Regular Member
Anything special I need to know on carring into L-ville from Ind? I'll be on my MC and going to a liquor store and then a 'adult' estishment. Coming from NE IND to get some MM. Turn around and go home.
Anything special I need to know on carring into L-ville from Ind? I'll be on my MC and going to a liquor store and then a 'adult' estishment. Coming from NE IND to get some MM. Turn around and go home.
Citing this post about our laws here: http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?99708-Kentucky-Gun-Laws
You may open carry, albeit unloaded, in a place that sells alcohol by the drink, and makes more than 50% of its income from said alcohol. I'm not sure about a liqour store, but I've had no problems OC'ing unloaded in the local liqour stores so far. But keep in mind the unloaded part about "adult" places, as they usually sell alcohol by the drink.
Refer to the post I linked for any other questions, and I'm sure others will be along to point you in a more informed direction~ <3
Correction: If the place sales ANY alcohol by the drink to be consumed on the premise and does not make more than 50% of FOOD with a SEATING CAPACITY of at least 50 people then you can only carry unloaded OC. If it makes most of its money on anything else (dancers, bowling, etc) then you have to do unloaded OC. Restaurants are the only exception.
But I feel that this will matter very little, most bars/strip clubs have a 'no weapons' policy. If they only have a sign but do not verbally tell you you cannot carry then you are not legally trespassing, but as soon as it is relayed to you verbally, if you do not leave, then you are trespassing.
You may open carry, albeit unloaded, in a place that sells alcohol by the drink, and makes more than 50% of its income from said alcohol. I'm not sure about a liqour store, but I've had no problems OC'ing unloaded in the local liqour stores so far. But keep in mind the unloaded part about "adult" places, as they usually sell alcohol by the drink.
You can OC loaded in a liquore store. They do not sell alcohol by the drink for on premesis consumption.