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A personal request


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2010
Oakley, California, United States
To all Second Amendment supporters.

We have been trying for a long time to get all the different groups on the same page. Fighting for the common good. While no one will say that we do not have our own views and insights. We have our own wishes and dreams.
WE ALL WANT THE SAME THING IN THE END. The advancement of our civil rights in CA.
Be it individual, CCOC, NORCAL OC, RCC, CGF, COA, COC, NRA, CRPA, DU, ....... we all want the same thing at its base.

Please lets all try to get along.

Save Our State

Regular Member
Feb 18, 2011
The Golden State
To all Second Amendment supporters.

We have been trying for a long time to get all the different groups on the same page. Fighting for the common good. While no one will say that we do not have our own views and insights. We have our own wishes and dreams.
WE ALL WANT THE SAME THING IN THE END. The advancement of our civil rights in CA.
Be it individual, CCOC, NORCAL OC, RCC, CGF, COA, COC, NRA, CRPA, DU, ....... we all want the same thing at its base.

Please lets all try to get along.

I can tell you that every movement has similar problems, and rightly so. That's because we all don't feel exactly the same. We just want enough of the same things to have ended up on the same playing field at the same time. Along with that, each movement has its' share of powerful and boisterous operators. Those types are prone to press their issues more forcefully than the general population. My home effort is the immigration law enforcement arena, and we went through a nasty bit of that internal battles the past few years. Lots of people went through personal beat downs, but some of us just dug in and let time and reason sift some of the more antagonisitic ones out. No sense in trying to get everyone totally on the same page, because it will never happen. The best thing to happen is that let democracy work, and the majority should prevail.
One of our associates once remarked to me that he wondered what the back story was on our forefathers, the original signors and activists of the American revolution. There may have been all sorts of the same fights going on in that effort

Beretta9mm (army)

Regular Member
Oct 17, 2011
i wounder. if it would be possibal to make a new group that is focused on every 2a right. on this sight we fight more for OC. other for CC and other for future laws. other for changing the excisting laws. what if their was a group that had no focus in jsut one area. but fought for them all equaly. being hardhitting in ever aspect. i am curently in afganastand fighting for the rights of the constution. but what if we got tougher with a coppel ppl in this group and a coppel ppl for every other group. and in this new group it would start off as a grassroots but i think in about a year or 2 it could grow big enough to where you could start having membership fees. i think keeping it low would be the key. say $25 a year and $150 for life. kind of like the nra but it would be more a demorcy group where the issues and ways of dealing with them would be voted on by the members. then a spoksman would be the one to put thows votes in to action and make shure the will of the members was done. not that i dont like the nra. i think they have their own agenda. i would much rather see a 2nd major group rize up that is at its base lead by the people. im shure in alot of cases even work with the nra as even the nra would be apart of its member base. but by having low fees would alow more people to join. i dont think membership should be needed to post in a blog but inorder to vote on the actions they want the group to take it should be nessasary. dont get me wrong. i will always be loyal to OCDO. i just want a way to make shure every right im fighting over hear in afganastand for is given and not taken away.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2011

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your service to our country.

You've made some interesting points. It will be good to see the responses to your post.
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Regular Member
Mar 9, 2010
Oakley, California, United States
I too, want to welcome you to the forum an d thank you for your service. It is because of men and women like you that I and many others are free to express our views.

As for your question. There is already that group. While we do want open carry, We will fight for all our civil rights and will not give up the fight until CA is a Constitutional Carry state.
That group, is Responsible Citizens of California.
another is Contra Costa Open Carry

Beretta9mm (army)

Regular Member
Oct 17, 2011
thank you, thats good to know. i do satcom for the army. so as a cilivian job californa is one of the only places i can go (other than the middel east) for work. that and my parents live their and i spend alot of time their. in arizona we have the arizona citizens defence leage (amazing group) every year they help get lots of bills into the legestion to be voted on. and work hard to get anti gun bills out of legalation. so i think what you said it the CA equlivent of what we have in AZ. i plan to move their in a coppel years so i am going to do all i can to help now so it will hopefuly be better by the time i live their. off topic i wish my unit would alow me to sine out my M-16 to open carry with on the streets of kaille. but thats not even close to leagel lol.

Guy B. Meredith

Regular Member
Jan 24, 2010
Salem, Oregon
Contra Costa Open Carry? Wow. That is a challenge and I really, sincerely wish you the best. I guess the best starting point is electing a new sheriff.

I have been in Salem, Oregon just a bit over 5 months now after being laid off and moving from San Ramon. I feel like a mountain has been removed from my shoulders. I will be getting a CHL ASAP and just get a real kick out of unregulated ammo, machine guns (no personal interest, just like the freedom), "shall issue" CHL, no firearms "safety" check extortion list, EBRs galore.

Now Oregon is a liberal state in the true meaning of the word. I hope you are able to show California that liberal does not mean elitist or nanny. You really need to pound relentlessly on the idea that if other states get along fine without the regulation then California should be able to as well.

The big problem is that elitists don't trust the average person so you need to ask whether they really think that California (SF and LA specifically) so attract the dregs of society that they really need the regulations. If so, suggest a local solution that does not discriminate against the quality citizens in the rest of the state outside LA and SF.
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