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Search results

  1. jahwarrior

    It's Benn Awhile...

    ...but some crybaby on Facebook was complaining that this forum was dead. So I guess I'll add some content. Oh wait....I can't. Mostly because between the time of my last post, and now, open carry has become so normalized that no one's given me the slightest shit over it here. Not cops, not...
  2. jahwarrior

    Carrying in PR...

    Has anyonehere actually done it yet? My parents live in PR, and I haven't seen them in about a year. I live in PA, open carry almost exclusively. I plan to go down to visit when funds allow. If I were to go, say, in August, would I have an issue bringing a firearm, and carrying on the island?
  3. jahwarrior

    IMPORTANT: Troubling Caselaw From Philly

    Comm v. Scarborough was published 04/07/2014 by the Superior Court. This was a stop and frisk case that originated with a violation of a Philly ordinance that prohibits operating a bicycle while using a cell phone.... The defendant ultimately is arrested for possessing a concealed firearm...
  4. jahwarrior

    Help With A Rossi 462

    I recently acquired one, and am looking for grips, holsters, etc, for it. The 462 is the 6 shot, 2" .357 model, close in size to the Ruger SP101, or Colt Detective Special. So...not quite a J frame. Anyone else carry one?
  5. jahwarrior

    Deadly Shooting Involving Alleged Open Carry

    http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news/local_news/Police-Involved_Fatal_Shooting_Tioga_Street_051112 I couldn't find the story about the shooting about the Temple University Hospital shooting. Reading this story, two things immediately came to mind: 1: The guy wasn't open carrying, but carrying...
  6. jahwarrior

    Life In Dickson City

    so, i took my son to get some vaccinations yesterday. rotovirus, hep b , and so on. he took them remarkably well, and i decided to stop at a Dunkin Donuts before heading home; there's one less than 2 blocks from my home. i decided to carry him in instead of of taking the stroller, because it...
  7. jahwarrior

    Finally Getting My Guns Back....Eventually...Someday....

    some background: i was prohibited for a year by a PFA my ex filed against me, for alleged abuse. it was all lies, but i was given the PFA anyway, because it turns out you don't need actual evidence to file one. it finally expired in June, and i was issued a new LTCF, and was given a gun by my...
  8. jahwarrior

    Not All Liberals, Are, Uh, Liberals? (dirty hippies need love, too)

    yesterday, to avoid packing stuff for our move, my girlfriend and i took a drive to Clark's Summit to go to Everything Natural, a health food/organic/vegan/hippie store. they're about the only place i can buy Dr. Bronner's soap around here, so off we went. we had our son with us, as well. he...
  9. jahwarrior

    Yesterday Was The Longest Day....

    okay, it wasn't that exciting. still, it's been awhile since i had anything to share. i guess open carry is becoming mundane in this area. i was walking out of the Giant Supermarket in Dickson City, pushing a cart with a few groceries. as i approached my car, a woman who had just exited hers...
  10. jahwarrior

    Semi-Negative LEO Encounter

    I took a walk to Carvel yesterday with my son. When I say walk, I mean I walked, while he slept in his stroller. Four blocks and a lot of sweat later, I walked up to the window, ordered an orange vanilla swirl, and walked over to the bench off to the side. There were two local PD patrolmen...
  11. jahwarrior

    My First Open Carry In Over A Year...

    ...should have gone smoothly, right? come on, it's me we're talking about! nothing's ever easy for me, man. i had a day of nothing to do today, at least until 3PM, when i had to take my son to his pediatrician. it was a nice enough day, but the weather was supposed to worsen later, so i...
  12. jahwarrior

    Constitutional Carry Threatened in NH

    http://pgnh.org/nra_pushes_gun_control_jeopardizes_constitutional_carry NRA PUSHES GUN CONTROL – JEOPARDIZES CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY [Posted Monday, May 9, 2011, at 9:00 a.m.] The following message was emailed to all members of Pro-Gun New Hampshire this morning: Dear PGNH member: We've...
  13. jahwarrior


    i know that most people who carry a gun for self defense also carry a knife or two...or three. i've yet to see a thread dedicated to knives here, so i'll start one. show us what ya got! folders. big fixed blades. neckers.
  14. jahwarrior

    Lackawanna County Seeks To Violate Preemption

    imported post ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ initiating facepalm of epic proportions... on the upside, Sheriff Szymanski has finally committed his views publicly to the media. i've been after him for two years...
  15. jahwarrior

    Trading Security for Liberty? (a Youtube video you must watch)

    imported post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGacRvgtC90 i just watched this, and i felt a slight wave of nausea wash over me. here is a man, who was once a Presidential cabinet member, believes it's acceptable to strip a person of their citizenship, and Constitutionally recognized rights...
  16. jahwarrior

    Open Carry, Ethnic Carry

    imported post i've written enough about my (poor) experiences with local law enforcement because of open carrying. i'm now convinced most my problem is my ethnic background. i know of plenty of other guys in my town who carry with little to no issues. a little about my background: i'm...
  17. jahwarrior

    Was Sunday an Open Carry Day?

    imported post seriously, was it? i ran into at least 5 guys who were carrying, and 4 of them doing so openly, all around town from Eynon, to Taylor, to Scranton. and not a single one of them is a member here, at that. i had my daughter today, and we went all over. ironically, i was concealed...
  18. jahwarrior

    Hey Look Kids! More Scranton PD Idiocy

    imported post today was a pretty beautiful day, was it not? i''d been out today, to walk the dog, walk to the store for a drink, and just to walk. my brother got a call from the bank earlier, and he remembered he needed to change some information regarding his account. so, i decided to walk...
  19. jahwarrior

    Another Police Interaction

    imported post Library police, that is! I wasn't even aware that the Scranton Public Library had a security staff. The other day, while leaving the library, I was approached by a member of the staff on the stairwell. "Do you have a permit for that?" I glanced at him briefly, then turned and...
  20. jahwarrior

    Some Police Interactions in NEPA

    imported post A few weeks ago, while using the computer at the local public library, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and that hand applied some pressure. I quickly snapped my neck to my right, to see 3 officers standing there. The one that had his hand on my shoulder began to tug on my gun. It...