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Gun Rally at the Capitol Next Friday

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
There is a 2nd Amendment rally scheduled for Jan. 31 at the Capitol in Frankfort. Time is from 9am to 3pm. This rally is sponsored by Constitutional Kentucky. There will be speakers from NRA, KC3 and others. If you missed the one on the 7th of Jan. this is your chance to make your voice heard by our legislators.This rally should be bigger than the one held earlier this month. We will be on the front steps of the Capitol Annex.
If you can't make the rally, you can still make your voice heard. There is a "legislative message line" open. The number is 1-800-372-7181 and it is open 8-4:30 Monday thru Friday. It only takes a minute to leave a message for your Senator or Representative. First, be polite, the operators a nice people and are not responsible for any complaints you may have. They will ask for your name and address, so they will know who your legislator is. You can then tell them who you want to leave a message for. You can leave a message for one single person or any combination of people.
If you have a particular bill you want to comment on, give them a bill number. Something like, "I oppose Senate Bill 89." or "I oppose all Red Flag laws" and "I support HR 45. Just substitute SB for Senate bills. These messages are delivered and counted. If you don't tell them what you want don't complain when you don't get it.

The most effective way to influence your legislator is face to face. That can be at a rally like this one, at a meeting in his office or in your hometown, on the street or grocery store or his place of business. These people are your neighbors. Talk to them. Call them at home. If you have to, go to their house and knock on the door. They work for us. Be polite. The next most effective way to contact them is by telephone at their offices or at home or local business. Next best is by hand written letter, then comes email(they all have email listed on the LRC website). Moms Demand Action and all the other anti-gun people are calling and writing every day. If that is all they hear, that is how they will vote. If you know your legislators have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can use that, too but many of them are not on social media


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
gutshot, why is this august member unable to locate,
1. any reference to the firearm advocate group called Constitutional Kentucky ~ future or past events or activities?
2. KC3's website is void of any mention of a future events or activities on the 31st of Jan 2020?
3. to any firearm advocacy rally activity on the open ethernet...

that stated, going directly to NRA-ILA's site, https://act.nraila.org/event/655 , a mention of, quote,
On Friday, January 31, NRA will be teaming up with other pro-gun groups... unquote
[interesting to note the NRA blurb just states, OTHER and doesn't list any "group" specifically]

oh further deep dive on ethernet ~ 14 jan 2020 there's a notice on the SASS forum about the NRA's 31 Jan rally touting the wording of the NRA ILS's blurb.

so perhaps this rally is actually sponsored by the NRA, eh gutshot?

no nemo, as much as i would like to, i shan't be attending as gutshot in the past has insinuated this member isn't welcome at KY functions, nor would my legislative email activities be appreciated....


May 1, 2016
So one guy suggesting you stay away is good enough? Yeah, I actually figured so when I started reading this post.

Its 420 miles one way for me. Short notice will likely not let me make it, but I am going to see what life permits. I just might be there.


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
So one guy suggesting you stay away is good enough? Yeah, I actually figured so when I started reading this post.

Its 420 miles one way for me. Short notice will likely not let me make it, but I am going to see what life permits. I just might be there.

How about naming that person or post that suggests that people stay away from the KY event.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
We would be better off if the NRA is banned from speaking.

KC3 I've heard of.

Constitutional ky I havent. But I'll look into it.

I cant come due to personal reasons, not sure it's such a great idea since everytime our states " gun rights " orgs leaders speak they signal a moderate stance by what they say.

We have no anti gun bill that will see the light of day upcoming. Nothing but movement in the right direction in years.

About all we lack at the state level is to not allow open to the public business to put up no gun signs , and get rid of any state prohibited places. All 5 of em .
Justice centers first.

School carry and getting rid of prohibited persons.

But you wont hear a peep about any of that.
And those are our only state level issues to having true constitutional carry.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Well a search of the internet has turned up no mention of a group called Constitutional Kentucky. If they exist they are very hush hush.

Most Kentuckians have already shown where their allegiance lies concerning the RTKABA by the sanctuary county movement.
That movement speaks volumes. More than a handful in Frankfort with some give to get organization speakers watering that message down ever will.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Well, I am sorry, you guys have lost me. Who said anything about staying away?

I only posted this because some of you went into a tizzy because you weren't notified of the last one that was on Facebook for weeks. This one has also been widely publicized on Facebook since before the last rally on Jan 7th. You will miss a lot of what is actually happening with gun legislation and gun rights if you continue to huddle in your caves here on OCDO while the outside world speeds happily past you. Actually, my OP here is just a "copy and paste" of a posting I put on KC3's Facebook page some time ago. You probably noticed that some parts of the post didn't really seem relevant. That is the reason.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Well, I am sorry, you guys have lost me. Who said anything about staying away?

I only posted this because some of you went into a tizzy because you weren't notified of the last one that was on Facebook for weeks. This one has also been widely publicized on Facebook since before the last rally on Jan 7th. You will miss a lot of what is actually happening with gun legislation and gun rights if you continue to huddle in your caves here on OCDO while the outside world speeds happily past you. Actually, my OP here is just a "copy and paste" of a posting I put on KC3's Facebook page some time ago. You probably noticed that some parts of the post didn't really seem relevant. That is the reason.

sorry gutshot, OCDO members are in a "TIZZY" as we huddle in our "CAVES" ~ this from the illustrious KC3 who apparently posts information a day late & dollar short, precluding anyone from planning/scheduling for an upcoming firearm advocacy rally, which by your own admission isn't "RELEVANT" !

