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Search results

  1. Dave_pro2a

    Local WA resident celebrates passing of anti-gun law

  2. Dave_pro2a

    Zippy cafe in Everett

    Www.Cafezippy.com 2811 Wetmore Ave Espresso cafe that also serves beer and wine. Has child's play area in back. No room dividers except for employee only area. Posted "no guns" sign. Cites RCW 9.41.300(d) Obviously incorrect as under 21 are allowed in the establishment.
  3. Dave_pro2a

    Most important legal cites during a LEO encounter

    What are the most important legal citations (or principles) to memorize and adhere if stopped by LEO? For instance, I hear alot about asking about RAS. What's the specific case to cite? Any others that have to do with a stop, a search, reasonable suspicion or being detained?
  4. Dave_pro2a

    Suicide at West Coast Armory in Bellevue?

    Rumor is there was a suicide at the Bellevue West Coast Armory on Sunday. I've seen some first hand accounts of confirmation, and also some denials. Nothing in the media to date.
  5. Dave_pro2a

    WA AWB more likely than Federal AWB

    IMHO, I think it's more likely WA passes a CA style AWB than the Feds. Thoughts?
  6. Dave_pro2a

    Cafe Racer Mass Muderer's dad casts blame on lax gun laws in WA

    http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/dannywestneat/2018416729_danny13.html Maybe, just maybe, he should have taken PERSONAL responsibility to prevent his mentally ill son from committing mass murder. That would be the, you know, RATIONAL approach.
  7. Dave_pro2a

    "Just like a sex offender"

    http://www.kplu.org/post/seattle-make-gun-offenders-register-sex-offenders Liberal wackadoodles have themselves worked up into a frenzy.
  8. Dave_pro2a

    RIP: John Williams. Lest we forget

    His totem pole was raised today at the Seattle Center. May this totem pole be a gift that keeps giving to the City of Seattle, and its Police Department. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Totem-pole-honors-slain-Seattle-woodcarver--140501113.html
  9. Dave_pro2a

    Negligent discharge at a Starbucks

    Since we all love guns and coffee: ND at a starbucks http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2011-12-28/starbucks-gun-fires/52252886/1 BTW she was carrying illegally (underage). That's good for us imho, since it won't give anti-gunners ammo to try and make Starbucks change their policy...
  10. Dave_pro2a

    Lok-It Up program (King County funded)

    Interesting program funded by tax payers: http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/injury/lokitup.aspx Kinda stepping outside the legitimate area of a health agency imho. "Gun Facts" http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/injury/lokitup/firearmfacts.aspx Here's a tip, focus...
  11. Dave_pro2a

    Eastside versus Seattle

    The other day I saw a young woman carving on a stick with a knife in downtown Woodinville... in front of a bank. No one was shot by the police, or even accosted. It's a Christmas miracle in June. [the above is a true story]
  12. Dave_pro2a

    OT: Praise for 4 local Correction Officers

    Since we here on the OC forum often get (falsely) accused of cop bashing, I wanted to take a second and give some explicit praise to 4 apparently outstanding officers: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2015008457_jailassault10m.html Corrections Officer Richard Harr assaulted an...
  13. Dave_pro2a

    Why are police so rude? (an interesting UK article)

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1361052/DAVID-GILBERTSON-Why-police-rude-Because-trained-be.html There's more in the linked story. Just an interesting article.
  14. Dave_pro2a

    Cops versus Cameras a "nationwide fight"

    http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2011-01-27/news/cops-vs-cameras-filming-cops-illegal/ An interesting article about filming the police. It talks about 2 citizen journalist who have taken on this cause, and pushed the boundaries (and buttons). It also talks about the 'raising ire' of law...
  15. Dave_pro2a

    WA State Senate nominee arrested in Vegas with for illegal CCW

    A little off topic, but a whole lot of funny. You'd think someone with political aspirations would be more careful. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2014065475_nomineegun29m.html
  16. Dave_pro2a

    ATF announcement monday re importing shotguns

    http://blog.princelaw.com/2011/1/20/atf-to-issue-new-ruling-on-monday-regarding-new-restrictions-on-shotgun-importation Looks like they might forbid future importing of Saigas as "no-sporting purpose."
  17. Dave_pro2a

    How to get massive media attention for the OC movement

    There's a surefire way to get massive media attention for the OC movement. I'm talking regional, national, internet (gizmodo, boing boing, digg, blogosphere, etc), and probably international news coverage too. Now, I'm not saying this would show OC in a positive light -- but there is that...
  18. Dave_pro2a

    How to record the police: Reason article

    Interesting article about recording the police http://reason.com/archives/2010/09/20/how-to-record-the-cops BoingBoing focused on one fascinating part: You can record video and/or audio with an Iphone or Android phone... but rather than saving it as a file on your phone it streams back to an...
  19. Dave_pro2a

    Lead Ammunition in Jeopardy in Washington State!

    imported post didn't see the first thread. Please delete as duplicite topic.
  20. Dave_pro2a

    5 shootings this weekend is Komo 4's lead in story

    imported post On Komo today the lead in story was "5 shootings this weekend!" It seems to me like the media attention toward gun violence has gotten more pronounced that normal. They are pushing the stories even more than normal. http://www.komonews.com/news/20640084.html...