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Search results

  1. hhofent

    Can a melting pot society ever truly work?

    Our country is one of the most diversified nations on earth. Different ethnicities, upbringings and histories all converged under one 'roof'. With this much diversity people are bound to have differing opinions on things. As we see every day, these opinions are often strong enough to motivate...
  2. hhofent

    (Partial) Justice Served. LEO indicted w/ manslaughter x2

    abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/cleveland-police-officers-indicted-large-chase-23935859 Officer fired 15 shots through windshield while standing on hood of unarmed mans car. He fired 49 shots total and total shots by all officers were 129. Got 2 counts of manslaughter. 5 other officers charged...
  3. hhofent

    List of mass shootings in relation to Victim Disarmament Zones

    Does anyone have a list of mass murders/shootings and info regarding the correlation to gun free zones? I am thinking of making a tshirt that has real facts on it regarding the situation. I could do the research myself, and still might, but was wondering if anyone has already done it and...
  4. hhofent

    Colorado woman has gun stolen by laws.

    A colorado woman was in a car accident, and her gun in her purse was taken to the cop shop for "safekeeping". Well it turns out the cops have to do a FFL check before they can return her gun. They are not setup to do the check, therefore they won't return the gun...
  5. hhofent

    Texas Sheriff cheating his way to conviction?

    www.huffpost.com/us/entry/5235157?utm_hp_ref=politics&ir=Politics Sent from my SCH-R680 using Tapatalk 2
  6. hhofent

    Good bushing engraving ideas.

    Ill start. Yes I know that's not a bushing, but you get the drift. Sent from my SCH-R680 using Tapatalk 2
  7. hhofent

    Informing LEO of recording.

    A lot of people on this forum recommend recording all interactions with LEOs, are we required to inform the officer that we are recording them? Sent from my SCH-R680 using Tapatalk 2
  8. hhofent

    Taurus TCP questions

    My sister just turned 21, so her and I just went down to Scheels and she got her first handgun. She wanted her first to be one she can carry in a flash-bang holster(believe me, she can handle a .44), so she settled on a taurus tcp .380 acp. When we got home, she loaded it and tried cycling a...
  9. hhofent

    Terry stops in IA

    What is the legality of terry stops in iowa for OC? And how about if stopped for speeding or some other minor traffic infraction? Sent from my SCH-R680 using Tapatalk 2