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WA state sheriff deputy "We have a lot of Constitutionalists" to justify MRAP use.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2013
Sounds like I would need a MRAP or M1 Abrahms more like it. It sounds too much like Anarchy. It sounds good in theory.

Privately funded courts and law enforcement sounds like the super rich would rule since they are paying the bills.

Until it is tried on a large scale, I guess we won't know.

Arbitration would be paid for by those who require arbitration. Not just the rich. Capitalism.

If you think it through, what _currently_ happens is that the rich pay for the courts. Then, the court system is imposed on people who didn't want it and didn't pay for it. They are imprisoned by this very system for doing something that hurt no one but themselves. For instance, a drug addict is hurting no one but themself and is dragged into the court system. Who paid for this court system? Certainly not the drug addict who has no job and is wasting their life away. Instead, those who earn their money by working hard are paying for it. You can call them the rich, if you like, though not all rich fit in that category. The rich are paying for a court system that imprisons people for doing things that hurt no one.

It shouldn't suprise us when cops like the guy in the video think constitutionalists are a threat to safety. After all, he has likely been educated by the ruling elite in their brainwashing facilities (public schools) since childhood. Which is why we should banish all government controlled schooling. Under anarcho-capitalism, private schools and home education will thrive. Parents can send their kids to whichever school they like. Currently, those who choose private school pay for it twice: Once through taxes and once through tuition. And those who have no children at all must pay for other people's children's schooling!
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MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
Well, where do I start.

This clown of a LEO is in MY State.

Thanks for pointing out they are vulnerable, and more so than I imagined
Going up against a vehicle like this takes heavy firepower. If attempting to disable.......blind the vehicle first with small bottles of paint thrown from a safe distance. Once blinded, the "individuals" inside will exit and can be dealt with singly. I would recommend handing each one a copy of the Constitution as the exit the Mrap.

Everyone should know how to knock one out of commission.
A morsel of Truth.

And those who have no children at all must pay for other people's children's schooling!
The alternative is to raise a generation of selfish, self absorbed fools. Oh.....wait.....we may be doing that already.

Citizenship is a VERB and quite a few of the People on this forum are Activists. This is because they actually do something besides type.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2013
I gladly pay for a justice system that I hope to never use.

I think that is great. You should have a right to do so. Sounds like something completely voluntary on your part and I have no problem with that.

What I have a problem with, is making someone else partake. What if they don't gladly pay for this justice system, as you do? Then you send the government after them with a gun. Then you imprison them for not partaking in your master plan for society. Then you club them to the floor for not agreeing to pay the extortion money.

This is wrong.


Regular Member
Dec 15, 2014
Coeur D Alene, Idaho
I think that is great. You should have a right to do so. Sounds like something completely voluntary on your part and I have no problem with that.

What I have a problem with, is making someone else partake. What if they don't gladly pay for this justice system, as you do? Then you send the government after them with a gun. Then you imprison them for not partaking in your master plan for society. Then you club them to the floor for not agreeing to pay the extortion money.

This is wrong.

I get what you are saying about not paying for stuff I don't agree with.

Getting back to the original post, I would think MRAP type of acquisition by police departments around the country would not be happening. The military would not be just giving equipment away. They would sell it or hold on to it because acquisitions on there part would be more strategic and prudent.

On the flip side, National Defense would be hurt because too many people would not want to pay billions of dollars for the Industrial Military Complex.

We need a limited government with limited income. No Printing Press!!!!! No Income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes. Excise taxes were the norm in the founding era.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2013
I get what you are saying about not paying for stuff I don't agree with.

Getting back to the original post, I would think MRAP type of acquisition by police departments around the country would not be happening. The military would not be just giving equipment away. They would sell it or hold on to it because acquisitions on there part would be more strategic and prudent.

On the flip side, National Defense would be hurt because too many people would not want to pay billions of dollars for the Industrial Military Complex.

We need a limited government with limited income. No Printing Press!!!!! No Income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes. Excise taxes were the norm in the founding era.

There are ways to accomplish national defense without theft and coercion: http://attackthesystem.com/national-defense-and-foreign-policy/


Regular Member
Dec 15, 2014
Coeur D Alene, Idaho
"Scott Maclay, president of the Rattlesnakes Motorcycle Club, responded to the video by organizing a protest which is set to take place this Saturday outside the Spokane Valley Police Department on East Sprague Avenue. Rep. Matt Shea is also expected to attend the event."

“Protesters will barbecue food in the parking lot, openly carry firearms and erect a Christmas tree to leave letters of complaint directed at the Sheriff’s Office in its branches,”

reports the Spokesman-Review.

Here is the address: 2pm start time

Spokane Valley Police Precinct
12710 E. Sprague Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA

Bump for 2morows event


Jan 13, 2015
Star, Idaho
Let me just say that in my experience most of the people I knew in my thirty year law enforcement career would not agree with the comments of the deputy quoted in the original post. In fact they would likely want to slap the guy for saying something so stupid. First of all, local law enforcement officers (municipal, county and state) are not fond of most of the BS coming out or DC these days. Your local law enforcement officers would never participate in any kind of federally mandated gun confiscation for those in lawful possession of a firearm. I have numerous personal friends who are chief's and they absolutely oppose anything of that nature.

