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Search results

  1. 4

    Seattle man's firearms confiscated for open carry

    https://davidharrisjr.com/politics/tyranny-begins-seattle-man-broke-no-laws-guns-confiscated/ http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/seattle-police-begin-nazi-style-gun-confiscation-no-laws-broken-no-warrant-no-charges_03062018...
  2. 4

    Seattle judge rules truck = home. Effect on CPL requirements for vehicle carry?

    If a vehicle and home are the same thing, this leads to a logical question as to whether CPL requirements for carrying in a vehicle can be tossed in a court challenge? https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/judge-rules-seattle-homeless-mans-truck-is-a-home/
  3. 4

    Seattle Times and Lieutenant Governor pushing new gun ban

  4. 4

    WHEN an attack on OC comes in WA (and it will)

    Government employees and the media are Texas are now using the assassination of 5 police officers in Dallas, Texas as justification for banning OC of long guns. http://www.activistpost.com/2016/07/police-are-using-the-dallas-shooting-to-go-after-legal-open-carry.html I believe that it is only...
  5. 4

    Police Are Using The Dallas Shooting To Go After Legal Open Carry

    http://www.activistpost.com/2016/07/police-are-using-the-dallas-shooting-to-go-after-legal-open-carry.html If you are a citizen of Texas and tired of this nonsense from government employees, turn their argument against them, and see how they like it. Repeat it often and make them tired of...
  6. 4

    Action Alert for Anti-Gun Bills in Legislative Hearing -- January

    E-mail from WASHINGTON STATE GUN OWNER ACTION ALERT ========================================================== Next Thursday, January 21, is a “gun bill” day in the House Judiciary Committee, at the state capitol in Olympia at 1:30 P.M. in House Hearing Room A of the John L. O’Brien Building...
  7. 4

    Wendy Davis now says she lied about support for Open Carry

    http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/12/wendy-davis-open-carry-gun-rights-texas-213423 Against that backdrop, I chose to do something that was cleverer than it was wise. I decided to take a position in favor of open carry, one which would include the caveat that any property owner who...
  8. 4

    TSRA lobbyist thinks police need to be able to stop OCers to check their licenses

    Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/bud-kennedy/article19191360.html#storylink=cpy I am just curious, why have no grassroots groups attempted to take over TSRA and fire their lobbyist?
  9. 4

    Gun-rights advocates rally in Olympia, but can’t get in the door

    Gun-rights advocates went to the state Capitol, governor’s office and governor’s mansion to protest a ban on openly carrying guns into the House and Senate viewing galleries. The doors were locked. http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2025646080_gunrallyxml.html <-- corrected URL
  10. 4

    State House bars openly carried guns in public gallery

    The House joines (sic) the Senate in barring openly carried guns from the chambers’ public-viewing areas in Olympia. http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2025497927_gunshousegalleryxml.html OLYMPIA — The state House has joined the Senate in prohibiting people from openly carrying firearms in...
  11. 4

    State Senate bans openly carried guns in public gallery

    http://seattletimes.com/html/politics/2025484678_apxxgrpublicgalleryguns.html The recent ban on open carry in the Senate chambers presents an opportunity. Did it seem a little strange that the WSP does not seem applauding this rule change? Imagine the following scenario. 1) Conceal your...
  12. 4

    OT: Winning the Universal Background Check War

    http://townhall.com/tipsheet/townhallmagazine/2015/01/11/winning-the-universal-background-check-war-n1941544# Gun control advocates are using the ballot initiative process to take away your rights. Federal preemption is the only way to stop them. BearingArms.com's Bob Owens reports for the...
  13. 4

    Seattle "elites" vs. their bodyguards -- get your popcorn and watch the I-594 show

    Seattle "elites" vs. their bodyguards -- get your popcorn and watch the I-594 show From http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Lewis-County-tones-down-gun-initiative-286032081.html aegis11 4 hours ago @Viper6Niner There is an organization, the WA State Security Council which as I understand it...
  14. 4

    I donated to SAF today to fight I-594 in court -- you should too!

    How does the prospect of living under the threat of vague and arbitrarily enforced laws against "transfers" sound? It doesn't sound very good so I donated to SAF today. I also called and asked them to file a lawsuit against I-594, and it turns out they already have this thing under a...
  15. 4

    Hackers Target NRA Leader Ahead of Wash. State Gun Control Vote

    NRA leader's Facebook account, cell phone targeted by unknown entity http://www.infowars.com/hackers-target-nra-leader-prior-to-gun-control-vote/ The head of the NRA’s push against Initiative 594, Washington state’s restrictive gun control measure, says her phone and Facebook account were...
  16. 4

    Seattle Times discovers that shooting ranges loaded with lead ("worse than Obola")

    Seattle Times discovers that shooting ranges loaded with lead ("worse than Obola") The graphics and animated videos showing pistols spewing poisonous "Obola" lead all over the place, tells me that this was a heavily funded propaganda effort to shut down shooting ranges. "Lead poisoning is a...
  17. 4

    OCer gives an econmics-style lesson on Hot vs. Crazy women

  18. 4

    OT: Empty home destroyed in 4-hour SWAT siege [RENTON refuses to pay damages]

    Renton homeowner wants to know why damage from SWAT raid hasn’t been paid for http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/crime-law/renton-homeowner-wants-know-why-damage-swat-raid-h/nPcW7/ Empty home destroyed in 4-hour SWAT siege, innocent woman left with $100,000 in damages...
  19. 4

    OT: Olympia police respond to armed robbery at Toys R Us [GUN FREE ZONE}

    This store has a sign advertising itself as a gun-free zone. I guess the robber failed to notice it -- if only the store had a BIGGER sign it might have prevented the robbery. http://www.theolympian.com/2014/04/12/3083904/olympia-police-respond-to-armed.html?sp=/99/224/&ihp=1
  20. 4

    SeattleTimes.com Poll: Which Washington state gun control initiative do you support?

    Current results: No one. Americans have a right to bear arms. Period. 53.02% (668 votes) Only for sales by licensed dealers, as proposed in I-591 24.13% (304 votes) All gun sales, as proposed in I-594 23% (288 votes) Total Votes: 1,260...