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Search results

  1. H

    Open Carry in the Detroit Area?

    OCing an unregistered firearm brings more scrutiny from whichever law enforcement agency you have contact with. Personally I would not OC an unregistered firearm. I would happily CC one. Most of the interactions I have had with the law are positive, however I have had several agents that were...
  2. H

    Open Carry in the Detroit Area?

    I've OCed in Detroit for years. Other then people seeing me, then crossing the street to avoid me, never had an issue in Detroit. The only time a DPD officer showed up while I was carrying he asked "Is that your gun?", "Yes it is", Do you have a permit for carrying that gun?", "Don't need a...
  3. H

    OC in a police station?

    I have OCed over the years in multiple agencies with little to no problem. St. Clair Sheriff tried giving me grief several years ago saying since the jail was attached i couldn't carry. Told him I was there for other business NOT the jail. Quoted MCL 123.1102 to him, he said "Oh, your one of...
  4. H

    Port Huron PD hosting a buyback program

    Some good deals may be had in the parking lot. https://www.thetimesherald.com/story/news/2019/02/27/port-huron-police-dept-hosting-gun-buy-back-program/3004715002/
  5. H

    Online CPL renewal

    I believe this site goes live Dec 1st. We should be able to conveniently renew our CPLs online, provided you have and use a credit card. I hope the transition goes smoothly. https://cplrenewal.msp.state.mi.us/CPLOnline/#!/
  6. H

    Switchblades are legal as of today in Michigan

    Well, I went out and bought myself a birthday present. Thus far this Microtech rocks. Lifetime guarantee how can you go wrong? No I didn't get it from the BladeHQ link listed below, bought it from a local dealer at a much better price. The link is a good source for the info about it...
  7. H

    Man shoots neighbor while trying to stop dog attack

    A woman is killed in a Detroit neighborhood after being mauled by a dog, but it was a man trying to help that killed her, he accidentally shot her and the dog according to police https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/man-fatally-shoots-neighbor-while-trying-to-save-her-from-attacking-dog Do you...
  8. H

    Switchblades are legal as of today in Michigan

    Not really OC related but though some would benefit from the info For those who haven't heard Senate Bill 245 eliminates current law prohibiting sale and possession of spring-assisted knives, also known as switchblades. The law becomes active today. So break out your switchblades :) DAOTF...
  9. H

    Proposed bill would create "Grace Period" for CPL renewal

    The legislation would give CPL holders a six-month grace period after their license expires where they would be subject to a $330 fine if found carrying a concealed pistol instead of a five year felony...
  10. H

    Canadian sniper has a confirmed kill shot in Iraq of over 3540 Meters

    Not really OC related, but I thought some people here would enjoy this. A Canadian sniper has a confirmed kill shot in Iraq of over 3540 Meters that's = 2.19965402 Miles. Wow, shattering the previous record of 2475 Meters. He would hear the bang almost 10 seconds AFTER being hit...
  11. H

    Shelby Township deputy chief disciplined after allegedly pulling out gun at bar

    Just thought I would throw this out there. If you or I had done this we would have our CPL revoked plus additional charges. Since he is a cop NOTHING, no charges, no fines, very minor disciplinary measures (slap on the wrist and told don't do it again). <Shrug>...
  12. H

    H.R.38 - Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

    Not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere but FYI... Might be dead in committee, but not a bad idea. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/38 Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to allow a qualified individual to carry a...
  13. H

    8 Days for CPL renewal

    Now that the state is involved in the process it sure seems to have sped things up. It only took 8 days from the time I went into the county clerks office with my CPL renewal app to when the new permit arrived in the mail. My only complaint was the app said they required 2 passport photos but...
  14. H

    OC vacation experiences in Mackinaw and the UP Part Deux

    A few things have changed and many people's attitudes towards OC and carry in general have improved since my last visit to Mackinac Island. I will try and give a brief synopsis of the vacation the wife and I took up north and to the island last weekend for those that might care and in the hopes...
  15. H

    Traveling to Chicagoi on business, CPD says bring a gun, goto jail?

    I have to travel from the Detroit area to Chicago next weekend. I will be staying a couple of days. I am a member of these forums for some time now, mostly frequenting the MI forums. I have been TRYING to keep up on the developments regarding carry in IL. I have a couple of questions, please...
  16. H

    My New OC Gun :)

    Nice, I carry a Sig 229 Scorpion TB most days myself. You will love it.
  17. H

    How do you legally carry a MAC-10 or extended barrel pistol?

    I was asked a question by a friend yesterday that made me ponder a bit. He just got his CPL and wondered if he could legally OC or CC his MAC-10 with a shoulder sling strap instead of a holster. At first I just laughed and gave him a laundry list on why that would be a VERY bad idea. 1. It's...
  18. H

    Michigan gun laws may be screwed up but it could be a whole lot worse.

    Be thankful for the rights we do have here in MI. I am currently visiting Hawaii with the wife on our anniversary. Alot of us around here complain about how messed up some of the MI gun laws are. I guess I am guilty to a certain extent of taking for granted the rights we have here. Let me tell...
  19. H

    Anniversary trip with the wife to Honolulu, and I feel naked without my firearm :(

    Greetings to the residents of Hawaii. I am on vacation with the wife here in Honolulu for our 2nd wedding anniversary. When we leave next week it will have been the longest I have went without carrying my firearm in well over a decade. I am a resident of Michigan and have a CPL but since Hawaii...
  20. H

    Lakeside mall rent-a-cop tells me I can't OC on public road.

    Been OCing almost everywhere I have went over the last few weeks. nothing major to report until Friday. My son and I were leaving the credit union behind Lakeside mall. We were on the public road the runs between Schoner and Hall raod. We witnessed a BWM plow into a young lady in a buick. The...