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Open Carry experience thread.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Been a whole two months since this thread saw a new post, so I figured it was time to dust it off.

These past three weeks have seen some nice encounters.

Twice now, an employee at Fry's (different employees on different days) has asked about what I was carrying (OCed 1911-A1 in an OWB holster). This then lead to a longer conversation about carry guns, and one guy even asked about what his wife should try out for carry. I gave a few recommendations based on what my GF liked, but stated he should get his wife to try a few and find the best fit. No issues.:)

Went to ACE Hardware on two different occasions and had the usual helpful experience I've come to expect from them. For both visits, nobody ran in panic or feinted. Go figure.:confused:
The visit last week was even more pleasant, seeing as an employee and I got to talking about smaller pistols chambered in 9 mm and .380. He mentioned he was actually looking for a new 9mm, so I recommended he and his wife try out the SCCY CPX1 or CPX2 if they wanted a great value on an inexpensive, DAO 9mm.

This past Saturday was also fairly uneventful as far as OC is concerned. My GF and I met with a friend at a Taco Bell. Not too many folks seemed to even notice our OC, but everyone noticed my GF's lap dog.:p


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
I've been in Tucson since the spring and hope I never need to move away. I haven't been OCing daily, but often. I have not had a single problem yet, aside from all the businesses with no guns signs which I simply don't go to so they aren't a problem either. I can't hardly even remember anyone asking about it or mentioning it other than in Tombstone and at the MDA counter protest.

The other night I went for a late night decaf coffee at a neat little coffee shop called black crown, and found myself in the midst of a whole bunch of OCers who were just there by chance, so that was pretty neat. One guy I thought was armed, then I realized it was a big phone, but then upon further inspection he had a full sized 1911 on the other side.

I can recall after constitutional carry had passed thinking OC would become less common in this state. Granted my AZ experience before that was in Maricipa county, but from what I can see here it hasn't hurt the cause. Small wonder anyway with how hot it is and people wanting to carry regular handguns comfortably.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I've been in Tucson since the spring and hope I never need to move away. I haven't been OCing daily, but often. I have not had a single problem yet, aside from all the businesses with no guns signs which I simply don't go to so they aren't a problem either. I can't hardly even remember anyone asking about it or mentioning it other than in Tombstone and at the MDA counter protest.

The other night I went for a late night decaf coffee at a neat little coffee shop called black crown, and found myself in the midst of a whole bunch of OCers who were just there by chance, so that was pretty neat. One guy I thought was armed, then I realized it was a big phone, but then upon further inspection he had a full sized 1911 on the other side.

I can recall after constitutional carry had passed thinking OC would become less common in this state. Granted my AZ experience before that was in Maricipa county, but from what I can see here it hasn't hurt the cause. Small wonder anyway with how hot it is and people wanting to carry regular handguns comfortably.
Will wonders never cease.......or do people just cease wondering?

I have flinched more than once at someone drawing a monster cell phone in a crowded restaurant. Just flinched, mind you. Never spilled a drop of my coffee.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
I've been in Tucson since the spring and hope I never need to move away. I haven't been OCing daily, but often. I have not had a single problem yet, aside from all the businesses with no guns signs which I simply don't go to so they aren't a problem either. I can't hardly even remember anyone asking about it or mentioning it other than in Tombstone and at the MDA counter protest.

The other night I went for a late night decaf coffee at a neat little coffee shop called black crown, and found myself in the midst of a whole bunch of OCers who were just there by chance, so that was pretty neat. One guy I thought was armed, then I realized it was a big phone, but then upon further inspection he had a full sized 1911 on the other side.

I can recall after constitutional carry had passed thinking OC would become less common in this state. Granted my AZ experience before that was in Maricipa county, but from what I can see here it hasn't hurt the cause. Small wonder anyway with how hot it is and people wanting to carry regular handguns comfortably.
I've only OCed a couple of times down in Tucson. No issues. Only interaction I had with police was a quick question from them about what myself and the Other OCer was carrying. They seemed to really like his shiny 1911. :)

I need to get down that way more often ;)
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Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
I've only OCed a couple of times down in Tucson. No issues. Only interaction I had with police was a quick question from them about what myself and the Other OCer was carrying. They seemed to really like his shiny 1911. :)

I need to get down that way more often ;)

We haven't met up in around a year, and I'm gonna be in Phoenix on saturday. Wanna grab breakfast lunch or dinner perhaps? :)

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
I've been in Tucson since the spring and hope I never need to move away. I haven't been OCing daily, but often. I have not had a single problem yet, aside from all the businesses with no guns signs which I simply don't go to so they aren't a problem either. I can't hardly even remember anyone asking about it or mentioning it other than in Tombstone and at the MDA counter protest.

