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Search results

  1. T

    A Tale of Two Home Invasions

    imported post One in pro-2A (and pro-Med MJ) WA involves a home invasion on a legal medical marijuana grow, intruder with shotgun: ""...Sarich said that when he heard the dogs barking Monday morning, he grabbed a .22-caliber pistol from near his bed and went out to search the house. "When I...
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    South Dakota Firearm Freedom Law

    imported post South Dakota has joined Montana, Wyoming and Tennessee - intra-state firearms freedom :celebrate
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    SD Firearm Freedom Law

    imported post South Dakota Gov Rounds today signed into law SB0089: SB0089 exempts from federal regulation any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Dakota.
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    Need Running Pro-Open Carry Online Petition Collecting 000,000s Signatures

    imported post Just read this in a Cincinnati paper: "The Brady Campaign also has an online petition calling for Starbucks to reverse its corporate policy, telling them, “Espresso shots, not gunshots.” Currently, there are more than 26,000 signatures on the petition." They keep the posting...
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    Boycotted Peet's Coffee Today

    imported post Happened to see a Peet's Coffee and although I was with my 4 yr old son, we waited in line and asked for a customer comment form. They were out so she gave me a pen and paper and I wrote the following to the District Manager for this part of California where I'm visiting: "Dear...
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    Contra Costa Times Anti-UOC Editorial

    imported post :banghead: http://www.contracostatimes.com/opinion/ci_14449344 Editorial: Message to Open Carry members: It's time to put the guns awayMediaNews editorial IT APPEARS some Bay Area residents feel that simply having a right to bear arms is not enough. They also feel they must...
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    DO [NO H] ARM Customized bumper stickers

    imported post I saw this on a car recently, a "DO NO HARM" bumper sticker with a flag pasted in the middle to cover the 'NO H' so it says "DO ARM" with a flag in the middle - brilliant!:celebrate
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    SD gets great score from Brady Bunch

    imported post SD scored 4 out of 100 - :celebrate Story at http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/art...cc4c03286.html If you want to have some fun, check out the discussion at http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/art...?mode=comments There is uniform local South Dakotan approval for the low Brady...
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    Vallejo is Ground Zero for Gun Rights vs Gun Control

    imported post Now they're pressuring Panama Red Coffee in Vallejo, my fav Brady doublespeak quote is: "We are not a party group," she said. "And we're not saying we want to do away with people's Second Amendment rights. But we are serious about stopping the tidal wave of gun violence sweeping...
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    Vallejo police advise citizens against arming themselves

    imported post http://www.timesheraldonline.com/ci_14379903 Nicely, the police spokesman Powell acknowledges the incorporation of Heller :dude: Vallejo police advise citizens against arming themselves By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen Posted:02/11/2010 01:20:23 AM PST Fearful Vallejo residents thinking...
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    Open Carry Cafe - Buffalo Gap SD Noon to 3pm - Sunday Aug 23

    imported post Please join us on Sunday Aug 23 from Noon to 3pm for a gathering of Open Carry supporters at the ad hoc 'Open Carry Cafe' in Buffalo Gap, SD - It will be in our town Auditorium - corner of Main and 3rd Street - see you there - Shooting from 3pm to 4pm, weather permitting, at the...
  12. T

    Need a Truck? Get Free AK-47!

    imported post I'm not in need of a truck but if I were, I'd head to Butler, MO for it! This Mark Mueller guy is awesome! The NRA should hire him, IMHO, to be a spokesman ~ I wish he had testified in the Sotomayor hearings ~ A Butler, Missouri, car dealer named Mark Mueller is giving away an...
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    Important Points from Seattle Weekly Article re Open Carry

    imported post http://opencarry.mywowbb.com/forum63/26380.html Some key points from the article: 1) Executive Director of Washington CeaseFire. "The question to ask is whether or not their fellow community members want them engaging in that behavior. They [open-carriers] may feel safe knowing...
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    NO FUD shirts

    imported post I found this because it seems to be a big part of the ethic here and my ethic in general - NO FUD - and it turns out that there's a guy who made a logo (don't know him) and sells these shirts and mugs - I'm gonna order the golf shirt - seems perfect for summer carry...
  15. T

    Roberti/Roos background - how it happened

    imported post Knowing how they work helps foil their plans: http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Politics/U...ti-Legislation After reading this, it seems to me that now that the 2A has been incorporated to CA via Nordyke, it is recognized as a fundamental right. The gov't is not allowed to infringe on...
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    Leg or Hip Holster Preferred?

    imported post Quick opinion question, what do people think the preference for a Leg Holster for open carry compared to a hip holster? I'm sensing that a hip holster is preferred ~ and I note that the guy in WI who had hassles was wearing a leg holster - Any input?:question:
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    Oceanside CA man arrested for Open Carry!

    imported post http://opencarry.mywowbb.com/forum4/22755.html
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    Oceanside CA man arrested for Open Carry!

    imported post See - http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=109497 Looks like he can use some support from the OC community -
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    Interactive Map of Recession Unemployment

    imported post Helpful map to see how your part of the country is doing: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2...NHARDT.html?hp Notice the huge swath thru the middle from S. Texas, straight up the Oglalla Aquifer north to OK, KS, NE, SD, ND along the Heartland Hwy appears to have pretty low...
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    Was Financial Crisis Orchestrated?

    imported post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xKPcyvlfnc Rep. Paul Kanjorski, (D-Pa.) chairman of the House Capitol Markets subcommittee admitted on C-SPAN that the current economic problems were the result of an “electronic run on the bank” that resulted in the hemorrhaging of $550 billion in...