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Search results

  1. MetalChris

    Homeowner, Fearing Burglar, Fatally Shoots Man

    imported post Source [color=navy][size=3]
  2. MetalChris

    Why gun-control activists are targeting Starbucks

    imported post Why gun-control activists are targeting Starbucks The Brady Campaign is asking the chain to prioritize customer and employee safety, not take a position in America's gun debate. In its March 5 editorial, "At the Starbucks saloon," The Times criticizes the Brady Campaign to...
  3. MetalChris

    Pro-Gun Forces Want To Shoot Down Local Laws

    imported post Source State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-12th, of Butler County, announced yesterday he will introduce legislation to strengthen Pennsylvania’s ban on allowing municipalities to enact their own gun control ordinances. His bill would require any local governing body that ratified its...
  4. MetalChris

    Washington Needs a Vertebrae Transplant

    imported post Source Washington Needs a Vertebrae Transplant Mark Shields [CDATA[ More members of Congress today, by a large margin, have more college and graduate degrees than members did 20 years ago. The current members are generally more media savvy and more socially polished...
  5. MetalChris

    Eight killed in North Carolina nursing home rampage

    imported post Source
  6. MetalChris

    At least 10 killed in Alabama shooting spree

    imported post http://www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN1036167920090311 UPDATE 3-At least 10 killed in Alabama shooting spree By Verna Gates BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 10 (Reuters) - At least 10 people including the suspected gunman and his mother were killed in a shooting spree and car...
  7. MetalChris

    The Gun Lobby Outvotes D.C.

    imported post Duct tape alert! Source The measure to at long last allow District of Columbia residents a voting member in the House has run afoul of the gun lobby that is determined to deny Washington another fundamental right: to regulate firearms. The Senate approved the bill, but only...
  8. MetalChris

    New Bipartisan Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Common Sense Gun Laws

    imported post Source New Bipartisan Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Common Sense Gun Laws 90% of Illinois Voters Support Requiring Background Checks for All Gun Sales CHICAGO, March 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Today the Illinois Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (ICPGV), a project of Legal...
  9. MetalChris

    Gun Control

    imported post Gun Control Posted by George Berkin February 13, 2009 5:30AM Categories: Hot Topics I do not own any guns. I do not like guns. I am afraid of guns, even in the right hands. I even think that some people take this Second Amendment stuff too far. Just to make myself real clear...
  10. MetalChris

    Firearms industry may top Obama’s list

    imported post http://www.wilsoncountynews.com/article.php?id=22107&n=outdoors-firearms-industry-may-top-obamas-list Firearms industry may top Obama’s list January 27, 2009 Beginning this week, the firearms industry will find itself squarely in the gunsight of a new administration dedicated...
  11. MetalChris

    Two people dead, seven hurt in Miami AK-47 shooting

    imported post http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/sfl-bn-0123-miami-shooting,0,1132877.story Andrew Ba Tran |SunSentinel.com 7:30 PM EST, January 24, 2009 MIAMI - Denise Grant, 34, was in the kitchen of her third-floor apartment across the street when she heard gunshots...
  12. MetalChris

    Postmaster's son Craig Hodson-Walker killed as city violence spreads to Fairfield village

    imported post I knew this guy from my days in the UK. I thought guns were banned...how did this happen?
  13. MetalChris

    5 Shot After Chicago High School Basketball Game

    imported post http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,478985,00.html CHICAGO — Five people were shot as spectators left a crowded high school basketball game Friday in what police called a possibly gang-related drive-by attack that sent panicked students running into a snowy street on the city's...
  14. MetalChris

    Who are you voting for?

    imported post I know there was a similar poll earlier, but this one has more options.
  15. MetalChris

    Silica Gel Desiccant

    imported post Do you guys use anything like it for your long term ammo storage? I have four 50 cal ammo cans full of 7.62 and would hate for it to be ruined. http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=799452
  16. MetalChris

    Tony Blair bodyguard leaves gun in Starbucks toilet

    imported post OMG! I'm surprised the gun didn't kill anyone, seeing as how guns are inherently evil. :uhoh:
  17. MetalChris

    Israel - Construction Vehicle Rampages in Jerusalem, Driver Killed, 4 Hurt

    imported post Source JERUSALEM— A Palestinian man from east Jerusalem rammed a construction vehicle into three cars and a city bus in downtown Jerusalem on Tuesday, wounding four people before he was shot dead, in a chilling imitation of an attack that took place in the city earlier this...
  18. MetalChris

    St. Louis Mall the Scene of Double Shooting in Possible Murder-Suicide

    imported post http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,384062,00.html DEVELOPING STORY:[/b] A double shooting at a St. Louis-area shopping mall brought police to the scene of what could be a murder-suicide or an attempted murder-suicide, according to KTVI TV in St. Louis.[/b] The shooting...
  19. MetalChris

    From our friends at OFCC

    imported post http://ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=21257 Yet another bad "L"EO (more appropriately "AEO" or "OEO") encounter in Ohio. OFCC press release. ETA - Just noticing the other thread on this subject...mods feel free to delete. :dude: