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Search results

  1. swfaninwi

    NRA and GOA

    I recently received a membership upgrade from the NRA. I am a life member now and have been for decades. Is my money better spent on Gun Owners of America (GOA)? Is either really helping us here in WI? I have no intention of creating a thread that bashes either. I would just like information.
  2. swfaninwi

    911 police call results in rape, woman says

    911 police call results in rape, woman says Officer later was fired but not prosecuted; federal investigation is in progress http://www.jsonline.com/watchdog/watchdogreports/113829989.html Sworn to protect…right...:mad: Personal protection is our responsibility and our right, even from LEO...
  3. swfaninwi

    Citizen Suggestions for Governor Elect Walker

    He’s asking, so let him know. http://www.transition.wi.gov/stateemployee_suggestion.asp?locid=177 Idea #1: Have law enforcement chasing and catching bad guys and not harassing law abiding citizens.
  4. swfaninwi

    Judge for OC

    Anyone here carry a Taurus Judge? Thoughts on the Judge in general (a good idea or an odd ball)? If it’s such a good idea, why haven’t other manufacturers produced a .410 revolver? Thoughts on .410 in a revolver (capabilities, realistic stopping power, etc)?
  5. swfaninwi

    Cops give lightless night bikers lights instead of tickets

    “Bicyclists riding without lights after dark Wednesday night got a pleasant surprise when stopped by Madison police: lights instead of tickets.”… http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_badb861c-e352-11df-8902-001cc4c002e0.html A wishful headline: Cops give ammo to Open...