Constitution Kentucky doesn't seem to exist as such is a phantom group ~ guess that is another relevant point from your FB site?


May 1, 2016
How about naming that person or post that suggests that people stay away from the KY event.

See below, quoted above from post #2 above. Note last sentence (bold/underline added by me) should answer your questions.


gutshot, why is this august member unable to locate,
1. any reference to the firearm advocate group called Constitutional Kentucky ~ future or past events or activities?
2. KC3's website is void of any mention of a future events or activities on the 31st of Jan 2020?
3. to any firearm advocacy rally activity on the open ethernet...

that stated, going directly to NRA-ILA's site, https://act.nraila.org/event/655 , a mention of, quote,
On Friday, January 31, NRA will be teaming up with other pro-gun groups... unquote
[interesting to note the NRA blurb just states, OTHER and doesn't list any "group" specifically]

oh further deep dive on ethernet ~ 14 jan 2020 there's a notice on the SASS forum about the NRA's 31 Jan rally touting the wording of the NRA ILS's blurb.

. . .

so perhaps this rally is actually sponsored by the NRA, eh gutshot?

no nemo, as much as i would like to, i shan't be attending as gutshot in the past has insinuated this member isn't welcome at KY functions, nor would my legislative email activities be appreciated....

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
I don't see anything in those posts that tells people to stay away. In fact, they seem to be complaining about somebody saying don't come.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Oh, now I see the problem. That member is on my "ignore" list and I never see anything he posts (except now that you have copied it and reposted). Since he is on my "ignore" list, it would not be ethical for me to answer any of his questions or respond to his drivel in any way. I hope all of you, save one, will stop by to see me at the KC3 table on the 31st.
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Not everyone does Facebook Gut.

One of the groups you named does not exist.
Far as I can tell this is a NRA organized rally that KC3 is going to have a booth at.

Many of us are DONE with the NRA. And their events and rallys.
They are a moderate give ground everytime waste of time.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
So one guy suggesting you stay away is good enough? Yeah, I actually figured so when I started reading this post.



Oh, now I see the problem. That member is on my "ignore" list and I never see anything he posts (except now that you have copied it and reposted). Since he is on my "ignore" list, it would not be ethical for me to answer any of his questions or respond to his drivel in any way.) I hope all of you, save one, will stop by to see me at the KC3 table on the 31st.

Nemo, guess there is absolutely no doubt about my intuition being correct...huh!

gutshot, please enjoy yourself at your table at the NRA-ILA's rally...

its a sorry state of affairs to see such and illustrious forum member publicly humiliate and discredit his organization in such a frivolous fashion cuz he apparently wears his feelings on his sleeve.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Well, don't go if you don't want to. We only want dedicated, hard working people anyway. You were one of the people complaining that you didn't have enough notice last time. How many excuses are you going to make up? We will just try to get along without you.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
ghost, et al., guess there is an bumptious selectivity in deciding whom the grassroots overseers wish to participate, no matter what skillset the citizen brings to the table, to participate in KY's 2A advocacy activities...

and here i thought LaPierre was pretentious...

advocacy event known about since late December and then 30 days later in a "oh btw" comment, and 6 days before the event, says an unknown entity is holding an event at the capital!

then chastises forum members for being in a "tizzy" and in "ocdo caves" and not being on FB so the ocdo members could keep up...

ghost...with autocratic grassroot's advocacy like this in KY... i'm afraid the VA form of governance overcoming KY is not to far away!
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
ghost, et al., guess there is an bumptious selectivity in deciding whom the grassroots overseers wish to participate, no matter what skillset the citizen brings to the table, to participate in KY's 2A advocacy activities...

and here i thought LaPierre was pretentious...

advocacy event known about since late December and then 30 days later in a "oh btw" comment, and 6 days before the event, says an unknown entity is holding an event at the capital!

then chastises forum members for being in a "tizzy" and in "ocdo caves" and not being on FB so the ocdo members could keep up...

ghost...with autocratic grassroot's advocacy like this in KY... i'm afraid the VA form of governance overcoming KY is not to far away!

Gave a like to everything but one part.

No Kentuckians will never peacefully tolerate what is being tolerated in VA, and the legislature, no matter which party controls it knows that.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Richard Heller has committed to being at the Rally in Frankfort on Friday along with Thomas Massie. It appears that these patriots and a lot of others don't share some of the fears and prejudices of a few members hear.
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Thomas Massie is a good pro RTKABA man.

He was the ONLY one screaming from the rooftops about the NRA and gov bait and switch using national reciprocity to get fix nics out of the house to thr senate. Warning they would be separated by the senate.

I'm suprized he would agree to come to an NRA sponsored event.

Reckon KC3 president speaker will bring up the illegality of preventing OC in justice centers?
Not holding my breath.