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When i was denied..the Pawn shop gave me the NICS denial form with the # needed to reference. Now i need to go get a copy of my fingerprints and send all that in.. As far as inadvertently signing that form giving up my rights...i sure hope Not!
Well..actually the loan is for 90 days.. The paperwork states that the loan is for an item that is registered in my name..otherwise i wouldn't have been able to Pawn it.. No matter if it is a rifle or a gold ring.. If it wasn't my property..i wouldn't be able to Pawn it.. So..having said that..i...
Ya..and the thing that gets me is only "liscened dealers" can run this check! And in order to run the check..shouldn't the identity verification process be the same? I mean ...it's all done via the internet!! What does he provide them that I couldnt? I mean..it is my property after all!
Well..i appreciate all your advice..I'll go thru the steps and see what happens..but like i said..i wish i could just call and actually talk to someone and see why I'm being denied. I mean..i am the registered owner.. It is my property! I have done nothing that should revoke my right!! I feel as...
Well here's the thing.. He wouldn't let be take it cause he said i was denied but allowed me to pay the interest on the Pawn and repawn it.. They are a fairly reputable shop in town.. He even called the ATF while i was there because so far this is the second time i was denied since i pawned it...
Hey..thank you for the reply.. No it was not a felony Dui .. Gross misdemeanor.. First offense. My attorney said there should be No reason why i should have been denied. I know that they are constantly doing things with the whole gun laws and restrictions.. Semi auto, assault rifle, large...
Was arrested for a Dui.. Plead not guilty.. With all the new financial issues that I'm facing, I got a loan on my AR-15..from the same Pawn shop that i bought it from. When i went to pick it ..i was denied after the background check. I have no felonies or domestic violence charges! Nor have i...