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Search results

  1. I

    Buy Starbucks on 2/14 counter protest the anti

    Wow.. so the Anti's were going to stage a protest for against Starbucks. Starbucks is not even PRO GUN, they are just pro COFFEE and have decided to simply follow the law. Here is a Facebook counter protest that now has over 5200 people confirmed to make a Starbucks purchase on 2/14 and over...
  2. I

    What does CalGun Fed do for you?

    What does CalGun Foundation do for you? http://calgunsfoundation.org/news-blog/press/197-calguns-foundation-sues-california-over-firearms-waiting-period-.html CALGUNS FOUNDATION SUES CALIFORNIA OVER FIREARMS WAITING PERIOD I do not know how to edit the title, should be foundation, not fed.
  3. I

    A personal request

    To all Second Amendment supporters. We have been trying for a long time to get all the different groups on the same page. Fighting for the common good. While no one will say that we do not have our own views and insights. We have our own wishes and dreams. WE ALL WANT THE SAME THING IN THE...
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    AB144 has risen from the dead!

    It has been pulled from the Inactive File. It is on second reading for Tuesday, Wed it will be 3rd reading file. It can be up for a vote Thursday or Friday.
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    Should LEO's be the only ones armed in public?

    The California Police Chiefs Association and the Peace Officers Research Assocation of California, claiming to represent the law enforcement community at large in the Golden State, have spoken out against the Open Carry Movement. Do they really even have a leg to stand on...
  6. I

    Contra Costa Open Carry Range Day

    Contra Costa Open Carry will be having a range day in Concord at he USI range. Everyone is invited to attend. The NRA will have a membership table set up for those that need to join. We all need to practice. Come on out and meet new friends. Saturday Aug, 6th range opens at 8 am...
  7. I

    Farmers market Antioch on sunday

    2504 Somersville Road, Antioch, CA, 9:00 a.m. Meet and greet, and buy some locally grown farm fresh produce.
  8. I

    Congrats ryan

    Good news, good news. Charged dropped for Ryan in L.A. http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=431472
  9. I


    I hope to see some of you at the committee meeting tomorrow.
  10. I

    Filibuster the 2011 gun bills dead? THIS WEDNESDAY!

    AB 809 Long Gun Registration -and- AB 144 the ban on open carry Will be heard Wednesday, however there are 189 bills to be heard in Appropriations ftp://leginfo.public.ca.gov/pub/dail...ar_Session.pdf This is an idea from a friend. Testify on every bill. One person testifying for two...
  11. I

    working together

    We proved that the 2A communities when we all come together, and work as a team can move mountains. We need to meet and talk and come up with a workable plan. The NRA, Cal-Guns, GOA, GOC, OC, CRPA, 2AF, Tea Party, DU, all of us need to be able to talk and communicate.
  12. I

    CCOC Monthly Dinner

    http://www.contracostaopencarry.org/events.php Antioch, CA Come on out the CCOC montly dinner meeting. Lets get together and discuss ideas to help disprove how we are a public safety hazard. Plan upcoming events, and just meet new friends. Great food and a welcoming Cafe. New Date and Local...
  13. I

    Home Depot/ Lowes Policy

    Letter have just been sent to the CEO's of both Home Depot, and Lowes re: their corp policy. I will post any reply I receive.
  14. I

    The Time Has Come For A National Open Carry Education Campaign

    "With the growing number of common, law-abiding citizens who are winning settlements against local municipalities for having their 2nd and 4th Amendment Rights violated, it is time for the law enforcement community to be educated regarding the Open Carry Movement on a mandatory basis."...
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    RCC Press Sec Yih-Chau Chang joins staff at Examiner.com

    Our very own has made the big time. Congrats go out to Chau for his first article in Examiner.com. Here is his first article debunking one of the popular myths of the gun control lobby. Despite the aggressive campaign of lies and propaganda, the anti-gunners' claims that standard and...
  16. I

    Man Claims Open Carry Law Helped Him Save Woman

    Man Says He Stopped Domestic Dispute With Unloaded Gun http://www.kcra.com/news/27084973/detail.html Watching the News now to see if they say anything.
  17. I

    "Take Back Our Rights" Campaign Protest

    Responsible Citizens of California is going to be partnering with the Tea Party and many other First and Second Amendment Rights groups in our "Take Back Our Rights" Campaign that will kick off in San Jose on March 12, 2011. Every weekend after that, we will be holding protests in different...
  18. I

    Empty Holster Protest 2011

    Time : Monday, April 4 at 12:00am - April 9 at 12:00am Location Everywhere Created By Students for Concealed Carry on Campus More Info In defense of self-defense on campus, and to support legislation removing penalties for self-protection, college students across the nation will strap on empty...
  19. I

    my letter to the Editor

    feel free to go and add a comment Contra Costa Times, http://www.contracostatimes.com/letters/ci_17341769 Crime Control not Gun Control Crime control We do not need more gun control laws. What we need is more punishment for those who use guns in crimes. Why punish law-abiding citizens...
  20. I

    fund raising ideas?

    We need to get a fund raiser going to help fight AB144 and any other anti Bills this year. Anyone have any idea's? Any contacts with gun shops that would donate to the cause? Any and all ideas will be listened to and we encourage all help. Thanks Dale