (ammo bitched) by an experienced IDPA\Highpower competitor. The course curriculum was very in depth and complete. Ranging from at your door assaults, engagement ranges and choices, vehicles as cover, vehicles as weapons, point shooting, moving targets, moving shooter, moving vehicles, window shooting, cross passenger compartment engagement, vehicle egress, vehicle hard points, glass deflection, under vehicle shooting, equipment tricks, and hand to hand with pistol attacks. We covered multiple scenarios, over multiple courses, using multiple weapons including AR-15 pistol/rifle engagements, and vehicles. Friendly targets were mixed in through the hostiles, engagements ranged from 2ft to 80yrds. Targets were fired on using both hands, strong hand, and off hand. All the targets were wearing T-shirts which was a nice touch. I went through 200rnds .45acp, 200rnds 9mm, 150rnds 5.56mm and learned more than I could possible write down. I had several revelations during the day that changed completely how I looked at certain scenarios and how I would react if presented with them today.

Highlight of the day was probably completing a fast moving left handed course, brass rolling off the roof, and turning on the windshield wipers to clear 40 rnds of brass off the vehicle. Cleaning up I found brass everywhere including jammed in my intake vents, radiator, roof rack, and rear bumper. I've still got brass rolling around under the seats and powder burns on my mirrors and hood. My BDU's didn't survive, leaving with the bottom of my left leg half ripped off and 2 nice holes in the other leg. Easily the most informative and fun training class I've taken so far. Having an experienced mag monkey was also great as the flow of full magazines was non stop and no time was wasted reloading mags.

Just wanted to say thanks, that was a great training class I'd take it again any day.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
If any one is interested in doing similar training or other firearms training. I am a certified pistol, rifle, and shotgun instructor.

With decades of instructing experience, from basic firearm to advance tactics back by 33 years of LEO experience and tactical training.

Feel free to PM and we will work something out.


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
I have known Firearms Instructor for decades

If any one is interested in doing similar training or other firearms training. I am a certified pistol, rifle, and shotgun instructor.

With decades of instructing experience, from basic firearm to advance tactics back by 33 years of LEO experience and tactical training.

Feel free to PM and we will work something out.

When you know someone so well, and have been active codefenders of Constitutional rights for so long, it may be hard to be objective.

He is an excellent instructor who takes his craft very seriously. He is a better shot than I am and much better at hand to hand. I do *write* better than he does, but that is because of differences of emphasis and practice. Firearms instruction has been a side business to me for 15 years. It has been an essential part of his profession for more than 30.

He has the added benefit of being an active hunter, of having actually killed hundreds of big game animals in the field. He knows and understands terminal ballistics. I only wish that I had his abilities with a shotgun, and I have been an active shotgun wing shooter for 47 years. Do you remember the Beverly Hillbillies, when Jed and Jethro were shooting flies (on the wing, with rifles) in their driveway? He has deliberately shot flies (with a rifle) that landed on his target at 200 yards. I think he once got three in a row.

If you go for this training, do not expect him to give demonstrations to impress you. He will be all business, working hard to give you the best value for your hard earned money.

I doubt that there are any other people and places that combine the private property with the physical capabilities of conducting this training safely and the level of expertise and experience offered.

I know the "mag monkey" as well. If you had to pay his going rate, the class would have tripled in price. He is a national level competitor, and Firearms Instructor has been his mentor.

I am proud to call both of them friends and brothers in the gun culture. I would trust either one of them with my life.
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Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Do you remember the Beverly Hillbilies, when Jed and Jethro were shooting flies (on the wing, with rifles) in their driveway? He has deliberately shot flies (with a rifle) that landed on his target at 200 yards. I think he once got three in a row.

Jeb was only trying to wing 'em .... not kill 'em when Drysdale inquired ... That episode was one of the best .. trap or skeet shooting competition between banks if I recall...Eli May shot a slingshot .. Granny a shotgun ...


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2010
Sun Prairie
I know the "mag monkey" as well. If you had to pay his going rate, the class would have trippled in price. He is a national level competitor, and Firearms Instructor has been his mentor.

Unfortunately I completely spaced his name, very friendly and knowledgeable fellow who gave me some excellent tips from his competition experience. Always amazing when someone gives you a tip/technique and it makes a noticeable improvement on the very next mag. (left handed no less)


Regular Member
Aug 17, 2010
mauston wi
Jeb was only trying to wing 'em .... not kill 'em when Drysdale inquired ... That episode was one of the best .. trap or skeet shooting competition between banks if I recall...Eli May shot a slingshot .. Granny a shotgun ...

i love that show with all the critters, cement pond, and especially grannies medicine, eli may whoopin all the city boys jethro and his hilarious ideas

Mag Monkey

New member
May 24, 2013
SE Wisconsin, USA
Watching Vandil Improve

We had a lot to work with in Vandil. He showed up with a ready to learn attitude, safety disciplines well displayed, practiced in running his equipment.
No better satisfaction for instructors than to watch the student improve as he converts new found theory to skill.

In teaching we learn as well, Firearms Iinstructor has been at both a long time, always spirited to share his art.
Firearms Iinstructor has been my mentor, I one of his many projects of patience; you would call me lucky and be right.

I am in agreement with ccwinstructor, “best value for your hard earned money” given Firearms Iinstructor’s skill set and the private, safe environment to learn.

One last item, I was there and saw, affixed to the raged edged hole in the cardboard target, still quivering legs of said flies, their bodies no match for hot copper. They were good shots.

Mag Monkey


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
I have shot flies as well

We had a lot to work with in Vandil. He showed up with a ready to learn attitude, safety disciplines well displayed, practiced in running his equipment.
No better satisfaction for instructors than to watch the student improve as he converts new found theory to skill.

In teaching we learn as well, Firearms Iinstructor has been at both a long time, always spirited to share his art.
Firearms Iinstructor has been my mentor, I one of his many projects of patience; you would call me lucky and be right.

I am in agreement with ccwinstructor, “best value for your hard earned money” given Firearms Iinstructor’s skill set and the private, safe environment to learn.

One last item, I was there and saw, affixed to the raged edged hole in the cardboard target, still quivering legs of said flies, their bodies no match for hot copper. They were good shots.

Mag Monkey

But the flies I shot were not at 200 yards. They were at a distance measured in feet, not yards, and with a pistol. It is a different skill set. We also used a 12 gauge, but that is another story.

To be clear, they were horse flies... so they were bigger targets.