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Search results

  1. M

    Need help in looking up firearm law / ordinance.

    I am not sure if it is a Jackson County ordinance or MS State law, but I have been told that in Jackson County Mississippi, it is illegal to shoot a centerfire rifle on any parcel that is less than 50 acres, this is outside any city limits. If anyone could direct me to the law or ordinance, it...
  2. M

    Anyone know what happened to the Alabama Gun Rights Association web page?

    imported post I had a friend asking me about the carry laws (both open and concealed) in Alabama and I was trying to bring up the Alabama Gun Rights Association's web page but it looks to be currently down. If it is permenantly down, does anyone know of another website that primarily deals...
  3. M

    How to fly and take handgun?

    imported post Hi guys and gals. It looks like I may have to fly up to IN and would really like to take my handgun with me. Beings I have never taken a handgun with me on a trip like this I figured it may be best to ask what kind of problemsI may run into. I am assuming the same rules apply...
  4. M

    Mayors Against Gun Control (MAIG)

    imported post From here: http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=254&issue=011
  5. M

    Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)

    imported post From here: http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=254&issue=011
  6. M

    A friend may need help, was told to leave work and not come back until contacted

    imported post He works in an office building that is a gun free zone, but the "no guns" sign is at the door entering the building, not at the entrances to the parking area. The parking area is wide open to the public, no fences, gates, checkpoints or etc. On friday, he was asked if he had a...
  7. M

    Good LEO encounter while OCing. (Annex restaurant - Pascagoula)

    imported post I had to do some business in town (Pascagoula)today and decided to eat at the Annex restaurant because I knew they would have catfish on the menu. Anyway, when I went to leave, I saw a couple uniformed officers and after I paid my tab, one of them, seeing my sidearm,asked mewhat...
  8. M

    Anyone care to help me out on another forum?

    imported post This is a reply to my post in the Gun Laws section at the MS Gun Owners forum: http://www.msgunowners.com/forum.htm
  9. M

    Pro 2A meet-up August 23rd LY Buffet - Pascagoula MS.

    imported post Lets do it again -6:30pm!
  10. M

    National call to action S.845

    imported post Contact information for those of us in MS. Senator Thad Cochran Phone: 202-224-5054 Senator Roger F. Wicker Phone: 202-224-6253
  11. M

    Carrying on a boat anchored at Petti Bois Island...Illegal or not?

    imported post I recently went to the island on a friends boat, but left the gun (loaded)in a locked cabinet when I left the boat. Was I legal or not? [font=TTE237F448t00][color=#ffffff][font=TTE237F448t00] [color=#800000][font=TTE19BEC50t00][color=#800000][font=TTE19BEC50t00]...
  12. M

    Guy pissed off because I am OCing.

    imported post Kind of funny the way this turned out, but I wonder if this is the kind of people that call the law to report a MWAG. I walk into a friends shop and this guy notices that I am carrying and the first thing he asks is who do I work for. Isay "I am self employed...Why?" He then says...
  13. M

    OC'd at Orange Beach.

    imported post I OC'd my SS 1911 with a few stares but definately no problems. When we came in to trailer the boat, the AL Marine Police were docked and checking everyone who was coming and going. He wanted to see my permit but was more interested in seeing the fish we had caught and the...
  14. M

    MS Law on carrying at county owned park

    imported post I was asked today (by another OCer)if we could carry at a county owned park and it seems I remember reading that all parks are 'no carry' zones no matter if it is city, county, state or federal, I told him that I would have to get back with him, but for now we will consider them...
  15. M

    Spotted another OC'er yesterday,

    imported post Was anyone here fueling up at the Chevron on Hwy 63 just south of I10 (Moss Point) on the 3rd? I spotted their piece just as they were leaving, I wish I'd have seen it sooner, I would have struck a conversation.
  16. M

    Bought another handgun today.

    imported post This will be my primary OC handgun with the XD service as my primary CC handgun. http://www.springfield-armory.com/armory.php?version=10 Found it newfor around $200.00 cheaper than internet and local. And yes, it is new, just has been in stock and hidden from view for a while I...
  17. M

    OCing in the MS gulf coast area.

    imported post OC'd at the T/A truckstop in Grand BayAL this morning while my wife and I ate breakfast, a few stares from other truckers and a couple volunteer firemen, but definately no:shock:'s or:what:'s. Then headed to MS and OC'd in Century Bank while getting my wife's permit paperwork...
  18. M

    I want a non-resident license, what state would be the easiest.

    imported post The states I usually travel in other than my resident state of MS are AL, FL, LA, & TX. but usually once or twice a year, I find myself up in the northwest so that puts me travelling through OK, CO, NE, WY, MT, NM, UT & ID at times. What state has the easiest procedure for...
  19. M

    MS law on carrying in resturant that serves alcohol.

    imported post Is there any law that regulates carrying in a resturant that sells beer? I'm not talking about a bar, just a regular resturant.
  20. M

    What would an LEO need to LEGALLY disarm someone who is...

    imported post ...OCing in MS. We all know they can pretty much do anything they want (to a certain extent) during a terry stop and just let the courts decide,but lets say I am atwalmart, gas station or whateverand get stopped by a LEO, what are my rights? If they want to dis-arm me, do I have...