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Search results

  1. vt800c

    Airsoft Gun In DC as part of tribute?

    I am an Air Force retiree, and an avid motorcyclist. I participate in the annual 'Ride to the Wall' on Memorial day weekend. Normally, bikers mount a flag on the back of their bikes for the duration of the demonstration ride. I had a thought, but then I've been conditioned enough by the...
  2. vt800c

    Veteran's Day Freebies 2013

    Next Monday is Veteran's day. Alot of local and national business are offering free meals and services to veterans, retirees, and active duty. As my wife works that day, to stay oout of trouble, I make that day a kind of 'scavenger hunt' to take advantage of many of the offers. (I did 20+...
  3. vt800c

    Are shortages real? (I hope this is not considered off-topic.)

    This was the body of an e-mail I received at my office. I wonder if this can be substantiated? I do know that in the past 6 weeks, the only OTC ammo I could get was 1 box of .32 and one box of .22 WinMag. I didn't go to the gun shows to try, and I am going to the range tonight after work to...
  4. vt800c

    Open Carry Overkill? (no pun intended)

    Ok..Just got back from the gun show. Got a nice new toy..a S&W M&P 15-22p. It's like an AR-15 with a 6" barrell and no stock. (google it) HOW would one OC THAT? and CC is out of the question.
  5. vt800c

    Looking for someone in NoVA that does DuraCote...

    ...without charging an arm or a leg. I am just courious about the process and the materials required, and if it would make my toys look better/last longer. Anyone have DuraCote on their firearms? How's it look? Did you do it yourself? if so, was it a PITA or someone you'd suggest I try?
  6. vt800c

    Why Open Carry (Fairfax County)

    If any anti's want to know..just point them to this website: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/crime/incident-reports/ These are weekly reports by district. Read through them and see how many are firearms acts. they may say: 'well no one got hurt when they followed instructions'... but how...
  7. vt800c

    Handling a firearm on a motorcycle....HOW???

    Ok..I like to ride, and I am starting to open carry...but here's the thing: if you have to 'unload' you can drop a magazine and cycle the slide in the privacy of your car. the most it will look like is you're adjusting your shorts. On a motorcycle i don't HAVE that luxury. In fact, to remove...
  8. vt800c

    Converting a Bushmaster .223 to a 50 cal?

    imported post According to FOX News, (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,583912,00.html) the individual arrested in New Jersey (he was from VA, thats why I posted it here) was carrying "a semiautomatic Bushmaster rifle concealed under his green, military-style jacket"and "the .223-caliber...
  9. vt800c

    Bumper Sticker idea?

    imported post Thought of this for the tailgater on my bee-hind as I drove home: ASK ME about my 2nd Ammendment rights! :D
  10. vt800c

    OC a 'Mouse Gun'

    imported post I have a SMALL .22 SNS. (this is not for the debate of 'bigger is better' I agree. this is more along the 'anything is better than nothing' belief. Anyway...) I have a belt holster, but with the cover closed, you can barely see the butt of the handgrip. I wonder if this crosses...
  11. vt800c

    OC on a MC

    imported post Here is one I've not seen addressed. I ride a motorcycle, and it doesn't really bother me to OC. It's my right! (I HAVE noticed that other drivers tend to give me a bit more 'respect' on the highways... :)) But here is my quandry: my motorcycle has soft leather saddlebags and NO...