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Search results

  1. thnycav

    My Weapons

    imported post Here is the firearms I now own. I will be getting a few more during the year. The top one is a 308 Lee Enfield , 22 Marlin antique ( no searl numbers) 22 Winchester model 69, Glock 30 (my primary carry weapon) US 38 police positive, Colt new army 44, Remington Army 44, Browning...
  2. thnycav

    This is an ad

    imported post http://blutube.policeone.com/Clip.aspx?key=94844F39DAF28F0A
  3. thnycav

    Check this out

    imported post http://splodetv.com/more-gun-laws-more-gun-crimes
  4. thnycav

    Check out this out truth about assault weapons

    imported post http://splodetv.com/truth-about-assault-weapons