The other night I went for a late night decaf coffee at a neat little coffee shop called black crown, and found myself in the midst of a whole bunch of OCers who were just there by chance, so that was pretty neat. One guy I thought was armed, then I realized it was a big phone, but then upon further inspection he had a full sized 1911 on the other side.

Glad you're liking Tucson. Has its small-city charm, but definitely seems to be a polarizing city. Generally you either love it or hate it. :) Not into coffee myself, but I think I'll have to check out this place you've mentioned. I'm sure my coffee-addicted GF wouldn't mind.:D

BTW, I can sympathize with Grapeshot. On more than one occasion I've found myself doing a double-take on what turned out to be a (obnoxiously?) large cell phone. For being "cellular", they sure are big now.:confused: Guess the term is "phablet"? Phone+tablet. Perhaps folks see our OC and assume we're also simply carrying large phones around?

I've only OCed a couple of times down in Tucson. No issues. Only interaction I had with police was a quick question from them about what myself and the Other OCer was carrying. They seemed to really like his shiny 1911. :)

I need to get down that way more often ;)

Well, if you come to Tucson with the mindset that you'll HAVE an LEO interaction, of course you're going to have an LEO interaction.:D

On topic:
OCed at ACE hardware, Yogurtland (yeah, it's been growing on me), McD's, Best Buy, two different Home Depots, and Burger King with my OCing "little" brothers (they're both bigger than me since almost a year ago, officially making me the runt :(). I'm sure I missed a place or two.

No one bats an eye anymore at ACE, BK was interesting because we got there after some sort of altercation caused no less than three cop cars to respond. :shocker: Still, no issues with OC, and I'm glad the other patrons saw how the LEOs didn't give us any more than a second glance :D
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Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Update for the month of October

Haven't quite had the time to sit down and join in on the conversations lately.

Had a few interesting experiences during the month.

Saw a unicorn in the wild about two and a half weeks ago (Sunday the 16th) outside a Best Buy (IIRC). Young (25-33?), fit, Caucasian male OCing a S&W 9ve in a polymer OWB holster. Asked him if it was a S&W 9ve (he said it was) and thanked the man for carrying.

About 5 minutes later, the GF and I are at Eegee's for a quick bite. Place was pretty full, got more than a few looks (maybe one stink eye), but no issues. Young cashier saw my OC and asked if I would be getting a military or law enforcement discount.:confused: To be completely honest, I was dumbfounded. Turns out I "look like ex-military or police". Maybe because I finally cut my hair.:p Given my weight and shape (or lack thereof), I'll take that as a compliment. Oh and no, I didn't try to claim a discount I didn't earn. Our servicemen and women deserve more respect than that.

The next evening a herd of 9-12 javelinas of all sizes visited our apartment complex, and we got some ok pictures of them munching on the shrubs and grass in the area. I really have to get those photos up. Our neighbor is a lady from New York who now resides here in AZ. She'd never seen the piglets, so she was kind of scared of being attacked (they only tend to attack when threatened and when they have their babies). Now check this out: she said she felt SAFE knowing that I was armed and was there in case they attacked her while she went to grab her phone from her car. Can you believe it? Someone feeling safer at the sight of an OCed sidearm?:D

Beginning of the month, 6th of October if memory serves me right, I was OCing at a WalMart in South Tucson. Yeah, you know this gets better.
As the GF and I are heading to the entrance on the way in, I notice a young (19-26?), Hispanic male with his two buddies* OCing a full-sized sidearm carried IWB. Condition Yellow-Orange.
Typical loose/baggy clothing, which in the summer here tends to mean shorts and tees/ tank tops. I can't see a holster, and he's not wearing a belt. Near as I can tell, he's carrying inside the waistband, literally. To me it looked like his shorts were NOT falling off his waist and he'd tucked his t-shirt in around the sidearm so as to roughly hold it in place. Condition Orange.
Eventually one of his friends notices me and mentions it to the "OCer", who then subtly () turns halfway around and looks at me. At this point, I'm in Condition Red (perceived threat; “If X happens, I will Y, and attempt Z”. This is NOT the firing stage, sometimes referred to as “Condition Black”), paying close attention to where their hands are, and hoping to the-Big-Guy-Upstairs that my GF heard me when I told her these guys were armed (she did, but completely missed my worry/alarm).
Nothing came of it, since the guy and his buddies hurried off to one end of the store and it happened to be in the opposite direction of the ammo section (still no Perfecta ). I'd like to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and say MAYBE I missed the clip for his holster. It could have been the same light color as his shorts, for all I know.

