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The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Well that's a blow huh? Boyscout what do you think about this? I know you said in the past that you go to Target over Wal-Mart since they are OC friendly. Have you carried openly at Target lately? If so, did you have any issues?
I was thinking of putting plastic baggie over it. I am just not sure if that would be considered a concealed weapon? I know I definitely don't want to just carry it in the rain and let it get wet.
I meant gun not gin in the title.
Instead of starting a new thread I am just going to use this one to share my OC stories.*
Today I was walking down rt 1 in Saco crossing into Scarborough to go to the Seafood store by rite aid. Usually walking down RT1 nobody notices I am carrying due to the traffic traveling at a high rate...
I just wanted to thank all you guys for the work you've done to for the most part normalise open carry in Maine. I have been carrying for a few weeks now without any major issues. (there was the one manager at Hannaford in Saco that asked me to leave but he turned out to be in the wrong...
I did not see this in any other post, sorry if it is discussed somewhere else, if so please delete. We need to write/call our elected officials and tell them we oppose this ridiculous bill. Any thoughts on whether or not it will become law...
So I am buying a gun this week and I need some advice. I am using it mainly for home defense as my home was recently broken into while I sat on my couch! Luckily I was able to overpower the psycho! I will admit I am ignorant when it comes to caliber and all that. I am looking for something...
Link to a video of a two men with guns trying to rob a internet cafe.. A patron shoots at the robbers and they flea.. Thought some of you might find it interesting.
I have searched a few different sites and looked up laws but wanted to double check... Would it be legal for me to carry a long gun and a side arm at the same time? I only ask because I believe this issue was discussed a while back but I can't locate the thread.
I did limited research and did not find anything on stop and identify statues.... can anyone verify that there is indeed no stop and identify statues in MA?