I am unable to make it (just made a tuition payment...

), but if it is at the fairgrounds, I imagine there should be a good crowd. The policy (if I understand it correctly) is only asking that you unload your firearms prior to entering; for example, I had a door guy at the Tucson show zip-tie my 1911 as visible "proof" of being unloaded.
One tip: nail clippers work very well for removal after the show (less chances of marring the finish).
Of anyone feels like skipping out of the show because of this, but isn't preoccupied maybe we can do an OC lunch?
Feel free to post a time and place; if you post it, they will come.
Would like to be able to make it, but I'm a bit tied up and will have to stay down here in Tucson. It's rather unfortunate seeing as I'd like to swing by the Triune Defense table to pick up a sample bag of their .45 ACP to test it out. I'll just have to wait for the next Tucson show.