As far as MRAP's, any claims that departments are obtaining them due to "fears of armed constitutionals" are pure BS. Armored vehicles have been in use by law enforcement for over 50 years. They are a public safety tool to be used against armed criminals who are engaging in crimes like school shootings and robberies with hostages just to name a few. With the rising threat to our country by radical Islamist's it is even more important that law enforcement be prepared. An armored vehicle is just one of many tools law enforcement is making use of. Any claims of conspiracy theories that law enforcement is planning on using such tools to "oppress" they public is complete nonsense.

I know a lot of law enforcement professionals. None of them including my self have a problem with people exercising their second amendment rights.


Jan 13, 2015
Star, Idaho
Well, in all of my years on this earth, I have run into dozens, if not hundreds, of "law enforcement professionals" that had a big problem with citizens like me carrying a firearm. It is indeed strange that you have not run into just one like that in your 30 years of experience. I was not aware that "law enforcement professionals" were so single minded. In almost every other group of people, you will find opinions that run from one extreme to the other on most any subject.

I guess you missed the part where I said MOST. Most does not mean all. Of course there will be differing opinions. One thing I can tell you with certainty, there is no grand conspiracy brewing at the state level to disarm the pubic. Hope that clears it up for you.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
I guess you missed the part where I said MOST. Most does not mean all. Of course there will be differing opinions. One thing I can tell you with certainty, there is no grand conspiracy brewing at the state level to disarm the pubic. Hope that clears it up for you.

WHEW! Hot damn, officer! That's comforting to know! :rolleyes:

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
You should feel free to call me Stan.

Well Officer Stan, when unconstitutional laws are passed especially in regards to firearms, will you/do you you enforce them or will you/do you uphold your oath to protect the Constitution, State and Federal, if you did so choose to swear to one?

Your avatar seems to implicitly broadly brush people fighting a war against bad cops to be criminals.
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I guess you missed the part where I said MOST. Most does not mean all. Of course there will be differing opinions. One thing I can tell you with certainty, there is no grand conspiracy brewing at the state level to disarm the pubic. Hope that clears it up for you.

Wow I am glad you cleared that up, I guess all those anti gun politicians are a figment of the imagination. As far as your avatar, more criminals are shot by non LEOs, LACs have a higher firearm proficiency rate, and when seconds count the police are minutes away. Your avatar is not accurate as the police rarely stop a crime in progress, and that false sense of security makes citizens think they have no responsibility for their own safety.


Jan 13, 2015
Star, Idaho
Wow I am glad you cleared that up, I guess all those anti gun politicians are a figment of the imagination. As far as your avatar, more criminals are shot by non LEOs, LACs have a higher firearm proficiency rate, and when seconds count the police are minutes away. Your avatar is not accurate as the police rarely stop a crime in progress, and that false sense of security makes citizens think they have no responsibility for their own safety.
I'm sorry my avitar gives you heart burn. Yes, there are a lot of anti-gun liberals in the federal government. Never said there were not. Last time I checked, Idaho has a Republican super majority on the state level. I'd say that makes the gun laws in Idaho pretty safe. Love to see a link to back your claims more criminals being shot by non LEO's. I support the second amendment and have no problem with the public's lawful use of a firearm in self defense. Never heard anyone I worked with express an opinion to the contrary.


Jan 13, 2015
Star, Idaho
Well Officer Stan, when unconstitutional laws are passed especially in regards to firearms, will you/do you you enforce them or will you/do you uphold your oath to protect the Constitution, State and Federal, if you did so choose to swear to one?

Your avatar seems to implicitly broadly brush people fighting a war against bad cops to be criminals.
Sorry my avitar give you such severe heart burn. By unconstitutional laws, do you mean gun confiscation?

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
Sorry my avitar give you such severe heart burn. By unconstitutional laws, do you mean gun confiscation?

Mainly laws which infringe upon any right, be them natural rights or those enumerated in the Constitution. I don't think gun confiscation has potential to be imminent anywhere except maybe NY, NJ, or CA.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Mainly laws which infringe upon any right, be them natural rights or those enumerated in the Constitution. I don't think gun confiscation has potential to be imminent anywhere except maybe NY, NJ, or CA.

See what I mean about dichotomy? Confiscation is the first thing he thinks of for "infringed." Let's ignore all the penny ante possession laws in between.


Jan 13, 2015
Star, Idaho
See what I mean about dichotomy? Confiscation is the first thing he thinks of for "infringed." Let's ignore all the penny ante possession laws in between.
You will have to excuse me, this is a gun rights website. Shame on me for thinking that was what you were speaking of? I do not support any unconstitutional laws.