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Search results

  1. A

    anyone have Walmart position letter on Open carry?

    Does anyone have or can post the Walmart Position letter on open carry?
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    OC/CC AR15 pistols in Michigan

    Thanks, in my Blackhawk bag I carry it and extra magazines in is the BATF ruling letter on the pistol and the AFG (Angled fore grip) plus a signed and notarized copy of the registration by the person who put it in the system with date and time, yea she was a PEACH! She was all about helping...
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    OC/CC AR15 pistols in Michigan

    Okay I wanted to talk about this in a forum where people actually have a clue about this topic. So here it is. What is the legality, position, opinion, of open and or Concealed carry in Michigan and does anyone know of any pit falls caused by Law Enforcement or others in relation to this...
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    How NOT to open carry

    This act of sheer stupidity has my blood boiling, it is ass hats like this that ruin things for others. Now how many states will enact bans on open carry due to this? This gets tiring and makes me wonder if people do this on purpose to have open carry banned...
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    Better privacy email

    This site based in Iceland where they don't spy on their own people and have far better privacy laws. Here are two brand new sites, one is a social media like facebook the other is email. Social media www.seen.is Email.......... www.unseen.is never have I done anything that would put me...
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    I need help on finding the android recording service mentioned here.

    I read about it over a year ago there is supposed to be a service that allows me to record and it is kept so the antagonist L.E. can't take my phone and erase evidence while having me detained. Yes I know about the Supreme court by many LE officers do not follow the rule of law when doing so...
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    Open carry bill in Kansas possible nation wide model for open carry in all states?

    http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/04/05/victory-for-gun-rights-proponents-as-open-carry-bill-possible-nationwide-model-approved-by-states-lawmakers/ Kansas legislators gave final approval Saturday to a bill that would nullify city and county gun restrictions, ensuring that it’s legal across...
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    Flint Township open carry arrest article.

    http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/03/27/the-controversial-open-carry-arrest-that-attorney-says-has-town-in-real-trouble/ A gun owner in Flint Township, Mich., has filed a lawsuit claiming he was stopped and arrested while legally openly carrying his pistol back in December. He ended up...
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    Georgisa new Gun Bill "Guns everywhere"

    http://www.policemag.com/channel/weapons/news/2014/03/25/georgia-proposes-sweeping-guns-everywhere-law.aspx?utm_campaign=OnTarget-Tuesday-New-20140325&utm_source=Email&utm_medium=Enewsletter This is something that could change the face of America if it the Georgia Governor signs. "Pro- and...
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    19 States file briefs in mans fight against New Jersey carry law.

    http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02/13/1-states-join-legal-fight-against-new-jersey-concealed-weapons-law/# CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Wyoming is leading a coalition of 19 states asking the U.S. Supreme Court to let them submit a brief supporting a New Jersey man's challenge to that state's...
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    Openly visible holsters bring out the anti gun loons

    http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/08/u-s-figure-skaters-outfit-ruffles-some-feathers-but-offended-parties-arent-the-usual-suspects/ Anti Gun madness hits the Olympics over visible holsters as part of costumes of skaters doing a James Bond figure skating theme. "Apparently some folks...
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    N.R.A. Members should be sent to Gitmo?

    Another gun hating nut job with a podium... http://www.aurorasentinel.com/opinion/perry-we-can-only-save-ourselves-from-kidnappers-at-the-nra/ PERRY: We can only save ourselves from kidnappers at the NRA I’m talking about the real terrorist threat here in America: the National Rifle...
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    Will open carry be subject to drone executions? Not a joke!!

    Mountains of evidence indicates they see us as the enemy. Yes your Government, and this is far from a some silly conspiracy theory, it comes right from our elected leaders. Drones will be designed to discover who carry's a gun and the drone has the ability to kill you. Eric Holder says Drone...
  14. A

    Utopia where carry and AR 15 ownership is required?

    http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/right-wing-visions-of-utopia-take-root/?cat_orig=us http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jan/23/right-away-the-new-expatriates-from-fortresses-to-/ This is interesting. To live here one would have to own at least one AR-15, 5 magazines, 1000 rounds of ammo...
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    college shooting lone star college Texas

    http://www.lonestar.edu/16954.htm Whats is still unfolding is 3 shot at Lone Star college. << Fox new just corrected the number to 2 shot.. One may be one of two shooters that got into a argument went bad. Reports that 2 bystanders may have been wounded. One of the injured was arrested by...
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    Open carry photo at JC Penny, stirs yahoo and facebook

    http://news.yahoo.com/video/photo-man-jc-penney-shopper-230414356.html The Libtards loose the minds again, freaking out over a picture of a man carrying a black rifle. You gotta love how they genuflect over the rights we have. The Liberals want us to go back to a Monarchy style of Government...
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    Boycot Denny's? No guns, not evenfor Police officers in their place of business.

    http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/dennys-refuses-to-serve-gun-toting-police-officer.html An Illinois police chief has banned his officers from a Belleville Denny’s Restaurant after a manager told five on-duty detectives they had to leave because one of them had a firearm...
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    this might be of interest to some

    http://gunssavelives.net/category/self-defense/ I thought some might like to check this out.
  19. A

    New tactical rail system. This is neat stuff.

    http://www.guns.com/nautilus-tactical-rail-adjustable-360-degrees-7-inch-carbine-ballista-tactical-systems-7195.html This is quite unique.
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    if you have no actual address can you have a CPL?

    This question was asked of me. Can he have a CPL if he has no actual address. He has a Po Box on his drivers license, but due to medical and financial problems stays with different family members for a month here and with another family member at another address in the same area, and some times...