Went trick-or-treating with a friend of my GF whos kiddos like having an excuse to get free candy. Over the course of two hours, this friend, the five year-old daughter, and the friend's mother-in-law all expressed their sense of safety at seeing my OCed sidearm and knowing that I could (and would) protect them from "crazy clowns" or the usual scumbags.:)

These were the only events I can recall at the moment, so I'm sure a lot of places are being left out. Then again, the other OC outings have been pretty uneventful.

*I'm Hispanic, grew up around these types. Trust me, I can spot the "cholo" or "homie" influence. Just had a little voice tell me to keep a close eye out, is all.


Regular Member
Dec 25, 2011
Globe, AZ
Open Carry in Globe

OC'd at Ace hardware, Subway, Wendy's, Fry's and Walmart this past weekend. OC is a non issue for most people here in Globe, they either don't ever notice or care.


Regular Member
Mar 16, 2009
Maricopa County, Arizona, USA
We haven't met up in around a year, and I'm gonna be in Phoenix on saturday. Wanna grab breakfast lunch or dinner perhaps? :)

Well isnt this a surprise. I knew you said you were from out here but I wasnt sure when I moved out here if you were still back east or not. Good to see a familiar name floating around Michigander.

On topic.... OCed to Smash Burger in Mesa and to a couple of Oreilly's tonight. No issues, no stink eye that I saw. Just like it should be.


Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Glad to hear Globe and Mesa are drama-free in regards to OC (as it should be). :) Also hope you folks had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. :)

OCed everywhere I went this Thanksgiving weekend with only one issue (I'll get to that one).

Some places I remember: Fry's, Fry's gas station, Sam's Club, Best Buy, Kohl's (IIRC?), Sears, JC Penny, and even Target (I know about the policy, but I definitely wasn't letting her go solo on Black Friday), where GF had her eyes on a great deal and her phone app helped make the savings 90%.

Best encounter was the gas station where I ran into a "Colt 45"-carrying, Glock-loving guy who was curious as to what I had on my hip (CZ 75B). :D He wasn't OC, though.

Worst experience was at the home of an uncle of my GF: A guest (and near-certified hoplophobe) ran from the dining room to cry in the cold outside for 15 minutes after learning that I was armed (the homeowners - and my GF's family, really - have no problem with my OC). Had to be coaxed back inside, then into the hall, then into the living room, and finally back into the dining room. No fits after that, and she was able to converse with everyone, including me, again.

What gets me is that our previous ~40-50 min of pleasant conversation counted for absolutely nothing once she "realized" I was armed.:confused:

Previous traumatic experience with her ex-husband, I later found out. :/


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
Well isnt this a surprise. I knew you said you were from out here but I wasnt sure when I moved out here if you were still back east or not. Good to see a familiar name floating around Michigander.

On topic.... OCed to Smash Burger in Mesa and to a couple of Oreilly's tonight. No issues, no stink eye that I saw. Just like it should be.


Holy crap that is fantastic! I was thinking about you recently (I actually think of you and your advice every time I use anti seize), last I remembered I think it was Nevada you were off to, and it's been something like 6 or 7 years since then if I'm not mistaken. I'm from Michigan actually, was here in 08, and now hopefully am back here for good, and in Tucson instead of Phoenix just like I'd wanted.

I will be in Maricopa county 1 or more times between Christmas and the new year. If you will be available in that time frame it'd be fun to meet up.
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Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
Holy crap that is fantastic! I was thinking about you recently (I actually think of you and your advice every time I use anti seize), last I remembered I think it was Nevada you were off to, and it's been something like 6 or 7 years since then if I'm not mistaken. I'm from Michigan actually, was here in 08, and now hopefully am back here for good, and in Tucson instead of Phoenix just like I'd wanted.

