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Search results

  1. B

    Happy New Year!!

    Just wanted to wish everyone here a Happy New Year!! We got a lot accomplished this year, but we have a lot more to get accomplished next year.
  2. B

    Target stores

    Does anyone have any letters or emails from target on whether they allow or don't allow guns?
  3. B

    Open Carry Story from KJRH in Tulsa, OK

  4. B

    3 Tulsa home robberies today

    I burglar forced a woman and girl at gunpoint to the bank and stole some tv's and their car. The other two robberies were met with a gun pointing at them from the owner. http://www.fox23.com/mostpopular/story/broken-arrow-gun-dontaye/75MijgQIHkWs6iF14ahplQ.cspx
  5. B

    Amount of time for license

    Just wanted to let everyone know that i got my license today and it took a total of 74 days from the day i dropped off at the sheriff's office. Looks like they are getting a little faster.
  6. B

    SB 1733 - Open Carry - passed the Oklahoma Senate 33-10

    SB 1733 Open Carry passed the Oklahoma Senate today by a vote of 33-10.