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Search results

  1. Archangel

    Hit this poll!

    Concerning campus carry in Georgia. We are losing ground. Hit it and spread the word! http://www.bizjournals.com/a9361289675090037234484tlanta/pulse/poll/should-gov-nathan-deal-veto-the-campus-carry-bill/19646252?ana=e_du_poll&u=z%2FYulR%2FIDpngDnRvxmbTxQ02af1fac&t=1461789353&j=72723952
  2. Archangel

    FFL in Metro Milwaukee for gun transfer.

    I have a gun I want to transfer to my father-in-law who lives in metro-Milwaukee. I called The Shooter's Shop and found out they charge SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS for a gun transfer PLUS $20 for the background check!!!! :shock: Have I just been out of Wisconsin for too long or is this as nuts as...
  3. Archangel

    Gun Rights Poll Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

    Let's help out folks! Poll on lower left of page: http://www.jsonline.com/news/crime/gunmans-exgirlfriend-tied-to-whitepower-group-r66djcf-165342766.html Go get em.
  4. Archangel

    Illinois Local Police

    I usually don't do this but unless there is a whole lot of detail missing from this story I have to call:
  5. Archangel

    Win FREE gear!!!

    Check this out. Personal Security Systems Holsters is doing a give away. All you have to do is: 1. Go to their Facebook page 2. LIKE them 3. comment with a number between 1 - 500 Enter a Referrer (if you want to use Marc Spector which is my FB pseudonym) with your number comment for sending you...
  6. Archangel

    Funny video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMFP5ykRXzY I LOLed.
  7. Archangel

    Yes Sir, nothing's getting burgled...

    Need to have something like this:
  8. Archangel

    Hit this poll!

    Hit this poll: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/01/10/2011-01-10_chilling_shrine_in_madmans_yard.html Do we need more gun restrictions...
  9. Archangel

    Fingerprint Removal Request

    I would go for this for fingerprint removal: :banana: Somebody had to do it!
  10. Archangel

    Anything new with Jesus Gonzales case?

    It's been dead out there.... Anybody heard anything that is going on with this?
  11. Archangel

    Strange incident at my house last night

    Sounds like you need a couple of the sentry guns from Aliens: :banana:
  12. Archangel

    Anybody heard anything about Jesus Gonzales case?

    Did a search on JS Online. Found only old stuff. Any word?
  13. Archangel

    More MPD Ed Flynn BS

    imported post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1wh2c8AqQk&feature=sdig&et=1241319465.66 Milwaukee Police Chief Edward A. Flynn is an anti-gun liar and hypocrite as evidenced by the fact that in his press conference dog and pony show announcing that MPD will be deploying Smith and Wesson Patrol...