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how can they ban you if you were
dishonorably discharced from the military
had a dui
i think there are a few other reasons but what if it was when you were young and stupid?
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if the gun i'm looking at has a msrp of $505 what should i pay for it?
is there a way to find out how much a dealer pays for invoice like you can with a car?
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its about $300
anyone have one for their 1911?
looks like it will still fit my serpa
this may be a better choice for bears then buying another gun like a 44 mag or 500s&w?
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can they see on their computer if you have a ccw
california for instance if i have a ccw
i know they dont honer it
just curious if they will know
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Do they just strictly enforce the laws or are they against people having guns?
is their head guy from the brady bunch?
do they have an opinion on open carry?
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are these accurate if i want to buy another used gun
there may be others