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Search results

  1. J

    Spring set in magizines

    Hi Everyone, I'd like opinions on spring set (memory) for magizines. I still rotate mine about every 3 months, but I've been told by alot of folks you don't have to any more because the steel used nowadays is alot better and you can leave your magizines loaded for a year or longer. Some...
  2. J

    Nevada Legisiature Concerns

    Does anyone have more info on the proposed bills coming up for next session ? I think there are 2 concerning eminent domain ( heard one had to do with defending the home ) also one on the " castle doctrine " and 2 dealing with concealed carry. One on C.C. was to allow Military Police under 21...
  3. J

    Kaliforna open carry on the rocks ?

    imported post Our neighbors to the west are in danger of loosing their right to open carry ? Anyone else here about this or is it old news ?
  4. J

    Must Declare To Remain Silent

    imported post Heard today on the news that if you don't want to talk to Law Officer's you must tell them so . Just not talking does not automatically mean you are exercising your right to remain silent. According toa ruling by The Federal Supreme Court.
  5. J

    Democracy and Gun Owners

    imported post You all may have seen this already. It never hurts to be reminded. check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDMeDmVOufU
  6. J

    2nd Amendment March

    imported post From what I understand the 2nd Amendment March is tentively sent for April 19th in Wash. D.C. ...Supportive marches were to be scheduled at state capitals around the same time for those unable to make the trip back east......does anyone have any info. on this?Is one being planned...