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Search results

  1. Bill45

    Utah Concealed Carry license

    This is EXCELENT info. I checked Legal Heats web site. They have a class at Cabelas on June 22 also which is closer. I will sign up for that one. Thank you
  2. Bill45

    Utah Concealed Carry license

    Well I also may need to pass through Nevada. Utah does is not honored in Nevada. But I notice that an Oregon non resident permit is good in Nevada,Utah and Arizona. So perhapes a Oregon permit is easier to get. The WAC used to have conections to a Oregon Sheriff that would give Washington...
  3. Bill45

    Utah Concealed Carry license

    I understand that Wa. permit is not honored in several states (Arizona and Nevada) that I may need to travel through and Utahs is. Although I do not know if these other states recognize out of state posessors of a Utah license. Thanks for the info. I will check these out.
  4. Bill45

    Utah Concealed Carry license

    Does anybody know of a place in western Washington that gives classes for the Utah Conceal Carry License?
  5. Bill45

    9th circuit court of appeals ruling

    The 9th federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the Second Amendment protects the right to openly carry a gun in public for self-defense. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that Hawaii officials had violated George Young’s 2nd ammendment rights when he was denied a permit to...
  6. Bill45

    Can police confiscate your video?

    Here's the scenario: You have to defend your self while out walking the dog (or whatever) and you have to defend your self. Whether you shot some one or not or an aggressive dog or not, you pulled the gun and the police have been called. So, you videoed the whole event. Will the police...
  7. Bill45

    CPL renewal

    I renewed my CC license over 3 weeks and 2 days ago and have not received it. The South Sound 911 web site says it takes 3 to 4 weeks for an original but not how long for a renewal. I lost my receipt and my license expires August 27th. How long does it actually take to receive the license...
  8. Bill45

    The Safariland GLS holster

    A few months ago I switched from using the Serpa holster to the Safariland GLS. I have found it more natural mechanism to use and so far after hundreds of pratice draws it is functioning perfect. Does anyone else use this brand of retention holster? Anyone notice or heard of any problems or...
  9. Bill45

    Carry while renewing CPL?

    Tomorrow I am going in to renew my conceal carry license. Now that the licensing office is outside of the courthouse building in downtown Tacoma (formaly called the COUNTY/CITY building) is it legal to open/concealed carry in to renew my license? I say it is, but some friends say not. Who...
  10. Bill45

    A Christian Science Monitor Article on OC

    I found this article at the Christian Science Monitor site. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2015/0606/Man-with-rifle-scares-at-airport-How-important-is-civility-to-open-carry-video I post it here, as I found it relivant to the recent problems regarding what happened recently in Olympia...
  11. Bill45

    CC/OC in Montana be careful

    This is a heads up concerning a quirk in the Montana firearms laws. I was lurking around the Montana OC site the other day and read the sticky on Montana laws. I notice a item of interest that should concern persons traveling to that state. Namely that if you go into a restaurant that serves...
  12. Bill45

    Any sneaky, querky laws in Idaho?

    I was visiting the Montana OCDO site and noticed an interesting querk in their law. Namely that you MUST open carry and not concealed carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol even when you are seated in the "family" area if they serve drinks in that area. Concealed carry is legal only in non...
  13. Bill45

    Question from a out of stater

    So, after reading the sticky on Montana laws, do I read it right that you can ONLY open carry in a restraunt? That concealed carry is illegal? and if the restraunt serves alcohol even in the non-bar area that carry is prohibited? If this is so I have been breaking the law for years every time I...
  14. Bill45

    Civil Disobediance

    After I-594 goes into effect there should be a mass gathering in Olympia. We should all gather in a large circle and publicly pass our guns around the group untill we each have our own back. Lets see them arrest what would hopefully be 100 to 200+ people. In affect an exercise in public...
  15. Bill45

    Retaining an Attorney

    After reading of MSG's experience and his mentioning that he "went to see HIS attorney" I have some questions. How many people here have an attorney on retainer?. Is the attorney mainly retained for you as you are self-employed (therfor part of a business expense) or just for insurance in...
  16. Bill45

    Open Carry Pamphlet

    I have two styles of pamphlets. One with Thomas Jefferson's image and one with out. Which is the most recent or do they both have the same accuracy? Yes, I know I could read both of them, study them for subtle differences, but asking is less time consuming.
  17. Bill45

    open carry Lacy Cabela's

    Friday I was in the Lacy Cabela's having lunch (among other things) and noticed 4 to 6 men open carrying. What was unusuall was they all also had silver badges on their belts, except one man had a gold badge. They were all fairly fit and in their late 20's early 30's. So not your typical...
  18. Bill45

    Interesting news artical

    Although this happened in Maine it is interesting. I wonder how this would have gone down if it happened in Washington.: MADISON, Maine (AP) - A man with a realistic-looking tattoo of a gun on his stomach had the real thing tucked into his waistband when he was arrested, police said. Police...
  19. Bill45

    OC in McDonalds/Burger King

    I have gone to the Friend/Foe site to see about OC at the fast food joints and find no info. Has anyone had any experience OC at a McDs or Burger King in the Tacoma/Federal Way area? I go to one about 3X a month but due being at lunch from work can not carry. But on occasion will go eat there...
  20. Bill45

    Excellent spare mag holder

    Some of you may have already know about these but I just discovered them. A great horizontal magazine holder. It keeps your spare magazine up out of the way horizontally on your belt. They are called MagHolders. It works great. You can carry a spare magazine and not lose the use of a pants...