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Search results

  1. Wheelgunner

    Building a Bren Ten Like Combat pistol for less than $1000

    Of all combat pistols, the Bren Ten Stands alongside the 1911, yet little is known about it. It's design features, intricacies and advantages are known to a loyal few. Those who know the weapon are convinced it is a upgrade to the 1911 .45 ACP, a telling boast since now every major pistol maker...
  2. Wheelgunner

    What to say when you know it's Over

    imported post Baby, we need to talk. We have been going out together for a long time now. These times have been great and I will never forget them, but I need to tell you that I have met someone, someone else, and I have been seeing her on the side. In fact, I have put in an order for one...
  3. Wheelgunner

    When Autos Jam #1....And it's a GOOD Thing!

    imported post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X14ID3zybSk Video is an officer pulling over a DUI suspect. Walks to the window and gets blasted in the face. Shatters his jaw and teeth, pierces his neck and shatters his C1 Neck bone. Still he prevails. Perps gun jams on first shot due to what...
  4. Wheelgunner

    Supreme Court Justice Sanders Wants to Party!

    imported post Hey Guys, Justice Richard Sanders would like to meet and greet the Open Carry Club, take your questions, etc on April 17th, 2010. We will need a large covered area (because of possible unhappy Weather) and food (PotLuck?). Some small guidelines: 1. This would be a Fund Raiser...
  5. Wheelgunner

    This is a Test of the Emergency Gun Seizure System

    imported post Reprinted from HotAir Green Room. Just what are the provisions of Washington State Law under Emergency Conditions? I bet Mayor Nicky would love to try this. King, North Carolina slapped on some amazing, draconian – and utterly irrelevant – restrictions during their recent...
  6. Wheelgunner

    Glock Vs Kimber in the Locker Room

    imported post Two men argue the virtues of plastic vs Steel (Content Warning.) http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/5229541/
  7. Wheelgunner

    Police Officer presses gun to your wifes Neck.

    imported post So you are in the 7/11 Store with the Misses and suddenly a violent guy in a police uniform speaking both Englaish and Spanish has a pistol out and is taking you wife down to the ground with the gun pressed against her neck. Please view the video. What do you do? A. File a...
  8. Wheelgunner

    Up the British!

    imported post Thank God for Youtube or we would never see this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTq2NEUlhDE All we can say is that we are with you guys. ***WARNING**** Stomach churning video of Bureaucrats seizing firearms!:cuss:
  9. Wheelgunner

    Man Gets Paid For Carrying Wheelgun!

    imported post http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/27706824.html?showAll=y&c=y Anyone want a new Harley? Kramer Leather, L frame heavy barrel Smith with Hogue Monogrip. What a Dude.
  10. Wheelgunner

    McCain Picks Hunting, Pistol Packing, Constitution Loving, Babe

    imported post A real person! Life is good.
  11. Wheelgunner


    imported post This is big. Though the Devil is in the details, weapons are seen as a RIGHT. 5-4 decision (liberals decenting, of course). As soon as decision is published I am sure it will be posted! Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia said that an individual right to bear...
  12. Wheelgunner

    The case for the M-29 Smith

    imported post Printed this on another part of forum, but had to share it with those who know me! At 48 and a former gunsmith and a lifelong shooter, I have seen some stuff. I wish to make the case for the Model 29/329 DA revolver as simply the best weapon for self defense made. For the...
  13. Wheelgunner

    Case for the Model 29 Smith

    imported post At 48 and a former gunsmith and a lifelong shooter, I have seen some stuff. I wish to make the case for the Model 29/329 DA revolver as simply the best weapon for self defense made. For the past 5 years I have been carrying a Model 29 S&W above all others. This after 21 years of...
  14. Wheelgunner

    Ferry Boat Stop

    imported post I have been carrying openly for the last couple of days and spent today at the range. (won a little money from a bolt guy with a 25-06 using "Merry Infidel", but that is another story). So I drive on line to the ferry and I am OC'ing my Smith. I drive on-board and leave my car to...