I will be in Maricopa county 1 or more times between Christmas and the new year. If you will be available in that time frame it'd be fun to meet up.
Group outing ;)



New member
Dec 3, 2016
Cincinnati, OH
OC is legal in OH & so is CC. I've seen people OC, but not common. People mostly CC where allowed to eliminate public hysteria. There is the small risk with OC to be cited for something like disturbing the peace.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
OC is legal in OH & so is CC. I've seen people OC, but not common. People mostly CC where allowed to eliminate public hysteria. There is the small risk with OC to be cited for something like disturbing the peace.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tony - I've been OCing for 7 years. I have yet to see "public hysteria". Yes there is always a chance of police doing things they shouldn't. But that holds true for all humans last time I checked. I have even OCed in your fine state with no hassles.
;) Welcome by the way to OCDO. Good 1st post.
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Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA
OC is legal in OH & so is CC. I've seen people OC, but not common. People mostly CC where allowed to eliminate public hysteria. There is the small risk with OC to be cited for something like disturbing the peace.

Welcome to the forum, Tony. If you would point out which sub-section of ORC 2917.11(A) might possibly apply it would be greatly appreciated.

2917.11 Disorderly conduct.
(A) No person shall recklessly cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to another by doing any of the following:
(1) Engaging in fighting, in threatening harm to persons or property, or in violent or turbulent behavior;
(2) Making unreasonable noise or an offensively coarse utterance, gesture, or display or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person;
(3) Insulting, taunting, or challenging another, under circumstances in which that conduct is likely to provoke a violent response;
(4) Hindering or preventing the movement of persons on a public street, road, highway, or right-of-way, or to, from, within, or upon public or private property, so as to interfere with the rights of others, and by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender;
(5) Creating a condition that is physically offensive to persons or that presents a risk of physical harm to persons or property, by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender.​

(B) No person, while voluntarily intoxicated, shall do either of the following:

[removed for clarity]​
From <http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2917>
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
OC is legal in OH & so is CC. I've seen people OC, but not common. People mostly CC where allowed to eliminate public hysteria. There is the small risk with OC to be cited for something like disturbing the peace.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Tony - I've been OCing for 7 years. I have yet to see "public hysteria". Yes there is always a chance of police doing things they shouldn't. But that holds true for all humans last time I checked. I have even OCed in your fine state with no hassles.
;) Welcome by the way to OCDO. Good 1st post.
Welcome to the forum.

No "public hysteria" noted in either state.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
Off Duty Cop

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Mainly because my "always open carry" policy has been pretty uneventful, until this past Saturday. I was at my local Ace hardware buying some ammo. As I'm talking with the Ace Hardware employee assisting me with my choices, from about 10 feet away I hear something...

Let me diverge for a moment and remind everyone that I normally carry a double gun shoulder rig consisting of two S&W M&P 9s with Trijicon RMR's mounted on top loaded with 23 round mags, with an additional 4 17 round magazines on board. Two under each gun. So my open carry is very much "in your face". Back to the story...

After realizing that a gentleman was talking to me, without every getting my attention,

I said "What?"
He said "Why so many?"
I said "Why so many what?"
He said "Why are you carrying two guns?"

Being caught off guard and not being very good at thinking fast...
I said "Two is one, one is none?"

He began to lecture me about if I were in a hand to hand combat situation I couldn't squeeze my arms together to keep someone from grabbing one or both. Then he said he has been a cop for 20 years and I'm the silliest thing he's every seen. We'll, as soon as he stated he's been a cop for 20 years I just checked out mentally. I've had other people make negative comments to me, which I just chock up to them being liberal cult members. However, the attitude in his voice was "I'm a cop and I know what is best for you." I was polite and just said sarcastically "Thank you for your opinion." I was with my family and didn't need to be a bad example for my young son. Of course after the fact I thought of all kinds of good come backs. I'll be ready for the next time anyone gives me grief:

"May I have your name and phone number? You are obviously an expert regarding firearms. I want to be able to call you anytime I need to make a decision regarding anything that I do with my firearms. No? I don't understand, you're so willing to give me your unsolicited opinion now, why not give me your solicited opinion in the future?"

Yes, so many other things I could say. But that will be my response for any future encounters.

The funny thing is that I've encountered on duty uniformed cops over the last 4 years that I've been carrying my double gun rig and have nothing but positive experiences.
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